International Educators

Displaying 1 - 50 of 82 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI to host the 30th annual international educator recruiting fair, Feb. 3-5
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
UNI Overseas Placement Service for Educators will host a recruiting fair with more than 120 international schools representing more than 70 countries.
2 Chilean teachers visit UNI
Public Relations News Release 2000:129, p.1
Chilean teachers are visiting UNI for six weeks; observe the Price Lab classrooms for teaching strategies.
3 Chilean teachers visit UNI campus
Northern Iowan 97:13, p.2
Twenty elementary teachers from Chile will be studying at UNI for six weeks.
4 Chilean teachers visit UNI to learn about science education
Public Relations News Release 2000:109, p.1
Twenty elementary teachers from Chile are spending six weeks at UNI in order to observe and learn new methods for teaching.
5 University of Northern Iowa will host representatives from Romania's Ministry of Education
Public Relations News Release 1998:379, p.1
Representatives from Romania's Ministry of Education will visit UNI May 16-19 to learn how UNI prepares teachers.
6 Professor and president of Ovidius University in Romania visit the campus of the University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1998:346, p.1
Adrian Bovaru, President, and Professor Vladimir Boskoff from Ovidius University in Romania will visit UNI April 21-24. In July, 15 UNI students will visit their university for three-week seminar.
7 Chilean teachers visit UNI campus
Northern Iowan 95:28, p.2
Twenty elementary science teachers from Chile participated in seven week program at UNI.
8 Chilean teachers enjoy experiences during program at the University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1998:175, p.1
Twenty elementary teachers from Chile visited UNI and took part in a seven-week science program. Program was funded by grant from Chilean government.
9 Russian chemists visit the University of Northern Iowa campus
Public Relations News Release 1998:107, p.1
Valentina Berestovitskaya and Vyacheslav Pak from Herzen State University participate in teacher exchange program with UNI.
10 Chilean educators will observe Price Laboratory School classrooms and meet with University of Northern Iowa science educators during inservice
Public Relations News Release 1998:68, p.1
Seven week inservice program for twenty Chilean educators began October 5 at Price Laboratory School.
11 Eight of the top librarians in the Slovak Republic
Northern Iowa Today 27:1, p.8
Librarians visit UNI to study US system.
12 Presentations/lectures/exhibitions: Thomas Switzer, Glenn Hansen, Joane McKay, Carmen Montecinos
Campus News Network 7:19, p.
Thomas Switzer, Glenn Hansen, Joane McKay, and Carmen Montecino met with educators from Chile.
13 NAFSA: Association of International Educators' Regional Conference
Public Relations News Release 1996:152, p.1
The NAFSA Regional Conference will be held November 13-16.
14 International scholars
Northern Iowan 92:45, p.1
Paulo Freire and Augusto Boal participate in workshops; photo.
15 Internationally known educators speak at UNI
Northern Iowan 92:44, p.3
Paulo Freire and Augusto Boal will visit.
16 Renowned scholars coming to UNI
Campus News Network 6:11, p.6
Paulo Freire and Augusto Boal, internationally known educators and scholars, will speak on campus in March.
17 What's up
Northern Iowan 92:32, p.4
Meetings and activities planned; workshops on teacher's portfolio and interviewing skills for educators.
18 Slovak educators visit area
Campus News Network 5:17, p.2
Twelve Slovakian elementary teachers are visiting UNI as part of Orava Project; photo.
19 Slovakian education turns to democracy with help of UNI
Northern Iowan 89:55, p.1
Three Slovakians visit UNI as part of Orava Project;
20 Three Dutch students do independent study at University of Northern Iowa's Price Laboratory School
Public Relations News Release 1991:409, p.1
Sigrid van der Linde, Marjolein Caous, and Linette Bossen from the Netherlands have spent a month based at Price Lab as one of their three month long study experiences.
21 University administrators from Moscow to visit Northern Iowa this week
Public Relations News Release 1991:324, p.1
UNI will host high ranking officials from Moscow Linguistics University.
