Knoepfler--Karl J. (Classes of 1910 and 1914)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 95 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | James C. Knoepfler Alumnus 24:1, p.22 |
Son of the late Karl J. Knoepfler and the former Corrine Ponfoy Record, was awarded a scholarship to Dartmouth College. His grandfather, John B. Knoepfler, was head of the German Department at Teachers College from 1900 to 1924. | |
2 | Nine of Class of '10 served in World War, records show Alumnus 19:4, p.11 |
Roster of those who were in military service. | |
3 | Karl J. Knoepfler Alumnus 15:3, p.26 |
Attorney at Sioux City, Iowa, and his wife, the former Corinne B. Record, stopped to visit at the College, while on their way to Iowa City to attend the alumni meetings at the State University. | |
4 | Karl J. Knoepfler Alumni News Letter 6:4, p.3 |
Karl Knoepfler establishes a legal services partnership in Sioux City. | |
5 | Karl J. Knoepfler Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.6 |
Karl J. Knoepfler travels to Cedar Falls from Walthill, Nebraska to visit his parents. | |
6 | Professor and Mrs. Knoepfler College Eye 13:20, p.8 |
Called to Nebraska due to son's illness. | |
7 | James Charles Knoepfler Alumni News Letter 5:1, p.8 |
Son born to Karl J. Knoepfler and Corinne Record-Knoepfler. | |
8 | Family reunion Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.6 |
J. B. Knoepfler's daughter and son, along with their families, spent the end of June and part of July in Cedar Falls for family reunion. |
9 | Alumni Reports 16 Alumni News Letter 3:1, p.3 |
Karl John Knoepfler, attorney, accepted into Officers Training School for Artillery Service. | |
10 | Karl Knoepfler at Camp Taylor College Eye 10:4, p.1 |
Reports to artillery school. | |
11 | Brief Reports 14 Alumni News Letter 2:2, p.1 |
Karl J. Knoepfler and Corinne B. Record-Knoepfler have a new son. | |
12 | Mr. and Mrs. Karl Knoepfler College Eye 9:16, p.2 |
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Knoepfler are parents of a son. | |
13 | Karl Knoepfler College Eye 9:6, p.3 |
Karl Knoepfler and his wife Corinne are living in Walthill, Nebraska. | |
14 | Marriage of I. S. T. C. alumni College Eye 8:3, p.7 |
Karl Knoepfler married Corinne Record last month. | |
15 | Professor and Mrs. J. B. Knoepfler College Eye 7:11, p.8 |
Spent time in Nebraska visiting their son. | |
16 | Mr. Karl Knoepfler College Eye 7:4, p.7 |
Working at the Keefe law firm in Walthill, Nebraska. | |
17 | Karl Knoepfler College Eye 4:25, p.6 |
Spent Easter vacation in Cedar Falls. | |
18 | Karl Knoepfler College Eye 4:19, p.6 |
Will spend the weekend at home on Iowa Street. | |
19 | Official Notes College Eye 4:17, p.3 |
Announces and reviews events and important issues concerning education; plans for Vocational Building on hand; will seek bids soon; hope to begin work soon. | |
20 | Prof. and Mrs. J. O. Perrine College Eye 4:14, p.6 |
Hosted a party. | |
21 | Several I. S. T. C. alumni College Eye 4:14, p.6 |
Visited campus the last day of school; tells where some alumni are working. | |
22 | Karl J. Knoepfler College Eye 4:12, p.6 |
Is on editorial staff of the Iowa Law Bulletin. | |
23 | Several familiar faces College Eye 4:11, p.8 |
Former students visit chapel. | |
24 | Debating League Old Gold 0:0, p.167 |
Description of league; roster of debaters; history of Ames/ISTC debating record back to 1894. | |
25 | Karl J. Knoepfler College Eye 3:28, p.470 |
Taken up his school work in Iowa City. | |
26 | Word had been received College Eye 2:7, p.6 |
