
Displaying 1 - 50 of 68 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Women, life and freedom for Iran
Northern Iowan 119:27, p.3
Nkasa Bolumbu writes a column piece about the revolution happening in Iran and interviews an Iranian American university student, Raha. Raha shares her experience visiting family in Iran and current events that are taking place in the country; photo.
2 Embracing more religious freedom in the US
Northern Iowan 119:16, p.3
Drew Hill writes an opinion piece about their thoughts on religious freedom and how it is interpreted within the First Amendment. Hill believes that religious rights should be more balanced within the US; photo.
3 Ask your local immigrant
Northern Iowan 119:14, p.3
Director of Center for Energy & Environmental Education Kamyar Enshayan writes about being from Iran and the experience they have had with a dictatorship government. Enshayan now sees the extremism gaining traction in the U.S. and they are astonished with the amount of people who tolerate it and even vote for elected officials who encourage it; photo.
4 UNI cancels international travel, COVID-19
Northern Iowan 116:42, p.1
Due to COVID-19, UNI has cancelled all university-sponsored international travel. The university first cancelled travel for the next 30 days, then for all summer 2020 study abroad courses. UNI implemented travel restrictions in stages, beginning in January with a temporary moratorium on travel to China, extending it to South Korea on February 29, Italy on March 2, and Iran on March 3. Students in UNI Camp Adventure were recalled or transferred from affected areas. On March 5, the Board of Regents issued a statement for all three public universities cancelling university-sponsored travel for all faculty, staff, and students for the next 30 days, which included spring break. UNI absorbed the cost of cancelled study abroad programs. Although the threat of the virus remained low for Iowa and campus, the university began preparations for the unlikely event of a campus shutdown with information posted on A panel on the virus and combatting its spread was to be held March 11 in Lang Hall Auditorium; photo.
5 Preview: Burnt City at Interpreters Theatre
Northern Iowan 116:41, p.5
Professor Josh Hamzehee will present "Burnt City: A One-Persian Show about U.S.-Iran Relations" March 5-7 at the Interpreters Theatre. Hamzehee discusses his background, the development of the performance, and the U.S.-Iran international relations; photo.
6 Dems respond to Soleimani killing
Northern Iowan 116:30, p.3

Rawwas discusses the Democratic presidential candidates' responses to the assassination of Qasem Soleimani by the Trump administration. In the author's opinion, Bernie Sanders strongly condemned the action and should be the candidate of choice; photo.

7 Thoughts on dichotomies
Northern Iowan 104:21, p.7
Personal and governmental dichotomies discussed.
8 Knowing is half the battle
Northern Iowan 103:55, p.3
University of Iowa professor, Ahmed Souaiaia, explains history of the Shi'ite and Sunni in the Middle East to UNI students.
9 Anna beats Iraq to the top of the fold
Northern Iowan 103:45, p.7
Anna Nicole Smith's death replaces Iraq in the headlines for a week. Commentary on the Iraq War and the Bush administration.
10 Bush belongs behind bars
Northern Iowan 103:40, p.5
Pentagon inspector general's report on faulty intelligence on the relationship between al Qaeda and Iraq noted and concerns of possible war with Iran.
11 Lessons--the tacky, wacky news world
Northern Iowan 103:36, p.5
Varied topics including; child porn, Iran, Mary Cheney, and global warming; photo.
12 Can make a difference
Northern Iowan 103:30, p.6
Review of the current National Security Strategy urged.
13 The Eagles' Nest
Northern Iowan 103:29, p.5
Holocaust conference in Iran; photo.
14 Dignitary in town
Northern Iowan 103:27, p.5
Prince Turki Al-Faisal, Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States, spoke on campus.
15 Saddam Hussein sentenced to death by hanging
Northern Iowan 103:22, p.1
The trial of Saddam Hussein has ended with a guilty verdict. Reactions vary; photo.
16 North Korea just playing
Northern Iowan 103:17, p.7
Views on the responses of the United States to North Korea and Iran.
17 Cycling through the "no-spin zone"
Northern Iowan 103:15, p.5
Readers urged not to fall for the doom and gloom of Bill O'Reilly's recent comments; suggests seeking news from other sources and coming to individual conclusions.
18 Nuclear war on the way?
Northern Iowan 102:53, p.7
The threat of nuclear war appears to be increasing with Iran's desire to proceed with nuclear capabilities.
19 Middle East focus: Iran
Northern Iowan 102:49, p.4
Profile of the country.
20 Iranian actress and star of Fox's '24' addresses UNI audience
Northern Iowan 101:44, p.3
Shroreh Aghdashloo spoke to students on her life and career.
