Intramural Sports

Displaying 1 - 50 of 2137 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Ninja U to host "Ninja Warrior" competition
Northern Iowan 116:35, p.4
Local Cedar Falls business Ninja U will host a competition similar to American Ninja Warrior for UNI students as an intramural obstacle course event. It is open to all genders and skill levels and will take place February 16; photo.
2 WRC introduces intramural fee
Northern Iowan 116:5, p.1
Among other changes due to budget, the Department of Recreation Services has implemented a $20 per semester fee for intramural sports beginning Fall 2019. Students give their opinions on the new fees and participation in intramurals; photo.
3 Paddleboard fun in the WRC
Northern Iowan 112:38, p.5

REC Day was held in the Wellness and Recreation Center (WRC) on February 19, and included a variety of activities; photo.

4 Regents discuss audits and faculty resignations
Northern Iowan 110:35, p.1
Student organizations, intramurals, and sports clubs at UNI are being audited to make sure they are operating as they should. President Ruud is confident the audit will help the university's organizations.
5 Intramural calendar of events
Northern Iowan 109:2, p.16
Schedule of upcoming events with intramural sports.
6 Intramural calendar of events
Northern Iowan 109:1, p.26
Entry dates and starting dates announced for intramural men, women, and co-ed events. Officials and manager meetings scheduled. 2012 fall semester and 2013 spring semester events covered.
7 Fast Facts about UNI
Northern Iowan 108:54, p.
Fourteen facts about the university; including four photos from events; photo.
8 2011-2012 Intramural Sports Activities
Northern Iowan 108:1, p.24
Intramural schedules for the fall and spring semester. New contests for 8 on 8 kickball, 7 on 7 soccer, and 3 on 3 paintball announced.
9 UNI intramural team qualifies for national tournament
Northern Iowan 106:54, p.10
The Athletes won the UNI intramural women's basketball tournament easily. The team then won the regional and will now play on the campus of North Carolina State this weekend.
10 College Bound: More than one letter of acceptance means it's decision time
Public Relations News Release 2008:284, p.1
Assistant Director of Admissions/Communications, Thomas O'Shea, recommends four factors in considering: college major and academic resources; financial aid packages; campus life; and community life.
11 2008-2009 intramural sports activities
Northern Iowan 105:1, p.9
Schedule of activities, including deadlines for entries and date the activity starts. Website and contact information provided; photo.
12 I Want Team Spirit Glory
Northern Iowan 104:50, p.11
Intramural athletics results.
13 I Want Team Spirit Glory
Northern Iowan 104:48, p.11
Intramural results and schedules for upcoming events.
14 I Want Team Spirit Glory
Northern Iowan 104:40, p.9
Intramural results and registration information for upcoming events; photo.
15 I Want Team Spirit Glory
Northern Iowan 104:38, p.17
Intramural sports schedule; photo.
16 I Want Team Spirit Glory
Northern Iowan 104:36, p.13
ACIS flag football national winners and schedule of upcoming intramural events; photo.
17 I Want Team Spirit Glory
Northern Iowan 104:35, p.4
Announcement and procedures for participation in upcoming intramural activities; photo.
18 I Want Team Spirit Glory
Northern Iowan 104:32, p.12
Intramural basketball winning teams. Upcoming events for February and March.
19 There is an organization out there for everyone
Northern Iowan 104:29, p.2
Considers the many types of campus student organizations; provides information on how to find a complete list of groups on campus; photo.
20 I want team spirit glory
Northern Iowan 104:24, p.5
Winners of women's 3 on 3 basketball and schedule of upcoming events.
21 I want team spirit glory
Northern Iowan 104:23, p.11
Results of intramural swimming, flag football, and bowling. Schedule of upcoming events listed.
22 I Want Team Glory
Northern Iowan 104:21, p.11
Results of flag football team and tennis competitions. Announcement of upcoming intramural events.
23 I want team spirit
Northern Iowan 104:20, p.11
