Jennings--Philip C. (Student--1926-1928; Business Manager)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 109 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | The development of a retirement policy A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.158 |
The college begins participation in the TIAA plan; photo. | |
2 | Financial concerns, 1970-1976 A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.389 |
UNI administrators battle in the General Assembly and with the Regents for adequate funds; questions about the future of the Laboratory School. | |
3 | Changes in the administrative structure, staff, and procedures A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.407 |
President Kamerick sets up divisions under vice presidents; Provost Martin engages in debate over tenure and promotion standards; photo. | |
4 | The University of Northern Iowa Foundation launches a capital fund drive A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.463 |
Detailed account of raising money for the Dome; controversy about funding the Dome before and instead of the fine arts auditorium; early events in the Dome; photo. | |
5 | The impact of World War II A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.111 |
President Price manages the college during the War; effects of the WAVES and the Army Air Corps; the effects of the returning veterans; photo. | |
6 | Verna Kennedy retires after 45 years in UNI Controller's Office Public Relations News Release 1986:469, p.1 |
She says "What I'll miss are the people I've worked with through the years, as well as the University community. This has been a wonderful place to work;" there was a reception held in her honor; only one other person has worked at UNI longer. |
7 | Life members: worked to better Maucker Union Northern Iowan 75:48, p.8 |
Two life memberships to the Union Policy Board have been awarded. Life members are J. W. Maucker and Phillip Jennings; photo. | |
8 | Jennings Drive opens Northern Iowan 75:6, p.3 |
Description of new Hillside Courts road; named for Business Manager Phil Jennings; cost $412,000. | |
9 | Business manager Jennings retires UNI Century 5:3, p.7 |
Phil Jennings retires after twenty-five years of service to UNI; biographical sketch; photo. |
10 | Jennings honored . . . and retires Northern Iowan 73:50, p.3 |
Profile of Philip Jennings; photo. |
11 | Regents Approve Summer Session Budget for 1972 Public Relations News Release 1972:203, p.1 |
A $855,435 budget was approved by the Board of Regents for the upcoming summer term. | |
12 | Regents Approve Additional Payments to Engineering Firm Public Relations News Release 1972:77, p.1 |
A settlment figure of $11,6200 or $2,000 more than the settlement previously approved for an Omaha firm was approved by the Board of Regents; approval of change order in amount of a general contract for the UNI Education Building. | |
13 | Regents Approve Additional Payments to Engineering Firm Public Relations News Release 1971:524, p.1 |
Payments go towards the heating plant and heat tunnel extensions project. | |
14 | Regents Approve UNI Contract for Library Architectural Services Public Relations News Release 1971:521, p.1 |
Results of the Board of Regents meeting in Ames include Phase II and III of the Library, rates for student married housing, contract completion and other projects. | |
15 | Regents Approve Fire Protection Contract Between UNI and City of Cedar Falls Public Relations News Release 1971:445, p.1 |
Under the contract, UNI will pay 18 percent of the annual fire department budget; contract for Biological Research Building; contract for Phrase II of the Library; Student Union Building fee reduction | |
16 | "Blue Flu" affects UNI campus; hiring practices cited Northern Iowan 67:32, p.1 |
About one-third of physical plant and housekeeping employees do not appear for work; dissatisfied with shifts of employees from one unit to another and with hiring of new employee from off campus. | |
17 | Disagreement at UNI Over Hiring Practices Public Relations News Release 1971:392, p.1 |
75 of 239 employees of the physical plant staff and housekeeping services failed to show up for work Wednesday as a result of disagreement with UNI over hiring practices. | |
18 | Statement from UNI Business Manager on Absence Feb. 17 Public Relations News Release 1971:393, p.1 |
Phillip C. Jennings issues a statement requiring those who missed work on Wednesday to furnish a written statement from physicians or staff will be deducted pay from not being on the job. | |
19 | Jennings Reports Normal Work Situation at UNI on Feb. 18 Public Relations News Release 1971:393, p.1 |
Employees from the physical plant and residence hall services are back to work according to Jennings. | |
20 | Board of Regents Awards UNI Contract to Waterloo Firm Public Relations News Release 1970:84, p.1 |
Approval of $211,280.54 contract for the construction of a driver training range to Mepco, Inc. of Waterloo; contract for food service study | |
21 | Regents Approve $171,927 Biennial Budget Increase for UNI Public Relations News Release 1970:10, p.1 |
The money will be used for unmet needs for general expenses, equipment, and repairs, replacement and alterations items. | |
