# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | "Insure Your Future" unveils first-of-its-kind internship program Northern Iowan 119:16, p.1 |
Insure Your Future is an internship program created by various insurance companies in Iowa to provide more internship for college students starting in the summer of 2023; photo. | |
2 | Insurance increases for UNI, staff Northern Iowan 114:27, p.2 |
UNI has had an increase in their insurance costs when revisions were made to the Iowa Public Employment Relations Act. The insurance increase could be as much as $3500 per family. The revision has also limited what employees are able to negotiate. | |
3 | NISG debates psychiatric charge Northern Iowan 112:36, p.3 |
Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) members Alex Stepanek and Parker Bennett write about NISG's discussions on the proposed change in billing for psychiatric services at the Student Health Center and its resolution to seek more information; photo. |
4 | Charges for mental health services proposed Northern Iowan 112:31, p.2 |
In order to hire additional staff to meet student needs, the Student Health Center has proposed billing students for psychiatric care, a currently free service; photo. |
5 | Understanding the Affordable Care Act Northern Iowan 110:28, p.1 |
UNI hosted an information session about the Affordable Care Act, which goes into effect January 1, 2014. UNI's student health insurance plan meets all of the requirements of the ACA. Many people said they benefited from the information session; photo. |
6 | UNI to host free educational forum on the Affordable Care Act Tuesday, Dec. 10 Public Relations News Release 2013:135, p.1 |
UNI will host a free educational forum on the Affordable Care Act. Stephene Moore, Health and Human Services regional director, will present information on the Affordable Care Act. | |
7 | Obamacare could affect student hours Northern Iowan 110:22, p.1 |
Due to the Affordable Care Act, UNI is looking into limiting student employee hours to twenty hours a week. This will help the university to reign in insurance fees once the Affordable Care Act has been implemented. | |
8 | Correcting inaccuracies in insurance policy story Northern Iowan 109:9, p.3 |
Associate Provost Klafter responds to proposed mandatory insurance policy for international students in previous article (Sept. 21, vol. 109, issue 8). | |
9 | Proposed mandatory insurance policy sparks petition Northern Iowan 109:8, p.1 |
International students want the option to choose the type and amount of health insurance coverage. Ajay Abraham has started a petition to lobby for the freedom to choose. Students feel ignored by the associate provost for international programs; photo. |
10 | NationWide Mutual Insurance Company makes a significant investment in business education at UNI Public Relations News Release 2011:224, p.1 |
A $300,000 endowment has been made by NationWide Mutual Insurance to ensure that UNI Business can retain the top professors in the market. | |
11 | Obama adds stipulation to Affordable Care Act to deal with religious opposition Northern Iowan 108:38, p.1 |
Religious organizations do not need to provide contraceptives to insured employees under the new announcement by the President; photo. |
12 | 'Getting Covered' highlights benefits of Affordable Care Act Northern Iowan 108:9, p.1 |
New legislation allows students to remain on their parents insurance until age 26. The act also prevents insurance companies from cutting off coverage due to illness of high medical cost. The seminar was well received. | |
13 | New club seeks to provide financial literacy education Northern Iowan 108:7, p.1 |
Financial Literacy Club to meet weekly for two hour meetings. The first hour will be spent discussing major topics like taxes, insurance, or investments. No products are being sold. The goal of the group is education. | |
14 | Student battles cystic fibrosis Northern Iowan 106:52, p.7 |
Graduate student Kelsey Wegner talks about how she deals with cystic fibrosis; Great Strides walk benefits research on the disease. | |
15 | Healthcare legislation to affect college students Northern Iowan 106:49, p.1 |
New regulations allow college students to stay on their parents health care plans, while in school. Starting in 2014, tax credits for young adults making up to $43,000 go into effect; photo. | |
16 | Socialized medicine is already here Northern Iowan 106:45, p.5 |
Saving money and increased healthcare coverage bring with them increased taxes and a percentage increase on insurance plans on the wealthy and probably others yet to be identified. | |
17 | A gilded Robin Hood Northern Iowan 106:45, p.5 |
Concerns expressed about the newly signed Health Care Plan. Author agrees something needed to be done, but uncertain this is the correct method. Effects on the deficit are yet to be known. | |
18 | Solution to our health care Northern Iowan 2008:28, p.6 |
Elimination of doctor greed seen as the solution to the health care problem in the United States. | |
19 | Mental health in the U. S. Northern Iowan 106:21, p.7 |
The newly passed Affordable Health Care for America Act allows mental health care coverage. Mental illness accounts for fifteen per cent of disease burdens in the U. S.; photo. | |
