Jackson--James H. (Class of 1961)

Displaying 1 - 42 of 42 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Five former athletes to be inducted into Hall of Fame
Northern Iowan 85:5, p.21
Loren Buser, George Dutcher, James Jackson, Chuck Patten, and Pat Stockman will be honored.
2 Cagers whip Wartburg in finale
College Eye 52:22, p.6
ISTC finished its basketball season with a 16-5 record.
3 Untitled
College Eye 52:21, p.5
Basketball players carry player Jim Jackson off the floor after his last home game; photo.
4 Good records for winter sports
Alumnus 46:1, p.4
Seasons thus far; photo.
5 Untitled
College Eye 52:16, p.5
Panthers try for a rebound in their victorious basketball game against South Dakota; photo.
6 Panthers top Wartburg for tourney title
College Eye 52:14, p.5
The ISTC basketball team defeated St. Ambrose and Wartburg in the Tall Corn tournament; photo.
7 ISTC puts three on tourney team
College Eye 52:14, p.5
Pete Spoden is named MVP in Tall Corn Tournament.
8 Jackson and Spoden shine as season prospects are shown
College Eye 52:11, p.6
The ISTC varsity "first team" in basketball included two high scorers, Pete Spoden and Jim Jackson.
9 Cagers, grapplers start 60-61 season
Alumnus 45:4, p.5
Season previews; photo.
10 Basketball team picks tri-captains
College Eye 52:6, p.6
The ISTC basketball team has selected Jim Jackson, Jerry Holbrook, and Pete Spoden as their captains.
11 Three Tutors on NCC team
College Eye 51:26, p.4
Jim Jackson was chosen as one of the top fifteen players in the NCC; Jerry Holbrook and Pete Spoden received honorable mentions.
12 Jackson, Holbrook win cage honors
College Eye 51:24, p.4
Jim Jackson and Jerry Holbrook were named to "Who's Who in Small College Basketball."
13 Holbrook leads TC cagers best season in ten years
College Eye 51:22, p.5
Jerry Holbrook led each scoring category for the TC basketball team.
14 Tutors clinch 3rd in NCC
College Eye 51:21, p.4
TC defeated Augustana, 71-61.
15 Panthers defeat Morningside, Loras; lose to Wartburg
College Eye 51:20, p.4
TC defeated Morningside, 90-64, Loras, 78-51; Panthers defeated by Wartburg, 69-62; photo.
16 Holbrook, Jackson set Tutor records
College Eye 51:20, p.4
Jim Jackson had set a new record of 208 rebounds; Jerry Holbrook needs only two more points to become the first sophomore to score 300 points in a season; photo.
17 Several records are threatened by Panthers
College Eye 51:19, p.4
TC's basketball team encroaches upon a handful of records.
18 Jackson ties record as Tutors defeat SDS, Omaha
College Eye 51:18, p.3
TC defeated South Dakota State, 87-79, and Omaha University, 67-60; photo.
19 Spring sports get under way soon at TC
Alumnus 45:1, p.6
Season prospects; photo.
20 Jackson up for another one
College Eye 51:15, p.6
Jim Jackson and Bill Noonkesser play against South Dakota.
21 Cagers seek revenge tonight at 7:30 against Macalester in home opener
College Eye 51:11, p.6
TC basketball team will face Macalester at home; photo.
22 Varsity downs frosh 77-59 in opener
College Eye 51:10, p.7
Varsity defeated the freshmen, 77-59, in their annual face-off; photo.
23 Jackson to join in youth conf.
College Eye 51:2, p.4
James Jackson will be on Governor's panel,
24 Season's Record
Old Gold 0:0, p.229
Players total points and scoring average for the season; photo.
25 Remember?
College Eye 50:32, p.5
Some of the year's highlights; photo.
26 Jackson on all-loop cage team
College Eye 50:26, p.5
Jim Jackson made the conference top ten list.
27 Jackson picked to second all-loop team by Mirror
College Eye 50:24, p.6
Lists players for the all conference team.
28 Cagers break seven marks; Jackson 3
College Eye 50:23, p.4
Gives final season statistics.
29 Cagemen end with victory
College Eye 50:22, p.6
ISTC beats North Dakota.
30 Jackson falls to 2nd in conf. rebounding
College Eye 50:21, p.4
Gives current statistics.
31 Cagers fall to Loras and Wartburg teams
College Eye 50:21, p.5
Summarizes the games.
32 Six players share Panther honors
College Eye 50:20, p.6
Lists the team's top scorers.
33 Top TC rebounder
College Eye 50:19, p.6
James Jackson tosses three balls into the air in celebration of a rebounding record; photo.
34 Conference leading SDS meets Panthers here tomorrow night
College Eye 50:18, p.6
Jackson may be able to break an ISTC rebounding record; opponents are pictured; photo.
35 Two changes in NCC statistics
College Eye 50:18, p.6
Gives current numbers.
36 Panther Roundup
Alumnus 44:1, p.9
Jim Jackson and Cliff Svoboda lead basketball team; season outlook for wrestling, track, and baseball; photo.
37 Panther cagers bow to Cornell
College Eye 50:16, p.6
Jackson was easily the lead scorer of the evening.
38 Panthers edge NDS 2 points in unevenly played return match
College Eye 50:15, p.5
ISTC won, 74-72; photo.
39 Summary: teachers wins one, loses one, plays one free; about the lost one . . . free one . . .
College Eye 50:14, p.5
After a record-setting six overtime game, ISTC lost 109-107; photo.
40 Cagers drop 1st game in 'photo finish'
College Eye 50:12, p.7
The team lost by a single point; photo.
41 Class of 1959
Old Gold 0:0, p.300

Junior class of 1958; photo.

42 College Eye
Old Gold 0:0, p.94
Brief description of the group; photo.