Keeler--S. Sophia (Class of 1894)

Displaying 1 - 45 of 45 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 W. Walter Wilson
Alumnus 36:2, p.21
Died on February 5, 1952.
2 Fifty-year medalists
Alumnus 28:3, p.3
Eighteen alumni receive medals during campus reunion; photo.
3 Dorothy M. Wilson
Alumnus 28:3, p.23
Daughter of W. Walter Wilson; sister, Sophie Wilson now works in the Boeing aircraft factory in Seattle, Washington.
4 Gilchrist Hall picture calls up memories for '94 graduate
Alumnus 19:2, p.4
News of the Class of 1894.
5 Miss Dorothy Wilson and her sister Iris
College Eye 15:11, p.8
Have been visiting their brother in the hospital in Waterloo.
6 S. Sophie Keeler
Normal Eyte 9:26, p.617
Married and completed the four years course.
7 Sophie S. Keeler
Normal Eyte 9:21, p.495
Married Walter W. Wilson
8 Walter W. Wilson
Normal Eyte 9:19, p.452
Is married and farming in Stanhope.
9 Cliosophic
Normal Eyte 7:35, p.27
History of the society; photo.
10 On March 1st
Normal Eyte 7:25, p.11
Walter W. Wilson married Sophie Keeler.
11 At a recent meeting
Normal Eyte 6:12, p.137
A. M. Lane made a presentation.
12 Cora Learned has been re-elected
Normal Eyte 5:30, p.278
Roster of other Normalites who have been re-elected to their teaching jobs.
13 The Calhoun County Normal School
Normal Eyte 4:34, p.536
Two Normalites teach there.
14 N. W. Iowa educational meeting
Normal Eyte 4:29, p.453
Description of the program at Sioux City; President Seerley gave an address; many former Normalites attended.
15 M. W. Cooper
Normal Eyte 4:12, p.184
Doing well at Calhoun County Normal School; Miss Keeler teaching there, too.
16 Morris M. Cooper
Normal Eyte 4:8, p.120
Teaching at Rockwell City Normal; Sophie Keeler doing well there.
17 Miss Sophie Keeler
Normal Eyte 3:34, p.270
Visited home at Traer.
18 Misses Sophie and Nervie Keeler
Normal Eyte 3:32, p.255
Entertained their sister Bess.
19 Miss Sophia Keeler
Normal Eyte 3:23, p.183
Appears on campus.
20 Miss Sophia Keeler
Normal Eyte 3:22, p.175
Will finish course with Fourth Year class.
21 Ray Keeler and Miss Sophie
Normal Eyte 3:18, p.142
Attend Aristo public session.
22 Miss Sophia Keeler
Normal Eyte 3:15, p.118
Visited Cedar Falls.
23 One by one our Fourth Years leave us
Normal Eyte 3:13, p.104
Sophie Keeler goes out to teach.
24 The orations of the week
Normal Eyte 3:12, p.96
List of speakers and topics.
25 Mrs. Keeler and Miss Bessie
Normal Eyte 3:12, p.95
Visiting Sophie and Nervie.
26 Miss Sophie Keeler
Normal Eyte 3:10, p.79
Visited home.
27 Miss Sophie Keeler
Normal Eyte 3:4, p.31
Attends wedding of Vallie Skiff to West Pulley.
28 Miss Sophia Keeler's mother
Normal Eyte 3:4, p.30
Visits daughter.
29 Ray and Bessie Keeler
Normal Eyte 3:3, p.23
Visit their sisters Nervie and Sophie.
30 Sophie Keeler
Normal Eyte 3:1, p.5
Back in school.
31 The name of Miss Sophia Keeler
Normal Eyte 2:26, p.207
Visited Normal.
32 The Third Year Class of 1892
Normal Eyte 2:2, p.15
Whereabouts and occupations of class members.
33 Ray, Sophia, and Nervie Keeler
Normal Eyte 1:19, p.149
Enjoy visit from mother and sister Bessie.
34 Miss Matie Mills
Normal Eyte 1:17, p.133
Visited her cousin Sophie Keeler.
35 Miss Sophie Keeler
Normal Eyte 1:16, p.125
Will teach in State Center.
36 The Cliosophic Society
Normal Eyte 1:13, p.102
Excellent program includes term orations, debate, and election of officers.
37 Y. M. & Y. W. C. A.
Normal Eyte 1:11, p.86
Schedule for prayer meetings; term reception for new students.
38 Miss Matie Mills
Normal Eyte 1:9, p.69
Visited cousin Sophia Keeler.
39 The open session of the Cliosophic Society
Normal Eyte 1:6, p.46
Detailed description of the program.
40 Matie Mills
Normal Eyte 1:6, p.46
Visited Sophia Keeler.
41 Mrs. B. L. Keeler
Normal Eyte 1:6, p.46
Visits son and daughter.
42 The Cliosophic public
Normal Eyte 1:5, p.38
Program for "An Evening with Tennyson".
43 Ray W. and Miss Sophie Keeler
Normal Eyte 1:3, p.23
Receive visit from father.
44 School Directory
Normal Eyte 1:2, p.12

Roster of student organizations.

45 School Directory
Normal Eyte 1:1, p.4

Roster of officers of student organizations.