Keiser--Douglas B. (Class of 1987)

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Doug Keiser
Northern Iowa Today 91:1, p.17
Doug Keiser is a physical therapist at Covenant Hospital in Waterloo.
2 Going up . . .
Northern Iowan 83:51, p.9
Students use a hot-air balloon inside the Dome to participate in Senior Week activities; photo.
3 Activities for all in Senior Week
Northern Iowan 83:49, p.3
Publicizes Senior Week activities.
4 'Amateur Night' talent sought for Senior Week at UNI Monday-Saturday (April 6-11)
Public Relations News Release 1987:294, p.1
Senior Week activities begin with a talent show hosted by comedian Jim Miller, and continue with a motivational speech by John Cassis on life after college. Other activities include a beach party, senior pictures, bowling, and a convocation banquet.
5 'Cruising' With the Cat' is 1986 UNI Homecoming theme
Public Relations News Release 1986:401, p.1
Michaelsen said the theme is based on the 1950s and 1960s when young people cruised their hometown streets to see old friends and meet new friends; Dalrymple designed the winning logo.
6 ODK national honorary leadership society initiative new members at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1985:115, p.1
Eighteen juniors and seniors and three faculty and staff members were initiated into Omicron Delta Kappa, a national honorary leadership society; UNI's Circle of ODK was founded in 1982 by members of Torch and Tassle; officers and new members listed.
7 Lord of The Manor announced fro NUHS Madrigal Dinner
Public Relations News Release 1980:234, p.1
John Diedrichs will be 'Lord of the Manor" for NUHS Madrigal Dinner.