KCRS [Radio Station]

Displaying 1 - 50 of 219 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 KGRK kicks out music through cable
Northern Iowan 92:14, p.10
Recent history and future plans for KGRK; photo.
2 KCRS changes call letters to reflect changing image
Northern Iowan 86:8, p.8
Attempting to improve its image and programming; KCRS will become KGRK.
3 Untitled
Northern Iowan 85:53, p.12
Students participate in KCRS trivia contest; photo.
4 University of Northern Iowa's KCRS to host 8th Annual Trivia Contest.
Public Relations News Release 1988:394, p.1
Questions will be asked on air every 15 minutes teams must phone in a correct answer. Questions will be assigned point values and the team with the highest score will win. Area businesses have provided $1,300 in prizes and the top four team will win.
5 Questions about KCRS answered
Northern Iowan 85:46, p.2
Attempts to explain current status of KCRS and its radio signal.
6 KCRS selected to vote for MTV music awards
Northern Iowan 85:45, p.13
7 KCRS trying to be summer station
Northern Iowan 84:60, p.7
Has never broadcast during summer; would need cooperation from Union in staying open later.
8 Stephens new KCRS general manager; two management positions still open
Northern Iowan 84:51, p.4
John Stephens talks about his plans for the station.
9 KCRS accepts management applications
Northern Iowan 84:46, p.1
Jon Hall describes positions available.
10 Take a guess..
Northern Iowan 84:45, p.7
Scenes from KCRS trivia contest; photo.
11 University of Northern Iowa student radio station KCRS accepting applications for management positions for next year
Public Relations News Release 1987:304, p.1
Professor Jonathan Hall announces that KCRS is accepting applications for several positions, including program director, general manager, production supervisor, and chief engineer. Applications are available in Maucker Union, CAC, and the Auditorium.
12 Trivia contest able to reach more listeners
Northern Iowan 84:43, p.9
Rules for the contest.
13 University of Northern Iowa student radio station KCRS to sponsor trivia contest
Public Relations News Release 1987:289, p.1
KCRS organizes their sixth twenty-four hour trivia contest. Questions will be aired every fifteen minutes with varying point values. The top four teams of at least two members are eligible for prizes.
14 KCRS disc jockeys get exposure
Northern Iowan 84:36, p.6
Window installed in studio; photo.
15 KCRS names Reese manager
Northern Iowan 84:35, p.1
Greg Reese looks at his new job; photo.
16 Senate buys new equipment for KCRS
Northern Iowan 84:33, p.1
Allocates $1765 for equipment.
17 Voter registration plan okayed
Northern Iowan 84:27, p.5
Would make voter registration material available with class registration material; recognize KCRS as "official student radio station".
18 General manager Lamb leaves KCRS for new job
Northern Iowan 84:27, p.4
Profile of Colin Lamb and his work at the station.
19 KCRS funding request denied
Northern Iowan 84:26, p.3
Request was for new equipment.
20 Lamb announces KCRS resignation
Northern Iowan 84:26, p.2
Looks back with affection on years of work at KCRS.
21 Radio show to air student suggestions
Northern Iowan 84:17, p.13
KCRS hosts phone-in show.
22 'We Can Make You Laugh' comedy show comes to Northern Iowa's Maucker Union Oct. 29
Public Relations News Release 1987:92, p.1
The University Speakers Committee, KCRS, and the Union Policy Board sponsor the "We Can Make You Laugh" comedy show in Maucker Union. Audience members are challenged to survive a two-minute comedy routine without laughing. Cash prizes are given.
23 UNI student radio station KCRS now broadcast in metro community
Public Relations News Release 1987:59, p.1
KCRS General Manager Colin Lamb outlines the new broadcasting schedule for metro listeners. The new schedule includes sports coverage from the station's direct link in the UNI-Dome, interviews with coaches, and controversial issue oriented programs.