20 | Debates on health care Northern Iowan 106:1, p.10 |
Believes that concerns about socialism are clouding the minds of Americans when they consider the options for universal health care in the United States; photo. | |
21 | Uninsured college students a common problem Northern Iowan 104:8, p.2 |
Parents need to be certain that their child is covered by insurance when heading off to college. | |
22 | The Culture Corner Northern Iowan 103:30, p.6 |
Thoughts concerning Martin Luther King, Jr., Chicago Cubs, Chicago Bears, and home owners insurance. | |
23 | Fire on College Street forces students out of apartments Northern Iowan 102:49, p.1 |
Fire damaged apartments at 2113 College Street (Hidden Valley Apartments); extensive damage to a portion of the building; no one injured; photo. | |
24 | Gilchrist damage worse than expected Northern Iowan 102:18, p.1 |
Fire in Gilchrist Hall caused departments there to be moved to buildings across campus; hope to return before the close of November; photo. | |
25 | What you might not know about renter's insurance Northern Iowan 102:18, p.4 |
Students living on campus and elsewhere should look into renter's insurance to protect their belongings. | |
26 | IowaCare health insurance helps low-income, but limited coverage Northern Iowan 102:14, p.4 |
IowaCare is available to people 19-64, but services are offered only at the University Hospitals in Iowa City and Broadlawns in Des Moines. | |
27 | State universities consider mandatory insurance for insufficient policy holders Northern Iowan 101:44, p.1 |
UNI is considering requiring students who do not have health insurance to purchase the plan offered by the university. | |
28 | MTV 'Rocks the Vote' at UNI Northern Iowan 101:16, p.1 |
MTV Rock the Vote campaign makes stop at UNI in order to encourage young people to vote; photo. | |
29 | Students encouraged to check out insurance policies Northern Iowan 101:15, p.1 |
Health Center begins sale of insurance to college students at the rate of $770 per 12 month period. | |
30 | Renters insurance recommended for apartments, dorms Northern Iowan 101:12, p.1 |
Advocates students purchasing some form of renters insurance for the residence halls or off-campus apartments; photo. | |
31 | Health Center now offers student insurance plan Northern Iowan 100:2, p.1 |
Some insurance companies have dropped dependent college students from their parents' plans; insurance is now available for college students; photo. | |
32 | Insurance program bridges gap Northern Iowa Today 87:2, p.15 |
Alumni Association promoting insurance for students after graduation. | |
33 | Are your insurance rates too high? Public Relations News Release 2002:300, p.1 |
Arthur Cox will talk about the recent rise in insurance rates for businesses. | |
34 | Fire procedures save lives, reduce losses in emergencies Northern Iowan 96:12, p.1 |
Dorm residents are reminded of fire alarm procedures and encouraged to check their insurance policies for coverage of losses in dormitory fires. | |
35 | Renter's insurance: do you have it? Northern Iowan 96:6, p.5 |
Renter's insurance is a good idea for students who live off campus. | |
36 | Health insurance crucial, often overlooked by college grads Northern Iowan 95:34, p.5 |
Recent graduates may get caught without health insurance between the time they graduate and the time they begin a job. | |
37 | Untitled Northern Iowan 93:20, p.12 |
Insurance claims adjuster photographs a car. | |
38 | Rolling the dice on health insurance Northern Iowan 92:36, p.6 |
Balances risks of carrying health insurance. | |
39 | College students' insurance needs Public Relations News Release 1995:5, p.1 |
Parents need to check on coverage for their college age children. | |
40 | Walk if you can't afford auto insurance Northern Iowan 88:42, p.2 |
Explains law regarding liability. | |
41 | Is it time to modify the U.S. insurance system? Public Relations News Release 1990:618, p.1 |
High insurance costs are believed to cause many families to have no health care coverage. | |
42 | Insurance funds go belly-up. What can consumers do? Public Relations News Release 1990:519, p.1 |
Consumers should do more research into the stability of insurance companies, in light of recent bankruptcies. | |
43 | Confused about your insurance policy: you're not alone Public Relations News Release 1990:215, p.1 |
Consumers advised to shop around before purchasing a new insurance policy. | |
44 | UNI health insurance increases Northern Iowan 85:26, p.1 |
UNI increases premiums to remain in compliance with non-discrimination laws. | |
45 | Insurance funding reviewed Northern Iowan 81:57, p.3 |
Auditors recommend change in handling of insurance dividend and interest fund. | |
46 | Phi Beta Lambda Northern Iowan 77:28, p.4 |
Will hear about life insurance. | |
47 | Get insured before loss occurs Northern Iowan 77:8, p.1 |
Agent offers advice on insuring property. | |
48 | UNI insurance Northern Iowan 74:8, p.4 |
Students should consider health insurance offer. | |
49 | Insurance aim at women's market Northern Iowan 73:45, p.3 |
Local agents will survey women. | |
50 | CLU course Northern Iowan 70:22, p.13 |
Professor Evenson will teach in-service course. |