Keister--Gloria B. (Music Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.53
The Department of Music starts three WOIU television programs in addition to its radio performances; photo.
2 Symphony orchestra
Old Gold 0:0, p.132

Professor Myron Russell directs the Symphony Orchestra in their quarterly performances; photo.

3 Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.60
Brief description of the department; photo.
4 Four seniors will present a recital at 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 22, in Gilchrist hall
Public Relations News Release 1950:363, p.1
They are Eldean Drewes, Elaine Kingsland, Richard Klahn, and Robert Shafer.Drewes, accompanied by Ellen Aakvik of the music faculty, will play Fitzgerald's "Modern Suite."
5 Dr. Edward Kurtz was honored Tuesday night, April 17, at a dinner party given by fellow musicians and music faculty
Public Relations News Release 1950:320, p.1

The 69-year-old violinist, composer and conductor will retire at the end of the summer quarter. He has been head of the music department since 1934, and a member of that department since 1924.

6 Three seniors will present a recital Thursday, March 8, at 8 p.m. in Gilchrist chapel.
Public Relations News Release 1950:236, p.1
Roland Swale, West Union, will play three flute numbers¿ Tenor Henry Bruns, Waterloo, will sing six solos.. Robert Steele, Washington, will play two tuba solos.
7 Messiah to be Given at ISTC, Sunday, Dec. 10
Public Relations News Release 1950:149, p.1
A chorus of 300, a symphony orchestra, and four vocal soloists will be the cast for the annual presentation of Handel's "Messiah" in the men's gymnasium.
8 Senior Recital at ISTC, Tuesday, Dec. 5
Public Relations News Release 1950:148, p.1
The first senior recital of the fall quarter will be in Gilchrist hall. Recitalists will be Flutist Jean Hancock, Ottumwa, and Baritone Arnold Willms, Amber.
9 Keister Recital Sunday, Nov. 12
Public Relations News Release 1950:111, p.1
Elwood Keister, a tenor, of the music faculty will present a voice recital in the Commons on Sunday, Nov. 12. He has been a voice instructor at the college since 1947. During his army career, he was a tenor soloist on the army network programs.
10 Four of music faculty are studying in N. Y.
College Eye 40:39, p.1
11 Music Department
Old Gold 0:0, p.34
Brief description of the department; photo.
12 Musical Notes
College Eye 40:30, p.6
Points out the important people in his college career.
13 Faculty will give recital on Sunday
College Eye 40:27, p.1
Performance program.
14 Three of music faculty will present recital
College Eye 40:26, p.1
Will present sonata recital.