Jernigan--Malcolm Lathon (Music Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 24 of 24 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Honoring employees for years of service
Northern Iowan 101:55, p.2
The Annual Recognition Breakfast honoring those who are retiring will be held April 30th at 8:15a.m.
2 Long-term employees retiring from UNI to be recognized Saturday, April 30
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1

Thirteen retiring employees will be honored at Recognition Breakfast.

3 UNI students phoning in their assignments
Public Relations News Release 1998:100, p.1
Music professor Lathon Jernigan describes his method of grading sight singing assignments turned in on his voice mail.
4 The Northern Brass Quintet
Campus News Network 6:13, p.
Performed a concert of music for brass and organ at St. Mark Lutheran Church in West Des Moines.
5 Orchestra highlights word premiere; professor debuts piece
Northern Iowan 90:29, p.4
Will perform Lathon Jernigan's "Double Concerto for Trumpet, Trombone, and Orchestra".
6 Lathon Jernigan, Max Bonecutter, Randy Grabowski, and Rebecca Burdkhardt
Campus News Network 4:7, p.4
Lathon Jernigan published a cantata and will premier a new work with Randy Grabowski, Max Bonecutter, and Rebecca Burkhardt.
7 Lathon Jernigan
Campus News Network 2:15, p.
Has two compositions published.
8 A new approach to music
Northern Iowan 86:9, p.1
Professors Jernigan and Washut talk about computer applications for music.
9 Computer may never be considered master composers but they will make their mark on the music industry day University of Northern Iowa music experts.
Public Relations News Release 1988:557, p.1
The computer will never replace the human mind in creating music, the computer will play an important role in the future of the music industry.
10 Regents approve professional development leaves for 20 UNI faculty
Public Relations News Release 1986:203, p.1
Leaves were approved for the 1986-1987 school year; six leaves are for the fall, eight for the spring and six for the entire year; list of those taking a leave.
11 Computer-assisted instruction implemented in School of Music
Northern Iowan 82:14, p.8
Lathon Jernigan comments at length on the benefits of computer-assisted instruction.
12 New, experimental courses foster academic renewal
Alumnus 69:4, p.20
Faculty members offer observations and opinions about experimental courses that they are teaching; photo.
13 School of Music boasts top-rated musical groups
Old Gold 0:0, p.31
The School of Music boasts many top-rated musical organizations; photo.
14 Attend piano teachers' symposium
Northern Iowan 77:50, p.12
Many faculty will participate.
15 Jernigan to direct WCP
Northern Iowan 77:36, p.9
Professor Jernigan will be music director for WCP production of "The Music Man".
16 Northern Brass Quintet to perform Monday February 23
Public Relations News Release 1980:369, p.1
The Northern Brass Quintet will perform a concert that will be aired live on KUNI-KHKE.
17 School of Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.33
The School of Music offers a complete and varied music education, including a balanced curriculum in teacher training. Facilities include recital hall, a music library 50 practice rooms; photo.
18 Music recital
Northern Iowan 75:49, p.5
UNI faculty will give a recital this Sunday.
19 Music, mime and dance to be featured in faculty recital Tues
Northern Iowan 73:35, p.1
Detailed description of Faculty Chamber Music recital.
20 Modern-visual or traditional-aural compositions created by UNI musicians
UNI Century 4:4, p.6
Faculty outline their views on musical composition; photo.
21 Prof copyrights pledge
Northern Iowan 73:1, p.5
Professor Meinert writes music to go with Pledge of Allegiance.
22 Regents approve business
Northern Iowan 71:39, p.1
Approve fourteen PDLs; Professor Rhum resigns as Dean of the Graduate College; department re-named Department of Industrial Technology; Dome seats approved; change in interior design contracts for Speech/Art Complex.
23 Robust musical "Oliver" is summer theatre offering
Northern Iowan 69:53, p.5
Brief preview.
24 Chamber Orchestra to give Sunday concert
Northern Iowan 68:13, p.8
Brief program.