Karl Knoepfler does not have typhoid fever. | |
27 | Prof. J. B. Knoepfler College Eye 2:6, p.7 |
Went to Iowa City to visit his son, who is sick. | |
28 | Paul Colegrove and Karl Knoepfler College Eye 2:6, p.6 |
Are members of the Great University committee. | |
29 | Knoepfler-Lerche nuptials; daughter of Cedar Falls professor and Ft. Madison young man united in marriage College Eye 1:26, p.3 |
Katherine C. Knoepfler married Henry C. Lerche. | |
30 | Our alumni students at Iowa City College Eye 1:24, p.3 |
Some spent their Easter vacation in Cedar Falls. | |
31 | The following alumni College Eye 1:12, p.27 |
Received fellowships at the State University for next year. | |
32 | Karl Knoepfler College Eye 1:12, p.29 |
Refused offers for principal positions to attend University of Iowa to do post-graduate work. | |
33 | Scholarships at university are awarded College Eye 1:11, p.197 |
Julian Gist, Karl Knoepfler, Florence Packard, and Agnes Wallace Smith received scholarships from the University of Iowa. | |
34 | Official Notes College Eye 1:10, p.163 |
Article commends the Department of Oratory on its success in the debates; describes the importance of the new library; an update on Professor Page's health; Karl Knoepfler and Helen Packard win graduate scholarships at University of Iowa. | |
35 | Knoepfler resigns College Eye 1:7, p.119 |
Karl Knoepfler resigned as principal of the Storm Lake High School to finish his degree. | |
36 | "Professors" Karl Knoepfler, Walter Bender, and Robert Dick College Eye 1:3, p.51 |
Are all enjoying their vacations at there home on College Hill. | |
37 | Cliorio banquet Normal Eyte 21:22, p.385 |
The Clio and Orio literary societies held a banquet with Grace Du Bois acting as toastmaster. | |
38 | Mr. Karl Knoepfler Normal Eyte 21:15, p.264 |
Principal of the Storm Lake High School; spent time at the college. | |
39 | Messrs. Walter Bender, Karl Knoepfler and Robert Dick Normal Eyte 21:12, p.209 |
Spent Thanksgiving on College Hill. | |
40 | Karl Knoepfler Normal Eyte 21:7, p.120 |
Principal of the Storm Lake High School; spent time with his parents on College Hill. | |
41 | Commencement graduation exercises Normal Eyte 21:0, p.8 |
Describes the Commencement ceremony; photo of Hazel Webster. | |
42 | President Seerley addresses seniors; graduating class hears twenty-fourth annual baccalaureate address. Normal Eyte 21:0, p.9 |
Describes President Seerley's baccalaureate address to the Class of 1910; photo of Lillian Shartz and Karl Knoepfler. | |
43 | Where the seniors will be the coming year Normal Eyte 21:0, p.19 |
Notes where the Class of 1910 will be teaching after graduation. |
44 | The Normal Eyte Old Gold 0:0, p.241 |
Photos of the editors and managers of the school newspaper. | |
45 | Many graduation events; Commencement week is filled with many events; alumni program is interesting Normal Eyte 20:35, p.582 |
Preview of the traditional activities; program for the alumni luncheon. | |
46 | Dramatic Work Old Gold 0:0, p.245 |
Provides photos and information about the dramatic works in 1910, including "Mary of Magdala" and "Hamlet". | |
47 | Karl J. Knoepfler Normal Eyte 20:35, p.588 |
Attended a meeting of the College Press Association. | |
48 | Debating Old Gold 0:0, p.279 |
Information about the debates that took place during the year; photos and names of those participating. | |
49 | Greeting Old Gold 0:0, p.6 |
Staff greets readers of the 1910 Old Gold; photo. | |
50 | Class of Nineteen Ten Old Gold 0:0, p.37 |
Colors, flower, yells, and officers for the class of 1910. |