22 Soviet environmental educators visit Northern Iowa
Northern Iowa Today 19:2, p.6
Six visitors work on environmental education curriculum; photo.
23 Soviet environmental educators visiting UNI
Public Relations News Release 1990:692, p.1
Six Soviets will work on writing environmental education curriculum for use in the USSR while visiting UNI.
24 Soviet environmental educators to visit University of Northern Iowa August 9-16
Public Relations News Release 1990:687, p.1
UNI to host six Soviet educators. They will be aided in writing curriculum materials on environmental education for the Soviet Union by educators from across the U. S.
25 African delegation visits UNI for educational experience
Northern Iowan 87:41, p.6
Group of representatives of educational ministries on campus.
26 Opportunities in the Orient
Northern Iowa Today 17:2, p.12
Five Chinese educators survey schools in northeast Iowa.
27 Soviets visit UNI, get taste of Iowa
Northern Iowan 85:1, p.6
Group from Stavropol visits campus; photo.
28 Iowa Abroad
Public Relations News Release 1987:99, p.1
The Iowa Abroad program launched fifty missions to foreign nations to improve relations and create trade relationships. Three representatives of the thirty members missions were university professors. The first meeting was held in the Education Center.
29 Chinese visit reinforces exchange
UNI Century 12:3, p.2
Three Chinese visitors visit campus for four days.
30 Chinese prof lectures and learns
UNI Century 11:4, p.5
Huang Yong-qiang visits UNI and other schools.
31 East, West exchange education ideas
UNI Century 5:3, p.3
Pakistani education official visits UNI; photo.
32 Rep. from sister university to visit
Northern Iowan 73:10, p.3
Dr. Arango Jaramillo from Universidad Pedigogica Nacional will visit UNI.
33 Guests from Bogota
Northern Iowan 70:22, p.5
Colombian delegation will be here.
34 Colombians visit
Northern Iowan 70:21, p.4
Three UPN officials on campus.
35 Colombian visitors to discuss exchange
Northern Iowan 70:20, p.7
Professors and students talk about the program and its problems.
36 Colombians note cultural differences
Northern Iowan 69:56, p.6
Visitors offer their reactions to the US; photo.
37 Host visiting professor, Dr. Shiv Kumar
Northern Iowan 65:20, p.7
Will teach in English Department.
38 South Viet profs study U. S. educational system
Northern Iowan 65:11, p.3
Five professors of teacher training visited UNI as part of a program to learn about the education system in the United States; background in the university system in Vietnam.
39 Five South Vietnamese profs here this week
Northern Iowan 65:10, p.6
South Vietnamese professors of teaching are on campus observing and discussing teacher training programs.
40 South Viet deans here this week
Northern Iowan 65:9, p.8
Five deans of pedagogy from universities in South Vietnam will visit UNI to observe and discuss teacher training programs.
41 Dr. Caballero, Colombian educator, visits UNI
Northern Iowan 64:48, p.7
Profile of visitor.
42 SCI seminar for Colombians
Alumnus 51:4, p.10
Sixteen Colombian educators visit UNI.
43 Yugoslavian educator here studying teacher methods
College Eye 59:31, p.3
Ivan Furlan will visit campus.
44 Cuban refugee teachers visit SCI tomorrow
College Eye 57:38, p.1
Will investigate possibility of continuing college work in preparation for teaching Spanish.
45 Mexican librarian visits SCI campus this week
College Eye 56:30, p.5
Georgette Cador will visit library.
46 Cambodians visit campus
College Eye 56:10, p.1
Ten educators study teacher education.
47 Chilean teachers visit campus this week
College Eye 49:27, p.8
Professor Dreier will be local host.
48 Untitled
College Eye 48:32, p.4
Chinese educators, Hwei-Sen Chu, Chen-Yun Lee, Fung Mun Hau, and King-Mao Tong are visiting TC's Campus School with Dr. Richard T. Lattin; photo.
49 International club hears views on education abroad
College Eye 47:5, p.1
Educators from Thailand and the Philippines speak.
50 Foreign teachers lecture club
College Eye 47:4, p.6
Will speak to International Relations Club.