Jackson--Dale B.

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI recognizes retirees Saturday, May 4
Public Relations News Release 2001:467, p.1

Forty-four UNI retiring employees will be honored at the 4th annual recognition breakfast.

2 Schooling for school administrators
Public Relations News Release 1999:386, p.1
UNI is hosting an Educational Leadership Program in Principalship.
3 University of Northern Iowa awarded a National Youth Sports Program grant for economically disadvantaged youth
Public Relations News Release 1994:412, p.1
UNI receives grant for economically disadvantaged youth.
4 Northern Iowa to host Chinese survey team studying Iowa educational system.
Public Relations News Release 1988:376, p.1
In an effort to continue improving the educational systems of both Iowa and Guangxi, China, and to aid in the establishment of a Sino- American Education Center in Guangxi. The Chinese will be surveying administrators, faculty and students.
5 Voldseth's retirement might leave gap
Northern Iowan 84:3, p.1

Search process has been slow; still searching for lobbyist; photo.

6 New appointments to faculty, staff named
Northern Iowan 83:62, p.1
Roland Carrillo will head Financial Aid; Dean Shoars will head Public Safety; Paul Uselding will head the School of Business; Tom Switzer will be dean of the College of Education; Dale Jackson will head Ed. Admin; Dhirendra will head Pol. Sci.
7 Leona Atkinson
Alumni News Letter 4:4, p.7
Leona Atkinson married Dale B. Jackson July 7, 1920.