21 Academy Award nominee to speak on UNI's Hearst Lecture Series
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Actress Shohreh Aghdashloo will discuss her life and the future of Iran.
22 Sleepless nights over Iraq occupation
Northern Iowan 101:14, p.6
Professor Enshayan compares the Bush administration and the war in Iraq to his early experiences in Iran.
23 While you were away: important news, events
Northern Iowan 100:29, p.1
Description of news events taking place over winter break.
24 UNI to present discussion about the 'real' Iran
Public Relations News Release 2002:326, p.1
Kamyar Enshayan will lead discussion and slide show entitled, "Images of ordinary people in Iran."
25 20th anniversary of seizure of U. S. Embassy in Iran
Public Relations News Release 1999:0, p.1
Steven Lobell discusses the effects of the hostage crisis, especially with how we protect our representatives overseas.
26 Education not to be taken for granted
Northern Iowan 95:29, p.10
Some students in Iran are not allowed to go to college because of their religion.
27 Relations between United States and Iran are beginning to thaw
Public Relations News Release 1997:255, p.1
Assistant Professor of Political Science Steven Lobell feels there is more to gain in normalizing American relations with Iran.
28 Situation in Iran more volatile for UNI family facing deportation
Northern Iowan 91:49, p.1
Mayahi family still working on deportation situation; photo.
29 The Mayahis need your help to avoid deportation!
Northern Edition 3:10, p.1
Cedar Falls family from Iran trying to stay in the United States; photo
30 Mayahi family granted a six-month reprieve
Northern Iowan 91:25, p.1
Family may stay in United States for another six months.
31 Family facing deportation fears dangers of returning to Iran
Northern Edition 2:27, p.4
Local family with UNI connections tries to remain in the United States; photo.
32 UNI family faces deportation
Northern Iowan 91:22, p.1
Faod and Haledeh Mayahi, students from Iran, wish to stay in the United States; photo.
33 UNI should fight deportation of Iranian graduate students
Northern Iowan 91:22, p.6
Urges support for Iranian students threatened with deportation.
34 Student recalls revolution; fleeing from Iran
Northern Iowan 86:18, p.8
Ornid Amjadi talks about Iran and education; photo.
35 Iranian revolution triggered by economic injustice: prof
Northern Iowan 78:25, p.6
Excerpts from address by Professor Yousefi.
36 Speaker
Northern Iowan 78:23, p.4
Mahmood Yousefi will speak on Iran.
37 former American hostage to speak at price laboratory school
Public Relations News Release 1980:548, p.1
Native Iowan, Kathryn Koob, will speak about being held hostage in Iran.
38 Do you feel there has been too much media hype over the return of the hostages?
Northern Iowan 77:28, p.2
Students give their reaction to media coverage of the return of the hostages from Iran; photo.
39 Tie a yellow bracelet
Northern Iowan 77:19, p.6
Bracelets with the names of hostages in Iran being handed out; photo.
40 How easily we forget
Northern Iowan 76:45, p.2
Americans should remember the hostages in Iran.
41 Pro, con demonstrations held on Iranian crisis
UNI Century 8:1, p.7
Pro-American demonstration followed by counter-demonstration.
42 Hope for the holidays
Northern Iowan 76:26, p.2
Makes students aware that there is not peace on earth this Christmas.
43 Untitled
Northern Iowan 76:24, p.2
Cartoonist depicts students with glaress on their faces and attributes the looks to either the Iranian crisis or final exams.
44 "Message to Khomeini" barbaric
Northern Iowan 76:23, p.2
Feels the song "Message to Khomeini" was not humorous.
45 Send back shah, say 25% of students polled; Political Science class takes survey
Northern Iowan 76:23, p.1
A survey dealing with national, state, and local issues was administered by a Political Science class.
46 'Yelling kill, kill on Holy days'
Northern Iowan 76:23, p.2
Feels Iran would be intimated again by the U. S. if Edward Kennedy were elected president, if only because of his name.
47 Iran article 'misleading'
Northern Iowan 76:22, p.2
Believes the article about the counter-rally contained errors.
48 Twisted conception of 'Islamic justice'
Northern Iowan 76:22, p.2
Believes we are not responding to Ayatollah Khomeini's actions in a logical manner.
49 Iran sign 'shameful'
Northern Iowan 76:22, p.2
Believes one of the signs at the Iranian demonstration was too violent..
50 Sickness rising on campus
Northern Iowan 76:22, p.2
Believes the Iranian students do not need to be judged by what their countrymen are doing in their homeland.