Kennedy--David E. (Music Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 123 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | David Kennedy Alumnus 66:4, p.31 |
Died November 22, 1982. | |
2 | David Kennedy dies Northern Iowan 79:26, p.9 |
David Kennedy died December 6, 1982; brief obituary. | |
3 | Her main focus is on music Northern Iowan 79:17, p.10 |
Profile of Elly Leslie, with special emphasis on her interest in music; memories of the first jazz concert. | |
4 | School of Music boasts top-rated musical groups Old Gold 0:0, p.31 |
The School of Music boasts many top-rated musical organizations; photo. | |
5 | UNI horn players to pay tribute to retired instructor Kennedy Northern Iowan 78:47, p.16 |
Horn Choir and Tuba Ensemble will perform. |
6 | Huey: 'Jazz was illegitimate' Northern Iowan 78:36, p.10 |
A look at the early history of jazz at UNI. | |
7 | Elderhostel program offers three summer courses at UNI Northern Iowan 76:51, p.10 |
Elderhostel will offer classes over the summer. | |
8 | Young people over 60 invited to UNI Elderhostel UNI Century 8:2, p.7 |
Classes will include work on the Arab world, music, and religion. | |
9 | School of Music Old Gold 0:0, p.33 |
The School of Music offers a complete and varied music education, including a balanced curriculum in teacher training. Facilities include recital hall, a music library 50 practice rooms; photo. | |
10 | Why we support UNI/AFT Northern Iowan 73:21, p.10 |
Professors offer their opinions. | |
11 | Faculty concert is tonight Northern Iowan 71:26, p.5 |
Program for performance of Woodwind Quintet. | |
12 | Campus shorts Northern Iowan 71:17, p.1 |
$200 grants available for student projects; Marleta Matheson will present piano recital. | |
13 | Pre-Christmas semester plan gets faculty approval Northern Iowan 69:31, p.1 |
Faculty members point out good and bad points; must now await approval of specific calendar. | |
14 | Brass Quintet performs at Concert Series Northern Iowan 69:12, p.9 |
Performance preview; photo. | |
15 | Senior Recital at UNI Public Relations News Release 1972:104, p.1 |
K. William Biskup and Dan L. Merchant will both present senior recital Nov. 1 in Music Hall. | |
16 | UNI Faculty Members to Participate in ISEA Convention Public Relations News Release 1972:86, p.1 |
12 UNI faculty members and a UNI grad student will participate in the 117th annual Iowa State Education Association (ISEA) convention Oct. 21-22 in Des Moines. | |
17 | Student Ensemble Concert to be Presented at UNI Public Relations News Release 1971:594, p.1 |
List of students participating in the May 4th concert being held in Music Hall. | |
18 | UNI Symphonic Band to Present Concert Public Relations News Release 1971:595, p.1 |
Concert will be held in Music Hall on May 9 under the direction of Dr. Holvik. | |
19 | UNI Brass Quintet to Give Nov. 22 Concert Public Relations News Release 1970:191, p.1 |
The Quintet will give its concert in the Nazareth Lutheran Church in Cedar Falls. | |
20 | Brass Quintet to present faculty concert Northern Iowan 67:13, p.9 |
Concert program. | |
21 | UNI Brass Quintet to Present Concert Public Relations News Release 1970:125, p.1 |
Concert will be presented in Music Hall and is open to the public at no cost. | |
22 | UNI Marching Band to Present Concert Public Relations News Release 1970:107, p.1 |
The concert will feature the music performed during halftimes of the 1970 football season. | |
23 | Students of UNI Music Staff to Present Recital Public Relations News Release 1970:9, p.1 |
The recital is being held in Minneapolis and is sponsored by the Women's Association of the Minnesota Symphony Orchestra. | |
24 | Solo Ensemble Concert at UNI Public Relations News Release 1969:715, p.1 |
The UNI Music Department will present a solo ensemble recital at 7:30 p.m. July 28th. |
25 | Tallcorn Music Camp to Open at UNI July 26 Public Relations News Release 1969:710, p.1 |
