Jordan--Warren (Student--1934)

Displaying 1 - 24 of 24 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Paul Jones is expected to be the most serious threat for three veteran ends
Public Relations News Release 1934:1144, p.1
2 Tutor football outlook seems fair for 1935; eighteen lettermen are expected to return this fall
College Eye 27:50, p.4
Assessing Panther football team for coming year; photos.
3 Football
Old Gold 0:0, p.234
1934 schedule and season highlights; photos.
4 Gridders set field record--roll up 101 points
Alumnus 19:1, p.14
1934 season wrap-up; season record was 3-3-2.
5 Five Panthers rate all-Iowa
College Eye 26:23, p.1
Five grid players were honored in the annual selection of the United Press All-Iowa conference football teams.
6 The Saturday football game drew the second varsity season to a close for Kenneth Erwin
Public Relations News Release 1934:718, p.1
Erwin had to compete with heavier men for an end position all season.
7 The Teachers College football team has been working out new defense plays this week
Public Relations News Release 1934:708, p.1
The same lineup used against Morningside will be used, with the exception of Russell Bell.
8 Panther Portraits
College Eye 26:21, p.4
A profile on TC football player Warren Jordan.
9 The Iowa State Teachers College football team prepares for the Morningside game
Public Relations News Release 1934:701, p.1
Starting line up.
10 Coach John Baker plans to use the same line up from the Homecoming football game
Public Relations News Release 1934:697, p.1
Starting line up and schedule of Saturday's games.
11 None of the Iowa State Teachers College football squad will be out of the game with injuries
Public Relations News Release 1934:696, p.1
Starting line up for the game against Morningside College.
12 Football prospects look brighter now with no players on the injured list
Public Relations News Release 1934:681, p.1
Starting lineup for the Homecoming game.
13 Coach John Baker is concerned with the number of injured football players
Public Relations News Release 1934:662, p.1
A few previously injured players will be back this week, but many were injured in Saturday's game.
14 Chalk talk Monday opens a week of drills
Public Relations News Release 1934:666, p.1
Starting lineup for the Homecoming game.
15 Panthers receive their first loss
Public Relations News Release 1934:645, p.1
Three men were put into the hospital as soon as they returned from Kalamazoo.
16 Football team heads to Kalamazoo, Michigan
Public Relations News Release 1934:639, p.1
Season updates.
17 The football team polishes up some untried plays
Public Relations News Release 1934:630, p.2
Season updates.
18 "Little Pete" Peterson or Orville Nichols will be the starting quarterback
Public Relations News Release 1934:622, p.2
Possible players for the starting lineup.
19 Forty-five likely gridders answer first call
Alumnus 18:4, p.15
1934 season preview; photo.
20 Coach John Baker polishes his football team for their first game
Public Relations News Release 1934:616, p.2
Schedule for this week's practices and season updates.
21 Vernon Stribley's shoulder forces him to leave football competition this year
Public Relations News Release 1934:604, p.1
22 45 men turned out as candidates for the college football team
Public Relations News Release 1934:595, p.1
Season preview
23 Frosh to meet Coe yearlings; to get their first taste of college football on November 4
College Eye 25:18, p.4
Freshmen learning new plays in preparation for their meet with Coe; photo.
24 At a banquet given Tuesday evening
Public Relations News Release 1932:134, p.1
Twenty-four men letter in football; list provided.