Junior Class

Displaying 1 - 50 of 187 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Career Fair Guide
Northern Iowan 110:4, p.1
Tips for students on how to make a great impression at the Career Fair. Includes proper dress and sample questions to ask. There is also a list of the businesses attending the Career Fair.
2 Career Fair Guide
Northern Iowan 109:5, p.
Tips for freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors attending the Career Fair. Proper dress, preparation, and sample questions for companies provided.
3 Classification system revised
Northern Iowan 75:7, p.12
New classifications are: freshmen, 0-29 hours; sophomores, 30-59 hours; juniors, 60-89 hours; seniors 90 or more hours; reflects increased numbers of liberal arts majors whose curricula are shorter.
4 Juniors
Old Gold 0:0, p.270

Directory of junior classmen; photo

5 Juniors
Old Gold 0:0, p.268
Junior class registering; photo
6 Juniors
Old Gold 0:0, p.269
Directory of junior classmen; photo
7 Juniors
Old Gold 0:0, p.271
Directory of juniors; photo
8 Class of 1959
Old Gold 0:0, p.300

Junior class of 1958; photo.

9 Class of 1959
Old Gold 0:0, p.301

Junior Class of 1958; photo.

10 Underclassmen
Old Gold 0:0, p.289
Scene of familiies moving their children into the dorms. Cars are parked along both sides of the street; photo.
11 Juniors need to get credit balance sheets
College Eye 42:3, p.1
Need to know their progress toward graduation.
12 Notice to junior men
College Eye 33:28, p.1
V-7 program will close.
13 Junior women schedule picnic
College Eye 32:28, p.4
Will hike to Golf Course.
14 Juniors jaunt
College Eye 31:26, p.3
Junior women take a hike.
15 Junior class will sponsor annual Washington Ball; George and Martha Washington will be revealed this evening
College Eye 31:21, p.3
Dance preview.
16 Junior class to sponsor Washington Ball tonight music by Wally Wallace
College Eye 30:21, p.3
17 Officers win by narrow margin; small vote elects girl, eleven boys
College Eye 30:6, p.1
List of class officers.
18 Committees picked for Washington Ball
College Eye 28:19, p.3
19 Junior class supper party
College Eye 28:8, p.3
To be held in the yellow kitchen.
20 Classes choose nominees for year's officers
College Eye 28:5, p.3
List of nominees.
21 Classes to meet to nominate year's officers
College Eye 28:4, p.1
22 Sedate minuet transformed into modern steps by festive guests; Jack Hampton to play for annual Washington Ball tonight
College Eye 27:32, p.3
23 George and Martha step from history to lead traditional ball
College Eye 27:31, p.3
Preview of the Washington Ball.
24 Junior women have travel dinner party
College Eye 27:27, p.5
Tables decorated to represent different countries.
25 Helen Ruth Bohan served as chairman of the committee in charge of the travel dinner party
Public Relations News Release 1935:379, p.1
Each table was decorated to represent a different country.
26 Mary Elizabeth Covey served on the committee which planned the travel dinner party
Public Relations News Release 1935:380, p.1
Each table was decorated to represent a different country and its food.
27 Approximately 150 women of the junior class will tour the world in the course of the supper hour
Public Relations News Release 1935:378, p.1
Each table will serve food from a different country.
28 Junior girls choose date after holidays for "travel" dinner
College Eye 27:25, p.3
29 Plans complete for first week after holidays; formal dance, class dinner will initiate new year on campus
College Eye 27:25, p.3
Campus social calendar.
30 Classes to ballot at primaries Monday
College Eye 27:15, p.1
List of candidates for Student Council representatives.
31 An open letter to the student body
College Eye 26:38, p.1
Some feel that the small number of votes cast in the recent Student Council elections was due in part to the students' lack of courage to manage student affairs.
32 Ennert to play Washington Ball
College Eye 26:30, p.1
Sponsored by junior class.
33 Lester Peterson is chosen President in senior class election
College Eye 26:21, p.1
List of junior and senior class officers.
34 Aspirants for class offices are named
College Eye 26:18, p.1
List of nominees.
35 Juniors and seniors nominate class officers
Public Relations News Release 1934:644, p.1
Three students were chosen for each office.
36 Ross Cutler wins Junior Class election
College Eye 25:27, p.1
Replaces Robert Henry as class secretary.
37 Five committees are selected for Washington Ball
College Eye 25:27, p.1
List of committee members.
38 Junior class to meet
College Eye 25:26, p.1
Will plan for Washington Ball.
39 Carl West's orchestra will play for eleventh Washington ball; E. Riggs, Betty Harrington to present special features
College Eye 24:20, p.1
40 Students elect class officers for next year
College Eye 23:42, p.1
List of class officers.
41 Committees select candidates for class elections Tuesday
College Eye 23:41, p.1
List of class officer candidates.
42 Committees consider candidates for class offices during 1932-33; junior class nominating group announces selection of candidates
College Eye 23:40, p.1
List of candidates.
43 Patriotic decorations aid success of junior class ball last week
College Eye 23:32, p.1
About 125 couples attended.
44 Juniors to stage dance tonight; Charles Crusoe and ten piece band will entertain at Washington Ball
College Eye 23:31, p.1
45 Holiday hop to be next Friday; junior class arranges for Washington Ball, annual event
College Eye 23:30, p.1
46 The Washington Ball
Public Relations News Release 1931:220, p.1
Annual dance is February 19; heads of committees listed.
47 Roger Prior elected president of junior class of next year; seventy votes cast in election held at crossroads Wednesday
College Eye 22:27, p.1
Roster of officers.
48 Juniors petition for new election of officers
College Eye 22:26, p.3
Some are unhappy with the methods used in the last election.
49 Juniors elect Byrl Houck as next president; Hackler is new vice-president; Vandaworker, Sec'y, Simmers reelected Treasurer
College Eye 22:24, p.1
Roster of class officers.
50 Students dance tonight at ninth annual Washington Ball; limit attendance at junior dance for first time in history
College Eye 22:20, p.1
Preview and description of the dance.