Johnson--Morgan Elizabeth (Student--2008)

Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 In 'Convict,' jailbirds sing song of prison reform from behind bars
Northern Iowan 109:33, p.6
"Convict" calls to the audience's attention a system that needs to be fixed by keeping what works and changing what does not work; photo.
2 UNI faculty pass vote of no confidence in Allen, Gibson
Northern Iowan 108:42, p.1
Meeting was called by Faculty Chair James Jurgenson in response to a petition calling for a faculty meeting, following the announced closing of Price Lab School and upcoming academic cuts; photo
3 NISG's exciting upcoming plans
Northern Iowan 108:30, p.5
Sturdy suggestion boxes, officers available during lunch on Mondays, Panther Points, increased lobbying efforts, improving the NISG website, and UNIty Week are some of the exciting events planned for spring semester; photo.
4 Twitter responses
Northern Iowan 108:28, p.5

Students respond to the question, "What are your New Year's resolutions?"

5 What you doing over Thanksgiving break?
Northern Iowan 108:24, p.7
Tweets from students about plans for break; photo.
6 Meet your student representatives
Northern Iowan 107:54, p.
Northern Iowa Student Government representatives, their offices, and areas of representation; photo.
7 spencer.ian. YOU?
Northern Iowan 107:52, p.10
Student body vice president Ian Goldsmith shares his views for the upcoming year in student government. Students urged to share their comments and suggestions; photo.
8 A message from the student body president
Northern Iowan 107:51, p.11
Article is the first of new transparency initiatives. "Union table hours" will be posted on the NISG website. Students urged to contact and make suggestions to "their officers". Team members introduced; photo.
9 NISG swears in new administration, senate
Northern Iowan 107:50, p.1
Oath of office given to newly elected members of student government. This was the first meeting of the new senate; photo.
10 Is there someone you LikeALIttle?
Northern Iowan 107:46, p.4
This .com site is supposed to be positive, fun, comfortable, and a safe environment for students to anonymously flirt and chat.
11 No more fliers in dorm halls
Northern Iowan 106:1, p.1
Department of Residence will no longer accept materials to be posted within the residence halls. Postings on MyUniverse News is the alternative; photo.
12 Students lobby state capitol for Students' Day
Northern Iowan 105:48, p.1
Forty-eight students travel to Des Moines to meet with legislators concerning the future of funding; photo.
13 Experiences to consider
Northern Iowan 105:36, p.8
Support shown for the Boeckmann/Palomo ticket in the upcoming election for Northern Iowa Student Government.
14 Panther Portraits
Northern Iowan 105:32, p.5
Setting up for a rally for Trevor Boeckmann and Anthony Palomo; photo.