24 KCRS making move to cable
Northern Iowan 84:3, p.1
Will transfer signal to special telephone line.
25 Not just eggs, toast and juice at breakfast any more
Northern Iowa Today 15:3, p.8
KCRS runs interview show with UNI coaches.
26 KCRS trivia contest set for tonight
Northern Iowan 83:55, p.11
Contest rules.
27 UNI's KCRS student radio station to sponsor 24-hour trivia contest April 24-25
Public Relations News Release 1987:330, p.1
KCRS sponsors a twenty-four hour trivia contest, with teams of two to fifty students competing for prizes. The first team to call in a correct answer receives Dancer Hall's Merrill House holds three consecutive victories.
28 KCRS management staff for 1987-88 announced
Northern Iowan 83:50, p.5
List of management staff; Colin Lamb will be station manager.
29 Student groups lobby UNISA for more money
Northern Iowan 83:44, p.1
Students press cases for larger allocations.
30 Notice . . .
Northern Iowan 83:43, p.13
KCRS seeking staff.
31 Feature notes . . .
Northern Iowan 83:39, p.11
EMCEC will host soul food dinner; UNI-GLO will sponsor Gay Pride Week; will hold panel discussion of Blue Jeans Day; KCRS seeking staff.
32 Sunday is Hockey Night
Northern Iowan 83:11, p.16
Campus radio is planning to broadcast from an upcoming game.
33 KCRS ready to 'go the extra mile'
Northern Iowan 83:5, p.10
A look at the facilities and programming; photo.
34 Security called to check on trivia seekers
Northern Iowan 82:48, p.13
Trivia contestants talk about their experiences; photo.
35 Senate: 'frequencies monopolized'
Northern Iowan 82:47, p.3
UNISA and broadcasting department debate the use of University radio frequencies; UNISA recommends that KCRS use the KHKE frequency.
36 Groups vie for prizes in annual trivia contest
Northern Iowan 82:47, p.12
Students participate in the annual KCRS Trivia Contest.
37 UNISA passes organization budget
Northern Iowan 82:45, p.1
UNISA senators debate the student organization budget; photo.
38 UNISA hears budget appeals
Northern Iowan 82:43, p.1
KCRS hopes to change their carrier current system from phone lines to FM cable; photo.
39 KCRS looks for funds
Northern Iowan 82:35, p.9
Presents $4200 budget request to UNISA.
40 KCRS considers FM broadcasting
Northern Iowan 82:34, p.1
Hopes that signal could be carried through cable television lines.
41 Bah, humbug!!!
Northern Iowan 82:27, p.15
Glenn Fries, Brenton Williams, and Gary Wolter perform in a radio version of the play the "A Christmas Carol"; photo.
42 What's Up
Northern Iowan 82:26, p.5
Meetings and activities.
43 Untitled
Northern Iowan 82:16, p.3
Discusses the importance KCRS has had in his life.
44 Lux Service Award Winners to be Honored During UNI Homecoming Festivities
Public Relations News Release 1985:75, p.1
Peggy Gohlinghorst and Gregory Pittam received the Lux Service Medallion; states all the activities of the four finalists.
45 KCRS 'proving ground' for creativity
Northern Iowan 82:3, p.15
Students and alumni talk about what they learned by working at KCRS; photo.
46 KCRS lives on
Northern Iowan 82:2, p.1
KCRS still trying to find funding after UNISA gave it zero funding.
Northern Iowan 81:60, p.3
Votes against for contingency funds for KCRS.
48 Differing opinions given for KCRS funding cuts
Northern Iowan 81:56, p.4
UNISA and KCRS staff have different perceptions on the advisor's opinion on adequate funding, staff competence, and station value.
49 Says there is hope for KCRS
Northern Iowan 81:50, p.3
Disagrees with UNISA's decision to discontinue funding to KCRS.
50 Immaculate Perception
Northern Iowan 81:49, p.2
Discusses Writing Competency Exam and UNISA's actions.