22 | Alumni assemble for 87th reunion Alumnus 55:3, p.18 |
225 meet; service awards announced; photo. | |
23 | Faculty Wives Present UNI Union with New Painting Public Relations News Release 1969:716, p.1 |
Joint presentation made in the Union of "The Rocking-Horse People." The painting was hung in the Royal Oak Dining Room. | |
24 | Regents Award Contract for UNI Married Student Housing Project Public Relations News Release 1969:639, p.1 |
The project will consist of 278 units and will be constructed on the south part of campus; approval of the construction of a driver training range; renovation of presiden't residence | |
25 | Alumni Awards Presented at 87th UNI Alumni-Faculty Reunion Public Relations News Release 1969:619, p.1 |
Awards were presented for meritorious service to UNI, its alumni, and the state of Iowa at the event. | |
26 | Regents approve housing project Public Relations News Release 66:43, p.8 |
Will build 278-unit project; summary of specifications. | |
27 | Regents approve plans for married student housing project at UNI Public Relations News Release 1969:411, p.1 |
278 units of married student housing; approved plans for converting the Laundry Building into a Psychology Annex; reduced speed limit; police; land lease | |
28 | Radio Release: Special Public Relations News Release 1969:276, p.1 |
American Legion Post and UNI Officials have resolved an issue regarding usage of O. R. Latham Stadium. | |
29 | Special Public Relations News Release 1969:277, p.1 |
UNI officials granted the Becker-Chapman American Legion Post #138 of Waterloo the use of O. R. Lathm Stadium on July 19, 1970. | |
30 | Regents Approve Board and Room Rate Increases at UNI Public Relations News Release 1969:281, p.1 |
Regents approve a $50 increase in residence hall room and board rates and a new room and board program for UNI in September. | |
31 | Regents Approve Capital Funds for UNI Building Public Relations News Release 1969:225, p.1 |
Phrase II of the UNI Education Complex; approval of $50,000 of capital improvements funds | |
32 | Regents Approve Physical Plant Projects Public Relations News Release 1969:183, p.1 |
Physical Plant projects; speed limit of 20 mph in College Courts Apartments area. | |
33 | Seeks action on paycheck Northern Iowan 66:12, p.9 |
Terry Knapp in dispute over fee to UNI. | |
34 | Regents Hear Report of Married Student Housing Prototype Project Public Relations News Release 1969:66, p.1 |
Report on married student housing; UNI golf course land acquisition for U.S. Highway 218 improvement. | |
35 | Regents Approve Project to Renovate Laundry for Psychology Annex Public Relations News Release 1969:71, p.1 |
Psychology plans to move into the 1936 building and use it for at least 15 years. | |
36 | Married students prefer low rent; indicate size choice Northern Iowan 66:7, p.4 |
Survey shows that students like the size and cost of their current quarters; diagrams and model of new facilities. | |
37 | SS backs AWS no hours; studies library key policy College Eye 63:50, p.1 |
38 | Phillip Jennings memorial fund is established College Eye 63:28, p.8 |
Son of SCI business manager killed in car accident. | |
39 | Church bequests $10,841 to SCI foundation College Eye 63:26, p.3 |
College Hill Interdenominational Church suggests that income from the bequest be used to bring speakers to campus or to support religious activities. | |
40 | SCI receives loan for new Student Union College Eye 63:12, p.8 |
May receive $200,000 federal loan. | |
41 | Ayers gives appreciation College Eye 60:46, p.2 |
Praises Phillip Jennings for helping realize the goals in PiLL Party Platform and for his interest in married student housing areas. | |
42 | Central-Crossroads hall to be repaired for usage College Eye 60:12, p.1 |
Demolition and removal of Central Hall ruins will continue; Crossroads will be repaired. | |
43 | New payroll plan for students, staff College Eye 58:13, p.1 |
Paychecks will be issued once a month. | |
44 | Student fees: where your money goes College Eye 52:16, p.3 |
A breakdown of where student fees go; photo. | |
45 | Building construction progresses at ISTC Public Relations News Release 1960:10, p.1 |
Eldon E. Cole leads construction efforts for the new men's dormitory, while Phillip C. Jennings reports progress on sewage management and heat main extension for the new buildings. Greenhouse additions are to be completed by October. | |
46 | Business Office Physical Plant Old Gold 0:0, p.83 |
The Physical Plant services departs mof Luandry, mimeograph, and telephone. It and the staff that work there are responsible for the physical operation of the college, Photos. | |
47 | 37 on faculty promoted; 17 to "full prof" College Eye 50:34, p.1 |
Roster of promotions. | |
48 | Business and Physical Plant Keep College Running Smoothly Old Gold 0:0, p.89 |
The Business Office is responsible for the receipt and dispersement of TC funds, and the Physical Plant is responsible for maintenance and the physical operation of the college; photo. | |
49 | Action to begin on new dining, social facilities College Eye 50:11, p.1 |
President Maucker establishes committee to study matter. | |
50 | Business and Physical Plant Old Gold 0:0, p.89 |
Brief description of the role of these two offices; photos. |