Junior Class
Displaying 1 - 50 of 187 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Career Fair Guide Northern Iowan 110:4, p.1 |
Tips for students on how to make a great impression at the Career Fair. Includes proper dress and sample questions to ask. There is also a list of the businesses attending the Career Fair. | |
2 | Career Fair Guide Northern Iowan 109:5, p. |
Tips for freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors attending the Career Fair. Proper dress, preparation, and sample questions for companies provided. | |
3 | Classification system revised Northern Iowan 75:7, p.12 |
New classifications are: freshmen, 0-29 hours; sophomores, 30-59 hours; juniors, 60-89 hours; seniors 90 or more hours; reflects increased numbers of liberal arts majors whose curricula are shorter. | |
4 | Juniors Old Gold 0:0, p.270 |
Directory of junior classmen; photo |
5 | Juniors Old Gold 0:0, p.268 |
Junior class registering; photo | |
6 | Juniors Old Gold 0:0, p.269 |
Directory of junior classmen; photo | |
7 | Juniors Old Gold 0:0, p.271 |
Directory of juniors; photo | |
8 | Class of 1959 Old Gold 0:0, p.300 |
Junior class of 1958; photo. |
9 | Class of 1959 Old Gold 0:0, p.301 |
Junior Class of 1958; photo. |
10 | Underclassmen Old Gold 0:0, p.289 |
Scene of familiies moving their children into the dorms. Cars are parked along both sides of the street; photo. | |
11 | Juniors need to get credit balance sheets College Eye 42:3, p.1 |
Need to know their progress toward graduation. | |
12 | Notice to junior men College Eye 33:28, p.1 |
V-7 program will close. | |
13 | Junior women schedule picnic College Eye 32:28, p.4 |
Will hike to Golf Course. | |
14 | Juniors jaunt College Eye 31:26, p.3 |
Junior women take a hike. | |
15 | Junior class will sponsor annual Washington Ball; George and Martha Washington will be revealed this evening College Eye 31:21, p.3 |
Dance preview. | |
16 | Junior class to sponsor Washington Ball tonight music by Wally Wallace College Eye 30:21, p.3 |
17 | Officers win by narrow margin; small vote elects girl, eleven boys College Eye 30:6, p.1 |
List of class officers. | |
18 | Committees picked for Washington Ball College Eye 28:19, p.3 |
19 | Junior class supper party College Eye 28:8, p.3 |
To be held in the yellow kitchen. | |
20 | Classes choose nominees for year's officers College Eye 28:5, p.3 |
List of nominees. | |
21 | Classes to meet to nominate year's officers College Eye 28:4, p.1 |
22 | Sedate minuet transformed into modern steps by festive guests; Jack Hampton to play for annual Washington Ball tonight College Eye 27:32, p.3 |
23 | George and Martha step from history to lead traditional ball College Eye 27:31, p.3 |
Preview of the Washington Ball. | |
24 | Junior women have travel dinner party College Eye 27:27, p.5 |
Tables decorated to represent different countries. | |
25 | Helen Ruth Bohan served as chairman of the committee in charge of the travel dinner party Public Relations News Release 1935:379, p.1 |
Each table was decorated to represent a different country. | |
26 | Mary Elizabeth Covey served on the committee which planned the travel dinner party Public Relations News Release 1935:380, p.1 |
Each table was decorated to represent a different country and its food. | |
27 | Approximately 150 women of the junior class will tour the world in the course of the supper hour Public Relations News Release 1935:378, p.1 |
Each table will serve food from a different country. | |
28 | Junior girls choose date after holidays for "travel" dinner College Eye 27:25, p.3 |
29 | Plans complete for first week after holidays; formal dance, class dinner will initiate new year on campus College Eye 27:25, p.3 |
Campus social calendar. | |
30 | Classes to ballot at primaries Monday College Eye 27:15, p.1 |
List of candidates for Student Council representatives. | |
31 | An open letter to the student body College Eye 26:38, p.1 |
Some feel that the small number of votes cast in the recent Student Council elections was due in part to the students' lack of courage to manage student affairs. | |
32 | Ennert to play Washington Ball College Eye 26:30, p.1 |
Sponsored by junior class. | |
33 | Lester Peterson is chosen President in senior class election College Eye 26:21, p.1 |
List of junior and senior class officers. | |
34 | Aspirants for class offices are named College Eye 26:18, p.1 |
List of nominees. | |
35 | Juniors and seniors nominate class officers Public Relations News Release 1934:644, p.1 |
Three students were chosen for each office. | |
36 | Ross Cutler wins Junior Class election College Eye 25:27, p.1 |
Replaces Robert Henry as class secretary. | |
37 | Five committees are selected for Washington Ball College Eye 25:27, p.1 |
List of committee members. | |
38 | Junior class to meet College Eye 25:26, p.1 |
Will plan for Washington Ball. | |
39 | Carl West's orchestra will play for eleventh Washington ball; E. Riggs, Betty Harrington to present special features College Eye 24:20, p.1 |
40 | Students elect class officers for next year College Eye 23:42, p.1 |
List of class officers. | |
41 | Committees select candidates for class elections Tuesday College Eye 23:41, p.1 |
List of class officer candidates. | |
42 | Committees consider candidates for class offices during 1932-33; junior class nominating group announces selection of candidates College Eye 23:40, p.1 |
List of candidates. | |
43 | Patriotic decorations aid success of junior class ball last week College Eye 23:32, p.1 |
About 125 couples attended. | |
44 | Juniors to stage dance tonight; Charles Crusoe and ten piece band will entertain at Washington Ball College Eye 23:31, p.1 |
45 | Holiday hop to be next Friday; junior class arranges for Washington Ball, annual event College Eye 23:30, p.1 |
46 | The Washington Ball Public Relations News Release 1931:220, p.1 |
Annual dance is February 19; heads of committees listed. | |
47 | Roger Prior elected president of junior class of next year; seventy votes cast in election held at crossroads Wednesday College Eye 22:27, p.1 |
Roster of officers. | |
48 | Juniors petition for new election of officers College Eye 22:26, p.3 |
Some are unhappy with the methods used in the last election. | |
49 | Juniors elect Byrl Houck as next president; Hackler is new vice-president; Vandaworker, Sec'y, Simmers reelected Treasurer College Eye 22:24, p.1 |
Roster of class officers. | |
50 | Students dance tonight at ninth annual Washington Ball; limit attendance at junior dance for first time in history College Eye 22:20, p.1 |
Preview and description of the dance. |