Results of co-rec volleyball tournament; information on additional intramural competition.
24 I want team spirit
Northern Iowan 104:19, p.11
Schedule of upcoming intramural competition; results of dodgeball competition.
25 I want team spirit
Northern Iowan 104:13, p.26
Schedule of upcoming intramural events; Bombay House is men's softball champion.
26 Campus intramural update
Northern Iowan 103:11, p.10
Schedule for river run, basketball leagues, and football tournament; Alpha Xi Delta is women's softball league champion; photo.
27 Intramurals: feed your hunger for competition
Northern Iowan 103:3, p.8
UNI offers a top-notch intramural program; photo.
28 Spring fever heats up WRC usage
Northern Iowan 102:43, p.9
A look at usage patterns at the Wellness/Recreation Center; people tend to begin to use the Center more as spring approaches; photo.
29 Northern Iowa intramural sports
Northern Iowan 102:43, p.10
Results of recent competition; schedule of upcoming events.
30 Sport clubs, intramurals offer outlet for students, faculty, staff
Northern Iowan 102:23, p.9
Clubs and intramurals cover a broad range of sports that accept all skill levels; photo.
31 Student Voices
Northern Iowan 102:23, p.9
Students respond to the question, "Have you ever participated in intramurals or university sport clubs."
32 Balance is key to freshmen success
Northern Iowan 102:2, p.14
Students must focus on class work, but need to have social time also; photo.
33 Intramural sports may carry a price tag in the future
Northern Iowan 101:51, p.3
WRC staff is proposing a twenty dollar fee per student to cover intramural sports costs.
34 University of Northern Iowa Intramural Sports; spring 2005 and indoor track meet results
Northern Iowan 101:42, p.12
Results for intramural basketball, wrestling, and track and field.
35 Northern Iowa intramural sports Fall 2004 results
Northern Iowan 101:28, p.17
Winners from the Fall 2004 intramural season posted; photo.
36 Northern Iowa intramural sports; Fall 2004 results
Northern Iowan 101:18, p.12
Results for intramural softball, golf, running, soccer, and the punt, pass, and kick contest.
37 Intramurals a great way to get involved
Northern Iowan 101:11, p.11
Description of UNI intramural activities; photo.
38 University of Northern Iowa intramural sports; September/October 2004 upcoming intramural events
Northern Iowan 101:1, p.6
Dates and times for intramural registration and season openers.
39 University of Northern Iowa Intramural Champions
Northern Iowan 100:55, p.19
Listing of 2003-2004 intramural sports champions.
40 Northern Iowa Intramural Sports; Spring 2004 results
Northern Iowan 100:43, p.17
Spring 2004 results provided.
41 Northern Iowa intramural sports fall 2003 results
Northern Iowan 100:28, p.19
42 2002-2003 intramural champions
Northern Iowan 99:55, p.6
43 University of Northern Iowa Intramural Sports
Northern Iowan 99:40, p.5
March/April upcoming events and early spring 2003 intramural results are announced; results are given from various events.
44 Northern Iowa intramural sports; January/February upcoming events and Fall 2002 intramural results
Northern Iowan 99:28, p.20
45 Northern Iowa intramural sports; November & December upcoming activities and event results
Northern Iowan 99:17, p.20
Announcement of November and December intramural events; results of October competition are posted.
46 Untitled
Northern Iowan 99:15, p.1
Women students compete in an intramural soccer game; photo.
47 Free fun for everyone
Northern Iowan 99:2, p.21
Intramural sports at UNI are offered to give students something positive to do in their free time that doesn't cost money.
48 2001-2002 intramural champions
Northern Iowan 98:55, p.8
List of intramural champions from each sport and also the officials who received awards.
49 UNI intramural basketball teams headed to Orlando
Northern Iowan 98:53, p.24
'Total Domination' and the 'Panthers', UNI intramural basketball teams, will compete in the Target 5-on-5 National Basketball Tournament.
50 The Crew hits 'Big Easy' for flag football nationals
Northern Iowan 98:28, p.19
UNI flag football team has to adjust to new rules in order to be successful at nationals; will compete in New Orleans. A list of team members is included.