Jackson--Clara M. (Class of 1906)

Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Mrs. Clara Jackson Roach
College Eye 2:6, p.5
Visited campus.
2 The following three out of twenty-four faculty members
College Eye 1:7, p.3
Are faculty members of the State Preparatory Schools in Colorado.
3 Untitled
College Eye 1:1, p.7

Faculty, student and alumni news.

4 Clara Jackson
Normal Eyte 21:4, p.62
Principal of the high school in Russell, Kansas; studied at the University of Chicago.
5 The Misses Anna Bradley and Clara M. Jackson
Normal Eyte 20:26, p.439
Are visiting Miss Rice.
6 Clara M. Jackson
Normal Eyte 20:25, p.424
Is going out West to teach.
7 Clara M. Jackson
Normal Eyte 17:9, p.136
Teaching in Ocheyedan.
8 Society
Normal Eyte 12:35, p.556
Alphas enjoyed a marine program; Orios held their usual meeting; Neos held annual reception.
9 Pedagog staff
Pedagog 0:0, p.8
Roster of editorial staff and associates for the 1906 Pedagog.
10 Student portraits
Pedagog 0:0, p.32
Student portraits; photo.
11 The Alpha Society
Pedagog 0:0, p.81
Brief history of the society and a quick look at some of the activities of the group; photo.
12 Members of the Class of 1906
Pedagog 0:0, p.103
Students selected to perform the play "Richelieu" during Commencement; photo.
13 Society
Normal Eyte 16:17, p.265
All of the societies express sadness over I. G. Long's death; Philos hold annual banquet in honor of Alphas.
14 The following clipping
Normal Eyte 16:17, p.271
Will Brandstetter entertains friends at his home.
15 Society
Normal Eyte 16:8, p.119

The Aristos were visited by past members and put on a program for them; the Ossolis performed a Japanese program; the Zetas installed a new president and gave a program; the Alphas gave two programs last week.

16 Clara Jackson
Normal Eyte 16:2, p.29
Visited by Fred Dewey.
17 The Alpha Society
Normal Eyte Annual 0:0, p.30
Brief history of the first literary society for women with summary of events in the last year; photo.
18 Alpha
Normal Eyte 15:29, p.460
The Alpha presented an Easter program.