Intervarsity Christian Fellowship

Displaying 1 - 50 of 288 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Campus group bars LGBTQ leaders
Northern Iowan 112:43, p.3

In Carr-Murphy's opinion, the campus chapter of the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship discriminates against LGBTQIA+ students by not allowing them to hold leadership positions in the organization; photos.

2 War on Christianity
Northern Iowan 112:4, p.1

In the author's opinion, the war on Christianity in America is rhetoric manufactured by the Republican party and conservative Christian politicians, and distracts from real issues of injustice; photo.

3 CME's bbq bash
Northern Iowan 111:1, p.9
Under white tents set up outside of the Center for Multicultural Education, students kicked off the first day of classes at UNI with a barbecue and entertainment hosted by the CME; photo.
4 Freedom Week exposes modern slavery
Northern Iowan 108:46, p.1
During Freedom Week, UNI students will sponsor several events aimed at raising awareness of human trafficking. Every minute, two children are sold into slavery; photo.
5 Panther Portraits
Northern Iowan 104:17, p.13
interactions on campus; photo.
6 DeBerg takes leave to research religion
Northern Iowan 100:55, p.1
Betty DeBerg takes leave of absence in order to research the effect of campus ministry programs; Jerry Soneson will fill in as head of the Philosophy and Religion Department; photo.
7 Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
Northern Iowan 91:24, p.2
Will meet.
8 Libertyville native finds University of Northern Iowa right choice
Public Relations News Release 1991:603, p.1
Angela Slocum chose UNI over several Midwestern colleges. She is happy with her decision.
9 Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
Northern Iowan 86:36, p.7
Will discuss success.
10 What's Up
Northern Iowan 85:7, p.9
Meetings and activities.
11 'Iowa concert of prayer' at UNI-Dome Friday a 'first' for any state
Public Relations News Release 1987:360, p.1
A gathering of as many as ten thousand people in the UNI-Dome is planned by David Bryant of the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship of Minneapolis. Bryant plans to gather Christians from across Iowa to the UNI-Dome.
12 What's Up
Northern Iowan 84:6, p.7
Meetings and activities.
13 What's Up
Northern Iowan 83:6, p.5
Meetings and activities.
14 What's Up
Northern Iowan 82:54, p.6
Meetings and services.
15 What's Up
Northern Iowan 82:52, p.6
Meetings and activities.
16 What's Up
Northern Iowan 82:50, p.6
Meetings and activities.
17 What's up?
Northern Iowan 82:48, p.6
Meetings and activities; UNI Federation of Teachers will sponsor a panel discussion.
18 What's up?
Northern Iowan 82:46, p.8
Activities and meetings; physical disabilities panel discussion will be held in the Union; employment of the handicapped presentation will take place in the Union; Dr. Walter Verduyn will give a head trauma presentation in the Union.
19 What's Up?
Northern Iowan 82:42, p.8
Activities and meetings; Donald Maypole to speak at Department of Social Work breakfast; Charismata will meet.
20 What's up?
Northern Iowan 82:41, p.9
Activities and meetings.
21 Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship
Northern Iowan 82:36, p.9
Will meet.
22 What's up
Northern Iowan 82:33, p.7
Meetings and activities.
23 What's up
Northern Iowan 82:32, p.7
Meetings and activities.
24 What's Up
Northern Iowan 82:22, p.6
Meetings and activities.
25 What's Up
Northern Iowan 82:18, p.14
Meetings and activities.
26 What's Up
Northern Iowan 82:16, p.5
Meetings and activities.
27 What's Up
Northern Iowan 82:15, p.10
Meetings and activities.
28 What's Up
Northern Iowan 82:14, p.8
Meetings and activities.
29 What's Up
Northern Iowan 82:12, p.10
Meetings and activities.
30 What's Up
Northern Iowan 82:11, p.4
Meetings and activities.
31 What's Up
Northern Iowan 82:10, p.6
Meetings and activities.
32 What's Up
Northern Iowan 82:9, p.8
Meetings and activities.
33 What's Up
Northern Iowan 82:7, p.6
Meetings and activities.
34 What's Up
Northern Iowan 82:6, p.7
Meetings and activities.
35 What's Up
Northern Iowan 82:5, p.4
Meetings and activities.
36 What's Up
Northern Iowan 82:4, p.8
Meetings and activities.
37 What's Up
Northern Iowan 82:3, p.7
Meetings and activities.
38 What's Up
Northern Iowan 81:54, p.5
Meetings and activities.
39 What's Up?
Northern Iowan 81:52, p.5
Meetings and activities planned; Katharyn Machan Aal and Yves Peron will speak; SAMLE will meet.
40 What's Up?
Northern Iowan 81:51, p.8
Meetings and activities planned; Stan Brakhage will host films.
41 What's Up?
Northern Iowan 81:49, p.5
Meetings and activities planned; Barbara Smith will speak; banquet for recreation majors will be held; Christ for UNI will meet; Ugly Bartender Kick-off Hog Roast will also be held.
42 What's Up?
Northern Iowan 81:48, p.8
Meetings and activities planned; annual spring banquet for recreation majors will be held; Barbara Smith, JoAnn Verburg, and Jerry Stockdale will speak; Campus Prayer Night will be held.
43 What's Up
Northern Iowan 81:46, p.3
Meetings and activities planned; Christ for UNI will meet; Intercultural Communication Day will be held.
44 What's Up
Northern Iowan 81:41, p.5
Meetings and activities planned; film about women in a Chinese village will show; meeting for undecided majors will be held; undergraduate students' need to make an application for computer classes; Christ for UNI will meet.
45 What's Up
Northern Iowan 81:39, p.9
Meetings and activities planned; Akio Takamori will speak about his artwork.
46 What's Up
Northern Iowan 81:38, p.6
Meetings and activities planned; resume seminar will be held as well as a meeting for psychology majors; ACTION will meet; Students for an Active Senate will also meet; GTU to present program on nitrate pollution of ground water; John Buck will speak.
47 What's Up
Northern Iowan 81:37, p.6
Meetings and activities planned; Duane Anderson will speak; Fast for world hunger will begin; Christ for UNI will meet.
48 What's Up
Northern Iowan 81:36, p.8
Meetings and activities planned; SAMLE and Christ for UNI will meet; arm wrestling contest will be held; Larry Larsen will speak; "A synopsis of the black man's experience in America" will be presented.
49 What's Up
Northern Iowan 81:35, p.11
Meetings and activities planned; Faschingsfest will be held.
50 What's Up
Northern Iowan 81:33, p.7
Meetings and activities planned; Phillip Walker to present one man show; Christ for UNI will meet.