Ingram--David B. (Philosophy Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 A question of ethics; how education meets the task
Nonpareil 71:3, p.2
Survey of UNI faculty's efforts to incorporate ethics into a variety of courses; photo.
2 Ingram accepts Loyola position; Search for replacement begins
Northern Iowan 83:60, p.3
Conducting informal search.
3 Students too accepting of changes in education
Northern Iowan 83:44, p.2
Feels students need to make themselves aware of changes in financial aid.
4 French students protest tuition increase
Northern Iowan 83:43, p.7
David Ingram talks about the protest against educational reform.
5 Paris student protest to be highlighted
Northern Iowan 83:42, p.6
David Ingram will talk about protest.
6 Speech examines religious beliefs
Northern Iowan 83:40, p.6
David Ingram talks about concepts of God; photo.
7 Ingram to discuss concept of God
Public Relations News Release 83:38, p.6
David Ingram will speak on faith.
8 Regents approve promotions of 27, tenure for 15 UNI faculty members
Public Relations News Release 1986:304, p.1

Both actions will take effect in the 1986 fall semester.

9 Regents approve professional development leaves for 20 UNI faculty
Public Relations News Release 1986:203, p.1
Leaves were approved for the 1986-1987 school year; six leaves are for the fall, eight for the spring and six for the entire year; list of those taking a leave.
10 Pornography discussed at forum
Northern Iowan 81:35, p.7
Excerpts from the discussion.
11 Pornography forum and film tonight
Northern Iowan 81:34, p.4
Preview of the event.
12 Marxism conference at UNI this week
Northern Iowan 81:11, p.10
Over 40 scholars, religious workers, and social activists will participate in a conference on Marxism and religion.
13 Department teaches the most students in general education
Old Gold 0:0, p.32
The Department of Philosophy and Religion teach more students in general education than any other department; photo.