Ketter--John F.(Maucker Union Director)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 97 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Maucker Union holds long, rich history
Northern Iowan 110:19, p.4
The Maucker Union has an interesting history and has undergone many changes throughout the years. At one point students were able to purchase beer in Maucker Union. There also used to be a Hardee's restaurant that employed many students on campus.
2 Former director of Maucker Union dies
Northern Iowan 108:55, p.2
John F. Ketter served for twenty years as director of the Maucker Union. He was the first director of the Union; photo.
3 NI Archives
Northern Iowan 108:18, p.10
A look back at the NI on October 27, 1967. A highlight was female students with at least sophomore standing and parental permission had a no hours policy. Freshman had to be in the dorms by 1:00am. Dorm contracts were for a semester; photo.
4 Maucker Union turns 40
Northern Iowan 106:19, p.9
Maucker Union was rededicated during the fortieth anniversary of the building; photo.
5 UNI's Maucker Union celebrates 40 years with grand opening of renovated lower level
Public Relations News Release 2009:136, p.1
The lower level's grand opening will take plate at Chat's coffee house. Tours of the lower level and a reception will follow the ceremony.
6 Minority group relations at SCI/UNI
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.255

Detailed account of attempts by the UNI administration to recruit and relate to African-American students; photo.

7 Regents approve appointments
Northern Iowan 84:31, p.1
Larry Routh resigns; Joe Mitchell appointed vice president for development; Renee Romano will head Union; John Konefes will head SBAC.
8 Union director could be appointed by December
Northern Iowan 84:12, p.3
First pool of interviews did not lead to appointment; will interview another pool; Jim Dittrich will remain acting head.
9 Regents approve contracts, appointments for University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1987:41, p.1
The Board of Regents approve plans to replace and destroy Power Plant No. 1, renovate Latham Hall, and appoint two acting administrators. Jonathan Lu was named head of the Department of Geography, and James Dittrich director of Maucker Union.
10 29th Annual Recognition Breakfast May 9 to honor 33 long-term UNI employees
Public Relations News Release 1987:361, p.1

President Constantine Curris speaks at the Recognition Breakfast, honor thirty-three recently retired university employees. Entertainment was provided by the Northern Brass Quintet. Honorees are listed by department.

11 John Ketter
Northern Iowa Today 15:2, p.3

Will retire after twenty years of service.

12 Regents approve improvements
Northern Iowan 83:40, p.5

Will renovate Redeker plaza; recommends funding for boiler; John Ketter will retire; Rollin Evers will resign; approve appointment of Lowell Norland; approve phased retirement for five faculty; approve PDLs; photo.

13 Regents approve UNI business and personnel matters, miscellaneous fees schedule
Public Relations News Release 1987:225, p.1

The Board of Regents discusses renovating the Redeker Center, raising admission fees, leasing university property, and engaging five phased retirement programs. The board also filled the positions of Public Safety Director and Director of Maucker Union.

14 Union director retires after 20 years at UNI
Northern Iowan 83:26, p.1

John Ketter has been director since July 1967; photo.

15 John Ketter
Northern Iowa Today 14:3, p.7
Receives award for outstanding leadership.
16 UNI's Ketter receives Butts-Whiting award for outstanding leadership in ACU-I
Public Relations News Release 1986:395, p.1
Ketter received the award during a presentation at the annual conference of the the Association of College Unions-International meeting in Texas, in front of more than eight hundred delegates from around the world; he has been a member for over 30 years.
17 UNI smoking areas may be restructured
Northern Iowan 82:40, p.3
Iowa legislature considering new non-smoking laws.
18 Visitation teams from St. Cloud State, UW-Eau Claire, to be at UNI Oct. 27-29
Public Relations News Release 1985:114, p.1
Four faculty and staff members from UW-Eau Claire and six from St. Cloud State University will visit UNI in an on-going exhange program that gives participants a first-hand look at the experiences of their counterparts.
19 Student organization offices underway
Northern Iowan 82:13, p.7
Construction underway for 15 student organization offices on lower level of Union; photo.
20 Expansion of Union planned
Northern Iowan 81:35, p.6
John Ketter talks about the possibilities for the expanded facility.
21 Meet someone at lunch
Northern Iowan 81:4, p.10
Encourages people to share tables in Union; would increase capacity and enhance the possibility to meet new friends.
22 New VP search is on
Northern Iowan 80:57, p.1
Search progressing; list of desirable qualities.
23 Vice president retires to teach
UNI Century 12:3, p.6

Vice President Hansmeier resigns effective August 1, 1984; will teach; President Curris names search committee; photo.

