Kingsbury--Mimi (Class of 1968)

Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 University of Northern Iowa alumna to be honored by governor as volunteer.
Public Relations News Release 1989:618, p.1
Mimi (Mary) Kingsbury will be honored in New Hampton with a "Governor's Individual Volunteer Award," which will be presented by Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad.
2 Northern Iowa Alumni Association elects new officcers, board members.
Public Relations News Release 1988:131, p.1
Mimi Kingsbury, president, Kate Murphy, president-elect; Lee Rainey, vice president, Gary Shontz, treasurer; and Noreen Hermansen, secretary. New board members: Joy Corning, Paul Weaver, Dale Gootee.
3 Northern Iowa museum grand opening planned, committee announced.
Public Relations News Release 1988:468, p.1
Lessons on wildlife, historic artifacts and other Iowa specimens and treasures await northeast Iowa residents at the new University of Northern Iowa Museum, at a formal grand opening celebration September 22-24.
4 Northern Iowa Museum grand opening planned, committee announced.
Public Relations News Release 1988:468, p.1
Members of the University of Northern Iowa Museum Grand Opening Planning Committee gathered recently in one of the Museum's display areas for a photo.
5 'Golden Class' celebrating with special reunion events on campus.
Public Relations News Release 1988:426, p.1
UNI class of 1938 is celebrating its "Golden Reunion," with 60 class members. Schedule of events and list of the members.
6 Northern Iowa Alumni Association elects new officers, board members
Public Relations News Release 1987:67, p.1

The Alumni Association board of directors elects new officers and members. The terms of Robert Dieter, Paul Barnes, Robert Justis, Karen Mukai, Kathy Braun, Jim Thielen, and John Leahy expire.

7 "Murphy the Moose" campaign to inspire youngsters to supper new UNI museum
Public Relations News Release 1987:86, p.1
Murphy the Moose was created by the Museum Committee as a ploy to get elementary school students to donate money for museum renovations. The mascot traveled between area elementary schools, where he spoke on the various preserved specimens at the museum.
8 'Cruising' With the Cat' is 1986 UNI Homecoming theme
Public Relations News Release 1986:401, p.1

Michaelsen said the theme is based on the 1950s and 1960s when young people cruised their hometown streets to see old friends and meet new friends; Dalrymple designed the winning logo.

9 UNI Alumni Association Expands its Board, Adds New Members
Public Relations News Release 1985:103, p.1

New members were elected to the UNI Alumni Association board and have conducted major items of business.

10 Area Residents Help Plan Host of Activities for Homecoming Celebration Oct. 10-13
Public Relations News Release 1985:51, p.1
Many UNI student spent their time getting ready for homecoming by jointing a committee; list of students who were on a homecoming committee.
11 Alumni award winners named
UNI Century 12:1, p.3
Short biographical sketches of winners; photo.
12 Achievement, service awards presented at Homecoming '83
Alumnus 67:3, p.4
List of those honored.