Kirk--Carey H. (Management Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI to recognize retirees Saturday, May 1
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1

Annual recognition breakfast will honor 42 employees; roster of retirees.

2 Carey Kirk and Allan Rappaport
Campus News Network 10:17, p.
Carey Kirk and Allan Rappaport presented a paper on the American legal system.
3 Committee debates a UNI grade 'forgiveness' policy
Northern Iowan 90:55, p.1
Consider policy which would lessen effects of early grades for those who come back to school after a period of years.
4 Withdrawal policy decision postponed
Northern Iowan 90:49, p.1
Considers limit to number of withdrawals.
5 Meeting dissolves into debate over parliamentary procedure
Northern Iowan 90:45, p.1
Commission approves motion to keep add/drop policy as is.
6 New grievance policy halted
Northern Iowan 90:27, p.1
Faculty Senate considers revised student grievance policy.
7 University of Northern Iowa Pre-Law Club sponsors a law panel discussion
Public Relations News Release 1992:345, p.1
Panel members for the Pre-Law Club include: Scott Bayne, Carey Kirk, Brad Harris, Liz Leytze, and Monty Shatz.
8 Summer course offered at University of Northern Iowa to help prepare for law school
Public Relations News Release 1991:592, p.1
Karl Briner, Bill Button, and Carey Kirk will be teaching a summer course entitled LawPrep. The course is designed for anyone considering or planning to attend law school.
9 Law panel answers students' questions
Northern Iowan 88:42, p.4
Addresses students who may be thinking about law school.
10 Panel on law careers scheduled for February 27 at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1991:401, p.1
Carey Kirk, Scott Bayne, Brad Harris, Joe Moothart, Darian Smith, and James Thomas will be members of a panel dealing with law careers, admission to law school, and surviving law school.
11 Local students receive awards at 12th UNI school of business recognition banquet.
Public Relations News Release 1988:413, p.1
List of business students honored at banquet. Welcome given by Carey Kirk, opening remarks given by Paul Uselding and James Martin. Geust speaker was Tom Gould.
12 Regents appove promotion of 16, tenure for 10 Northern Iowa faculty members.
Public Relations News Release 1988:354, p.1
Faculty members granted promotions and tenure listed.