Interpreters Theatre
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | UNI Interpreters Theatre presents Improv at the Interp: Theatre Without a Net! Northern Iowan 119:49, p.4 |
From April 20-22, 2023, UNI Interpreters Theatre will perform a show titled "Improv at the Interp: Theatre Without a Net!" in Lang Hall. This show, directed by Doug Shaw, will be interactive and unscripted; photo. | |
2 | Original radio play to debut in Interpreters Theatre Northern Iowan 119:9, p.4 |
An original play, "Roses are Red: A Radio Play", written by senior Emma Kossayian will be debuting in the UNI Interpreters Theatre in Lang Hall; photo. | |
3 | UNI Interpreter's Theater celebrates Women's History Month Northern Iowan 118:39, p.5 |
UNI Interpreter's Theater celebrates Women's History Month by presenting three shows directed by women students; photo. | |
4 | Interpreters Theatre hosts social change display Northern Iowan 117:54, p.4 |
The Interpreters Theatre hosted an event in Lang Hall on April 27 to showcase four student installations, including performances dealing with sexual assault, climate change, gun-related suicide, and human trafficking; photos. | |
5 | "Wounds Run Deeper" at the interpreters theater Northern Iowan 117:22, p.5 |
Interpreters Theatre releases a video performance of "Wounds Run Deeper," written and directed by student Austen Carnahan; photos. | |
6 | Interpreters Theatre presents "Tales of You and I" Northern Iowan 117:20, p.4 |
The Interpreters Theatre performs "Tales of You and I: An Alumni Storytelling Performance Event," which showcased performances by alumni telling their UNI stories; photo. | |
7 | Douglas Shaw shares how to tell a joke Northern Iowan 117:6, p.5 |
Douglas Shaw shares how to tell a joke with his Monster Puppet in a five-part series on Youtube alongside the Interpreters Theater; photo. | |
8 | 'Burnt City' comments on U.S.-Iran relations Northern Iowan 116:43, p.5 |
Alldredge gives the "Burnt City: A One-Persian Show about U.S.-Iran Relations" a favorable review. The show, created by instructor Josh Hamzehee, had three performances in Lang Hall the previous weekend; photo. | |
9 | Preview: Burnt City at Interpreters Theatre Northern Iowan 116:41, p.5 |
Professor Josh Hamzehee will present "Burnt City: A One-Persian Show about U.S.-Iran Relations" March 5-7 at the Interpreters Theatre. Hamzehee discusses his background, the development of the performance, and the U.S.-Iran international relations; photo. | |
10 | Mertz is raw and real in 'Hi God' Northern Iowan 116:21, p.4 |
Alldredge reviews graduate student Grace Mertz's show "Hi God," which explores the intersection of faith and academia, and calls it authentic and vulnerable. Attendees were invited to write their own letters which would be displayed in a corner of the Interpreters Theatre; photo. | |
11 | 'Hi God' to juggle knowledge, faith Northern Iowan 116:20, p.5 |
Grace Mertz, a second-year graduate in performance and communications studies, will present her master's thesis one-woman play "Hi God" in the Lang Hall Interpreters Theatre November 7-9. Mertz's work explores her experience in academia as a person of faith, and she hopes it will inspire others to see that religion can have a positive place in academics; photos. | |
12 | 'Pronoun' explores identity, relationships Northern Iowan 116:12, p.5 |
The UNI Interpreters Theatre will present Evan Placey's "Pronoun" on October 11 and 12 in Lang Hall. "Pronoun" dives into what it means to be a man and the trans experience and is directed by UNI student Ernest Toutant III; photos. | |
13 | Rose shares 'Tales from the Bayou' Northern Iowan 116:11, p.5 |
Spoken word poet, activist, and writer Donney Rose shared poetry and addressed racial inequality at UNI Interpreters Theatre on Friday, October 4. | |
14 | Student explores heritage in 'Bandit Queen' Northern Iowan 115:52, p.4 |
Student Brittney Starr wrote and produced a play about her outlaw relative, Belle Starr, entitled "Bandit Queen," shown in the Interpreters Theatre April 25-27; photo. | |
15 | 'Ezra' offers witty social commentary Northern Iowan 115:42, p.5 |
Mitchell gives student Jim Keane's play "Ezra and Me," performed in the Interpreters Theatre, a favorable review; photos. | |
16 | Grad student challenges hypocrisy in play Northern Iowan 115:41, p.1 |
Graduate student James Keane wrote, produced, and acted in the production "Ezra and Me," showing March 7-9 in the Lang Hall Interpreters Theatre; photo. | |
17 | Student predicts game show win in play Northern Iowan 115:28, p.2 |
