Jernigan--Malcolm Lathon (Music Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 24 of 24 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Honoring employees for years of service Northern Iowan 101:55, p.2 |
The Annual Recognition Breakfast honoring those who are retiring will be held April 30th at 8:15a.m. | |
2 | Long-term employees retiring from UNI to be recognized Saturday, April 30 Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1 |
Thirteen retiring employees will be honored at Recognition Breakfast. |
3 | UNI students phoning in their assignments Public Relations News Release 1998:100, p.1 |
Music professor Lathon Jernigan describes his method of grading sight singing assignments turned in on his voice mail. | |
4 | The Northern Brass Quintet Campus News Network 6:13, p. |
Performed a concert of music for brass and organ at St. Mark Lutheran Church in West Des Moines. | |
5 | Orchestra highlights word premiere; professor debuts piece Northern Iowan 90:29, p.4 |
Will perform Lathon Jernigan's "Double Concerto for Trumpet, Trombone, and Orchestra". | |
6 | Lathon Jernigan, Max Bonecutter, Randy Grabowski, and Rebecca Burdkhardt Campus News Network 4:7, p.4 |
Lathon Jernigan published a cantata and will premier a new work with Randy Grabowski, Max Bonecutter, and Rebecca Burkhardt. | |
7 | Lathon Jernigan Campus News Network 2:15, p. |
Has two compositions published. | |
8 | A new approach to music Northern Iowan 86:9, p.1 |
Professors Jernigan and Washut talk about computer applications for music. | |
9 | Computer may never be considered master composers but they will make their mark on the music industry day University of Northern Iowa music experts. Public Relations News Release 1988:557, p.1 |
The computer will never replace the human mind in creating music, the computer will play an important role in the future of the music industry. | |
10 | Regents approve professional development leaves for 20 UNI faculty Public Relations News Release 1986:203, p.1 |
Leaves were approved for the 1986-1987 school year; six leaves are for the fall, eight for the spring and six for the entire year; list of those taking a leave. | |
11 | Computer-assisted instruction implemented in School of Music Northern Iowan 82:14, p.8 |
Lathon Jernigan comments at length on the benefits of computer-assisted instruction. | |
12 | New, experimental courses foster academic renewal Alumnus 69:4, p.20 |
Faculty members offer observations and opinions about experimental courses that they are teaching; photo. | |
13 | School of Music boasts top-rated musical groups Old Gold 0:0, p.31 |
The School of Music boasts many top-rated musical organizations; photo. | |
14 | Attend piano teachers' symposium Northern Iowan 77:50, p.12 |
Many faculty will participate. | |
15 | Jernigan to direct WCP Northern Iowan 77:36, p.9 |
Professor Jernigan will be music director for WCP production of "The Music Man". | |
16 | Northern Brass Quintet to perform Monday February 23 Public Relations News Release 1980:369, p.1 |
The Northern Brass Quintet will perform a concert that will be aired live on KUNI-KHKE. | |
17 | School of Music Old Gold 0:0, p.33 |
The School of Music offers a complete and varied music education, including a balanced curriculum in teacher training. Facilities include recital hall, a music library 50 practice rooms; photo. | |
18 | Music recital Northern Iowan 75:49, p.5 |
UNI faculty will give a recital this Sunday. | |
19 | Music, mime and dance to be featured in faculty recital Tues Northern Iowan 73:35, p.1 |
Detailed description of Faculty Chamber Music recital. | |
20 | Modern-visual or traditional-aural compositions created by UNI musicians UNI Century 4:4, p.6 |
Faculty outline their views on musical composition; photo. | |
21 | Prof copyrights pledge Northern Iowan 73:1, p.5 |
Professor Meinert writes music to go with Pledge of Allegiance. | |
22 | Regents approve business Northern Iowan 71:39, p.1 |
Approve fourteen PDLs; Professor Rhum resigns as Dean of the Graduate College; department re-named Department of Industrial Technology; Dome seats approved; change in interior design contracts for Speech/Art Complex. | |
23 | Robust musical "Oliver" is summer theatre offering Northern Iowan 69:53, p.5 |
Brief preview. | |
24 | Chamber Orchestra to give Sunday concert Northern Iowan 68:13, p.8 |
Brief program. |