UNI Tallcorn Music Camp being held July 26 through August 1; list of activities | |
26 | UNI Students to Present Concert Public Relations News Release 1969:696, p.1 |
Schneider, Dickinson and Frederickson will present a music recital at 3 p.m., Sunday, July 19 in UNI Music Hall. |
27 | UNI Brass Quintet to present evening concert Public Relations News Release 1969:475, p.1 |
Concert performance in Music Hall by the UNI Brass Quintet. | |
28 | Behind the scenes UNI Quarterly 1:2, p.4 |
Campus news wrap-up consisting of short articles about many people and events; photo. | |
29 | Collegium Musicum to be Presented at UNI Monday Public Relations News Release 1969:209, p.1 |
"Music from Seventeenth Century German". | |
30 | Students of UNI Prof to Give Recital in Music Hall Public Relations News Release 1969:13, p.1 |
Two students who study music with Dr. David Kennedy will present a recital at 8:15 p.m. Monday, Sept. 15 in the Music Hall Auditorium. |
31 | Faculty recital 8:30 p. m. Tuesday in Music Hall College Eye 60:64, p.1 |
Performance program. |
32 | Solos, ensembles in faculty recitals College Eye 60:59, p.1 |
Performance program. | |
33 | Freshmen get music scholarships College Eye 60:29, p.4 |
Department of Music will hold auditions. | |
34 | Dance tonight in ballroom College Eye 59:24, p.1 |
35 | Pre-Baroque music in Monday recital College Eye 59:5, p.5 |
Performance programs. | |
36 | Jazz Band concert in Music Hall College Eye 58:29, p.8 |
David Kennedy will lead dance and jazz band performance; Karl Holvik will lead clarinet choir. | |
37 | Romantic, impressionistic music in Monday recital College Eye 58:20, p.1 |
Performance program. | |
38 | Baroque music recital Monday College Eye 58:12, p.1 |
Performance program. | |
39 | Band goes to circus in halftime show College Eye 58:8, p.3 |
Preview of show. | |
40 | Faculty Concert Series presents 'Pre-1600 Music' College Eye 58:5, p.1 |
Program for performance. | |
41 | Ensembles and soloists present faculty recital College Eye 57:33, p.1 |
Performance program. | |
42 | Regents okays promotion of 17 faculty members College Eye 57:26, p.2 |
Roster of those who received promotions. | |
43 | Concert of Renaissance music scheduled for Tuesday in Music hall College Eye 57:6, p.7 |
A look at the program. | |
44 | Solos, ensembles on program of faculty recital College Eye 56:36, p.1 |
Many faculty will participate. | |
45 | Annual Spring Music Festival at ISTC next week Public Relations News Release 1960:369, p.1 |
The Concert Band, A Cappella Choir, Women's and Men's Choruses, Symphony Orchestra, Student Composers, and Faculty Ensemble perform at the department of music's annual Spring Music Festival. | |
46 | ISTC music students to give recital Public Relations News Release 1960:314, p.1 |
Janet Bohlander and Vernon Hockett give their senior recitals in Gilchrist Hall Chapel. Bohlander and Hockett are students of professors David Kennedy and Karl Holvik, and will be accompanied by Elizabeth Calhoun. | |
47 | ISTC music students to give senior recital Public Relations News Release 1960:273, p.1 |
Dee Silver and James Crowder perform their senior recitals alongside Charles Olson and Elizabeth Calhoun. Silver and Crowder are students of Professors Karl Holvik and David Kennedy. Professor William Latham's "Sonata" is among the scheduled works. | |
48 | Local student to present senior recital at ISTC Public Relations News Release 1960:238, p.1 |
Rhonda Demien and Leone Folkers perform their senior recitals in Gilchrist Hall. Folkers and Demien are students of Ms. Jane Mauck and David Kennedy. Elizabeth Calhoun will provide piano accompaniment. | |
49 | Christmas music to be featured in convo Monday College Eye 52:12, p.1 |
Program for performance of Department of Music Christmas Convocation. | |
50 | DIJ ticket sale begins Wednesday College Eye 52:9, p.1 |
SDIJ XII will be presented; list of Jazz Band members. |