24 Curris selects committee for VP replacement search
Northern Iowan 80:56, p.1
President Curris names committee; expresses concern about recent rash of resignations.
25 Activity ban during finals questioned
Northern Iowan 80:9, p.1
Bob Bowlsby notes potential conflict with athletic tournaments.
26 Review procedures set
Northern Iowan 80:5, p.1
Division of Educational and Student Services will review their own operations.
27 Improvements made in Union
Northern Iowan 79:9, p.5
Northern Iowan office expanded; offices renovated.
28 UPB to celebrate 20th year
Northern Iowan 78:45, p.6
History of the UPB.
29 College Bowl--"Varsity sport for the minds"
Northern Iowan 78:17, p.4
The annual College Bowl will take place beginning November 10 at UNI.
30 Get that kid out of the Union!
Northern Iowan 78:10, p.1
The Union Policy Board has enacted a policy banning all unsupervised children from the Union. All children under the age of fifteen must be accompanied by an adult or they will be escorted from the building.
31 Homecoming committee includes local residents
Public Relations News Release 1981:60, p.1
Homecoming Committee members, including a few faculty/staff and co-chairs, John Rohde and Cheryl Larson.
32 Food for the masses by Hardee's
Northern Iowan 78:6, p.5
John Ketter gives a brief history of the Hardee's operation in the Union.
33 Fox memorial sit in Union proposed
Public Relations News Release 1980:585, p.1
Plans to honor Josef W. Fox, professor of philosophy and humanities at UNI, with an appropriate memorial in the Maucker Union on campus have been proposed by the President's Cabinet.
34 Pleads for wall hanging
Northern Iowan 77:52, p.2
Requesting that a banner from the Maucker Union by Norman LaLiberte be returned.
35 UNI's Maucker Union to celebrate 12th birthday.
Public Relations News Release 1980:467, p.1
The Maucker Union will celebrating their 12th birthday with movies and music performances.
36 UNI's traditional homecoming parade Saturday October 25 to have a new route
Public Relations News Release 1980:163, p.1
This years homecoming route will be new with plan to move west on Seerly boulevard.
37 Name droppers
Northern Iowan 76:49, p.8
John F. Ketter was named president of the Association of College Unions-International; Jerry Duea elected to national lab school association.
38 And here's the Dome . . .
Northern Iowan 76:35, p.9
John Ketter, director of the Union, admires the aerial map donated by the 1979 graduating class; photo.
39 UNI College Bowl winners enter regionals
Northern Iowan 76:25, p.1
Four members of the winning UNI College Bowl team will head for the University of South Dakota for regional competition.
40 Fall into Fantasy
Alumnus 64:4, p.8

Highlights of 1979 Homecoming; Service Award winners announced; photo.

41 Turnout low at program
Northern Iowan 76:20, p.10
The number of students attending the "Saturday Night Alive" programming has been small.
42 Memories of Maucker Union
Alumnus 64:2, p.8
John Ketter remembers performers and events from first ten years; photo.
43 Union acquires Jenkins
Northern Iowan 75:48, p.10
A painting by artist Paul Jenkins was acquired by the Union for $5000; photo.
44 Bright lights on the Station
UNI Century 7:1, p.4
Highlights of Union renovation include Union Station, a new sundries store; photo.
45 UNI Greeks experience growing pains; limited membership is major obstacle
Northern Iowan 75:24, p.11
Greeks and administrators talk about the lack of visibility of the system.
46 Frat leaders optimistic about participation; help with complex education system
Northern Iowan 75:24, p.12
Greeks talk about their projects, finances, and social activities; detailed spreadsheet showing pledging costs, membership housing locations, and projects for each Greek society.
47 Ketter appointed to commission
Northern Iowan 74:57, p.8
John Ketter appointed to executive position in professional association.
48 Union to replace bentwood chairs
Northern Iowan 74:51, p.2
Old chairs simply wore out.
49 8,000 use Union during typical day
Northern Iowan 74:25, p.1
Shows slight decrease over recent years.
50 Ketter named
Northern Iowan 73:57, p.1
John Ketter named to international commission.