Ketels--Denton (Class of 1984; Public Relations Staff)

Displaying 1 - 24 of 24 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI Office of University Marketing and Public Relations receives three district design awards
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
University Marketing and Public Relations recently received three awards during the annual competition of the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education.
2 Why do we do what we do?
Northern Iowa Today 89:2, p.
Denton Ketels talks about the motivation for helping others.
3 Gerald Anglum
Northern Iowa Today 89:1, p.
Tribute to Gerald Anglum by Denton Ketels.
4 UNI's football media guide wins 1-AA award
Public Relations News Release 2002:552, p.1
UNI's football media guide wins second place among those produced by Div. 1-AA schools.
5 UNI receives district design awards
Public Relations News Release 2002:295, p.1
Office of University Marketing and Public Relations was the recipient of three awards at the CASE, District VI competition.
6 UNI Office of University Marketing and Public Relations receives district design awards
Public Relations News Release 2001:297, p.1
UNI's Office of University Marketing and Public Relations was given three awards at the annual competition of the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education.
7 Additions, internal position changes completed in University of Northern Iowa Office of Public Relations
Public Relations News Release 1999:139, p.1
There are three new staff member and four internal position changes that have occurred in the Office of Public Relations.
8 The University of Northern Iowa Office of Public Relations welcomes three new staff members
Public Relations News Release 1999:139, p.1
James O'Connor, Stacey Christensen, and Denton Ketels have recently joined the Public Relations staff.
9 NI editor receives Jordan award for journalism
Northern Iowan 82:55, p.7

Lynn Olson wins Cubby Award; list of past winners; photo.

10 Students contribute to first UNI student scholarly journal
Public Relations News Release 1986:255, p.1
The title of the journal will be "Draftings In;" it contains noteworthy research and writing by UNI graduate students and students in UNI's undergraduate honor society; it was published by the UNI Board of Student Publications.
11 Quality of campus journalism threatened
Northern Iowan 82:15, p.1
Due to limited funds, only two courses will be offered.
12 NI salaries increased
Northern Iowan 81:33, p.4
Editors' salaries increased in part due to Baty Scholarship money; a look at other NI expenses.
13 Board discusses changes
Northern Iowan 81:21, p.1
The Board of Student Publications considers the possibility of developing the editors' jobs into full-time positions.
14 Three things thankful for
Northern Iowan 81:18, p.2
Be thankful that you are not in jail or a baboon.
15 NI editor receives Jordan award for journalism
Northern Iowan 80:54, p.3
Denton Ketels wins Cubby award; photo.
16 tgif
Northern Iowan 80:53, p.2
17 Student publications undergo expansion
Northern Iowan 80:53, p.1
Establish graduate assistantship; considering scholarships and establishing "Draftings in . . . " series; considering future of Old Gold.
18 Explains calendar decision
Northern Iowan 80:49, p.3
Professor Paul Rider explains why he voted against the proposed calendar change.
19 Scholarship news
Northern Iowan 80:30, p.7
Tom Pettit Scholarships in journalism are available.
20 Newspaper invests in computers
Northern Iowan 80:19, p.5
Spends $52,000 in typesetting equipment; photo.
21 Ketels named executive editor; two consecutive appointments
Northern Iowan 79:52, p.3
Denton Ketels will be executive editor of NI for summer 1983 and 1983-1984.
22 Robst, Ketels win Pettit scholarships
Northern Iowan 79:46, p.6
Scholarships awarded.
23 Ketels selected summer editor
Northern Iowan 79:43, p.7
24 Music whisks listener to Brazil on Studio One
Northern Iowan 79:26, p.15
Review of performance on KUNI.