Laney Kraus-Taddeo, who wrote and directed the Interpreters Theatre Play "PAT," about a woman winning the game show Let's Make a Deal, later won the Big Deal on Let's Make a Deal with her mother; photo. | |
18 | 'Twilight' to be screened for saga's 10th anniversary Northern Iowan 115:23, p.5 |
A screening of the first 'Twilight' film will be held in the Interpreter's Theatre on November 13 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of its release. Student Hannah Twitchell organized the celebration; photo. | |
19 | A comedy play about a comedy game show Northern Iowan 115:19, p.4 |
Senior Laney Krause-Taddeo writes and directs "Pat," a play about a mother and daughter who go on a road trip to find a game show contestant and watch their favorite game show. It will show November 1-3 at he Interpreters Theatre; photo. | |
20 | Play portrays romance on the spectrum Northern Iowan 115:15, p.4 |
Student Nathan Selove's "Aut is Love," a play based on his experience of romance as an autistic person, was performed in the Interpreter's Theatre in Lang Hall; photos. | |
21 | 'Neighbor' play features excellent acting Northern Iowan 114:42, p.4 |
The author writes on a play written by UNI graduate student Milica Njezic, 'Live Thy Neighbor,' and gives a glowing review. | |
22 | Bosnian native explore neighbor relationships in play Northern Iowan 114:41, p.4 |
Masters student Milica Njezic presents her play 'Live Thy Neighbor' at UNI Interpreter's Theatre. *Njezic was misquoted in this article. Please see the March 8 issue page 5 for the correction. | |
23 | Script reading features mental health Northern Iowan 114:23, p.5 |
UNI Interpreters Theatre performs "Genuine Cigarettes. The play was written and directed by Kelso Breitsprecher; photo. |
24 | Theatre presents 'Genuine Cigaretts' Northern Iowan 144:22, p.4 |
"Genuine Cigarettes" is going to be presented by the UNI Interpreters Theatre. The one act play will be stage read with the actors reading off a script during the performance. The play covers concepts related to mental health, relationships, dependency, and alcoholism. | |
25 | Wang's "In Real Life" adapted at UNI Northern Iowan 114:19, p.1 |
Cartoonist and illustrator, Jen Wang, is coming to UNI to give a lecture as a part of the Hearst Lecture Series. She attended the performance adaptation of her graphic novel "In Real Life" performed by the Interpreters Theatre; photo. | |
26 | A charming performance "In Real Life" Northern Iowan 114:19, p.5 |
Critic Amelia Duax revievs the performance adaptation of Jen Wang's graphic novel "In Real Life" performed by UNI's Interpreters Theatre; photo. | |
27 | Theatre UNI auditions "In Real Life" Northern Iowan 114:3, p.5 |
Auditions were held for "In Real Life" a production hosted by the Department of Communication Studies; photo. | |
28 | 2016 Student Guide Northern Iowan 112:54, p. |
The summer 2016 student guide, including letters of welcome, information about higher education, and features of Cedar Falls; photos. |
29 | Student retools study plans Northern Iowan 112:48, p.1 |
Non-traditional student Jim Keane is interviewed about his experience at UNI; photo. |
30 | Technology is the new villain in "The Inferno" Northern Iowan 112:23, p.5 |
Mattox gives Interpreter Theatre's production of "The Inferno," written by Paul Siddens and directed by Katie Grassi, a mixed review. |
31 | Technology poses threat to theatre Northern Iowan 112:23, p.2 |
Students in the theatre program discuss the impact of audience members using technology during a performance, particularly in regards to missing parts of the show, distracting the performers, and privacy issues. |
32 | UNI Interpreters Theatre presents 'The Soul Food Museum' Public Relations News Release 2014:192, p.1 |
This will be an interactive performance that will bring light to the magic, politics, and ritual of an African-American Sunday dinner. The performance will take place on March 6, at the Wesley Foundation. | |
33 | UNI Interpreters Theatre to present 'Just Another Day in Paradise' Public Relations News Release 2014:102, p.1 |
UNI Interpreters Theatre will present its first production of the 2014-15 season, November 6 through November 8. It is located in Lang Hall, and admission is free and open to the public. | |
34 | Singing a working song Northern Iowan 110:52, p.4 |
Stonehill College professor Corey Dolgon had his UNI audience stand up and link hands while he sang "Solidarity Forever" as a part of his lecture on the U. S. labor movement. | |
35 | 'Singing lecture' will explore folk songs and the labor movement Public Relations News Release 2013:244, p.1 |
