Immerzeel--George E. (Class of 1948; Laboratory School Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 31 of 31 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI to sponsor math workshop in Des Moines
Public Relations News Release 1980:283, p.1
A workshop on focusing on teaching techniques of math will be held in Des Moines and sponsored by UNI.
2 Computers in classroom
Northern Iowan 77:7, p.6
Conference will be held at UNI.
3 Math conference to be held September 26 at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1980:57, p.1
The annual Mathematics Conference will go over such areas as; computers in the classroom, the use of calculators, and strategies of teaching basic math.
4 George Immerzeel
Northern Iowan 76:61, p.3
Will speak at the 4th International Congress on Mathematical Education, held in California.
5 Price Lab School's influence spans U.S.
UNI Century 7:4, p.4
Survey of projects and research undertaken at PLS which have been used by other schools; photo.
6 Lab school project meets need for math skills
Northern Iowan 73:33, p.11
Description of the Iowa Problem-Solving Project.
7 UNI receives grant to devise math program
UNI Century 3:1, p.4
Receives $49,000 to develop supplemental math programs for elementary schools.
8 LAB school profs write math series
Northern Iowan 68:56, p.2
Professors Immerzeel and Wiederanders talk about their work.
9 Two UNI profs to lecture at Denver math conference.
Northern Iowan 68:37, p.8
Professors Schwandt and Immerzeel will attend meeting.
10 The many-faceted Price Lab School
Alumnus 57:1, p.7
Detailed look at teaching, research, and special programs at Lab School; photo.
11 In Order of Suggested Priority - Price Lab School
Public Relations News Release 1972:131, p.1
Eight photographs listed by order of suggested priority detailing the activities and history of Price Lab School.
12 Price Lab School
Public Relations News Release 1972:130, p.1
General information about the history and current happenings at Price Lab School, now celebrating 90 years in operation.
13 UNI Prof Aids in Development of New Math Materials
Public Relations News Release 1970:264, p.1
Professor George Immerzeel was one of three matematics educators to serve on a National Council of Teachers of Mathematics committee.
14 13 faculty members are elected to state offices
College Eye 63:21, p.7
List of SCI staff and their offices.
15 Dial M for modern mathematics
Alumnus 50:2, p.2
Professor Immerzeel demonstrates his "electrowriter", which sends and receives handwritten messages simultaneously with voices via telephone connections; photo.
16 Immerzeel instructs 4,500 with electronic blackboard
College Eye 59:18, p.4
George Immerzeel demonstrates "Electrowriter" for use with distant educational sites; photo.
17 SCI faculty to participate in 110th ISEA Convention
College Eye 59:5, p.3
Roster of fourteen faculty who will be participating.
18 Immerzeel to speak at Beloit for conference
College Eye 56:4, p.6
Will address mathematics education conference.
19 ISTC to hold science and mathematics workshops
Public Relations News Release 1960:459, p.1
Professor Ross Nielsen directs the summer Science and Mathematics Seminar for junior high students, held at Price Laboratory School. Instructors include Albert Potter, Walter Gohman, Donald Wiederanders, and George Immerzeel. Students listed.
20 Price Elementary School to hold math conference
Public Relations News Release 1960:322, p.1
Professor Guy Wagner presides over the Elementary School Mathematics Conference at Price Laboratory School. Faculty speakers include Ross Nielsen, George Immerzeel, Richard Lattin, Owen Nelson, Max Hosier, Mildred Norris, and Ruth Hutcheson.
21 14 ISTC staff members to participate in ISEA competition
Public Relations News Release 1960:84, p.1
Fourteen faculty members are to speak at the Iowa State Education Association convention in Des Moines. Members of the departments of education, psychology, industrial arts, mathematics, and language are to attend.
22 14 ISTC staff members to participate in ISEA competition
Public Relations News Release 1960:83, p.1
Fourteen faculty members are to speak at the Iowa State Education Association convention in Des Moines. Members of the departments of education, psychology, industrial arts, mathematics, and language are to attend.
23 27 new staff, faculty appointments made
College Eye 52:1, p.1
Dr. Lang announces new faculty and staff; roster of new people with their assignments.
24 ISTC to offer community class on college mathematics
Public Relations News Release 1960:25, p.1
George Immerzeel instructs a mathematics course integrating algebra, trigonometry, and analytical geometry at the Price Laboratory School. The course textbook was written by Professors H. C. Trimble and Fred Lott.
25 Four alumni are among new additions to ISTC faculty
Alumnus 45:3, p.8

List of faculty changes.

26 Teaching Begins Education Experiments
Old Gold 0:0, p.113

New experiments conducted by the Teaching Department, such as Spanish for elementary students and a new math program for the junior and senior high schools; photos.

27 Department of Teaching
Old Gold 0:0, p.55
The Teaching Department established new off-campus teaching centers this year for future use; in the fall of '57, a field house addition to the laboratory school building is expected to be completed; photo.
28 Chicago educator to address conference
College Eye 48:24, p.1
Hobart Somers will speak at Secondary Education Conference.
29 Twenty eight new appointments to faculty
College Eye 48:1, p.3
Very brief profiles of new faculty.
30 Mr. and Mrs. George Immerzeel
Alumnus 33:3, p.22
The parents of Linda Lee, who was born on February 26, 1949.
31 Campus Commentary
College Eye 38:33, p.3
Discusses the Pen Magazine, teacher George Immerzeel, memorable events in the past year, and announces Wayne Gard as Student of the Week in its last publication in the Eye.