Corey Dolgon will use music to explore the role that folk songs had in the U.S. labor movement. His "singing lecture" is entertaining and informative. The event is free and open to the public. | |
36 | UNI Interpreters Theatre to present 'Performance Power Hour' Public Relations News Release 2013:247, p.1 |
UNI's Department of communication Studies will present "Performance Power Hour". This is a way for students to share with the public the work they have been doing in the classroom. | |
37 | UNI SAVE Forum Actors to present '(Re)Orientation' Public Relations News Release 2013:234, p.1 |
UNI Students Against a Violent Environment (SAVE) will present "(Re)Orientation". The performance is to raise awareness and start conversations about preventing gender-based violence. | |
38 | UNI Center for Holocaust and Genocide Education to present 'Necessary Targets' Public Relations News Release 2013:210, p.1 |
The UNI Center for Holocaust and Genocide Education will sponsor two reading performances of "Necessary Targets". This play is set in the aftermath of the Bosnian conflict. There will be a brief discussion following the performance. | |
39 | UNI Interpreters Theater to present 'Wasted' Public Relations News Release 2013:184, p.1 |
UNI Interpreters Theater will present "Wasted". The show will challenge the understanding of waste and consumption. The ensemble production was conceived and directed by Danielle Dick McGeough and is part of UNI's Reaching for Higher Ground series. | |
40 | Internationally acclaimed performance artist to present 'lecture & rant' at UNI Public Relations News Release 2013:133, p.1 |
Performance artist Tim Miller will perform an opinionated rant about identity, culture wars, and homosexuality. Miller offers an interesting perspective on self identification. | |
41 | UNI Interpreters Theatre to host 'An Evening of Text Messages' Public Relations News Release 2013:111, p.1 |
UNI Interpreters Theatre will host "An Evening of 'Text' Messages". This show features performances from beginning and advanced performance classes in the Department of Communication Studies. The event is free and open to the public. | |
42 | Emotion to flow at Interpreters Theatre Northern Iowan 110:16, p.4 |
Eight performers will take the stage of the slam poetry exhibition, "Slammin' at the Interp!". Several students and faculty will be featured. | |
43 | UNI Interpreters Theatre to present 'Slammin' at the Interp!' Public Relations News Release 2013:84, p.1 |
UNI's Interpreters Theatre will present "Slammin' at the Interp!". This features various slam poets from across Iowa. | |
44 | Alumni return to perform in Interpreters Theatre Northern Iowan 110:8, p.4 |
The Interpreters Theater has been at UNI since 1976. The theatre will host solo performances of "Leftovers" and "Station to Station" this fall. UNI alumni often come back to perform. | |
45 | UNI Interpreters Theatre to present 'Leftovers' and 'Station to Station' Public Relations News Release 2013:50, p.1 |
UNI alumni Brianne Waychoff and Ben Powell will be performing "Leftovers" and "Station to Station". The event is free and open to the public. | |
46 | UNI Interpreters Theater to present 'Triskaidekaphobia' Public Relations News Release 2012:281, p.1 |
UNI's Interpreters Theater will present, "Triskaidekaphobia: 13 Consumer Tragedies". It was created and will be performed by Amy Kilgard. This performance will address consumerism. | |
47 | UNI Interpreters Theatre production to explore homelessness Public Relations News Release 2012:254, p.1 |
UNI Interpreters Theatre production of "Home Is Where Your Dog Is" aims to explore the definition of home. The play was written and directed by graduate student Jorge De Leon. | |
48 | 'Clogging the System' challenges social norms Northern Iowan 109:40, p.6 |
The play "Clogging the System" was written and directed by student Harrison Postler. It is about public toilets in the workplace, but has a message of self-liberation and acceptance. Audiences have seemed to respond well to this somewhat crude topic. | |
49 | UNI Interpreters Theater to present 'Clogging the System'. Public Relations News Release 2012:211, p.1 |
The Interpreters Theater will be presenting, "Clogging the System", written by Harrison Postler. "Clogging the System" takes place in corporate America when a corporation makes going to the bathroom a more public thing. | |
50 | In 'Convict,' jailbirds sing song of prison reform from behind bars Northern Iowan 109:33, p.6 |
"Convict" calls to the audience's attention a system that needs to be fixed by keeping what works and changing what does not work; photo. |