Knoepfler--Katherine C. (Class of 1903; German Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 34 of 34 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Mrs. Henry C. Lerche, (Kathryn Knoepfler) Alumnus 25:2, p.37 |
Died at her home in Fort Madison, Iowa, January 7, 1941. In 1912, she married Henry C. Lerche of Fort Madison. She was the daughter of Professor J. B. Knoepfler. After graduation she taught in the high schools at Cedar Falls and Fort Madison. | |
2 | Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Knoepfler College Eye 15:6, p.8 |
Went to Fort Madison following the death of their son-in-law. | |
3 | Professor and Mrs. Knoepfler College Eye 13:20, p.8 |
Called to Nebraska due to son's illness. | |
4 | Mr. and Mrs. Knoepfler College Eye 13:17, p.8 |
Visited family in Fort Madison. | |
5 | Family reunion Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.6 |
J. B. Knoepfler's daughter and son, along with their families, spent the end of June and part of July in Cedar Falls for family reunion. |
6 | When Kate and I were kids; (or "In the Days of Real Sport"--William Chauncey Chillyblast) College Eye 11:32, p.1 |
What I. S. T. C. was like a few years ago. | |
7 | Karl Knoepfler College Eye 9:6, p.3 |
Karl Knoepfler and his wife Corinne are living in Walthill, Nebraska. | |
8 | Mrs. Henry Lerche College Eye 2:33, p.6 |
Visited her parents. | |
9 | Knoepfler-Lerche nuptials; daughter of Cedar Falls professor and Ft. Madison young man united in marriage College Eye 1:26, p.3 |
Katherine C. Knoepfler married Henry C. Lerche. | |
10 | Shower parties in honor of Miss Knoepfler College Eye 1:22, p.5 |
Mrs. Seerley and Mrs. Dick hosted a party in Mrs. Seerley's home and Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Bender, Mrs. Hersey, and Mrs. Condit also hosted a party at the home of Mrs. Wright. |
11 | Mrs. J. B. Knoepfler College Eye 1:22, p.5 |
She gave a dinner party in honor of her daughter's engagement. |
12 | Miss Katherine Knoepfler College Eye 1:14, p.7 |
Is retiring at the end of the semester as the German teacher in Fort Madison. |
13 | Miss Katherine Knoepfler College Eye 1:4, p.69 |
Spent her vacation on College Hill; left to attend the Southeastern Iowa Teachers Association and give a speech. | |
14 | Miss Katherine Knoepfler Normal Eyte 20:16, p.273 |
Has returned to work after a stay with her parents, Professor and Mrs. Knoepfler. | |
15 | Miss Katherine Knoepfler Normal Eyte 19:26, p.412 |
Teaching in Fort Madison. | |
16 | The spring vacation Normal Eyte 19:26, p.414 |
Many alumni visited campus. | |
17 | The Orios and Clios Normal Eyte 18:27, p.430 |
Held meeting with country school theme. | |
18 | Miss Ward Normal Eyte 18:25, p.399 |
A number of faculty attended the Southeastern Teachers Association meeting. | |
19 | Katherine Knoepfler Normal Eyte 17:10, p.154 |
Teaching in Fort Madison. | |
20 | Miss Katherine Knoepfler Normal Eyte 17:1, p.15 |
Teaching in Fort Madison. | |
21 | Hallie Jennings Normal Eyte 16:28, p.444 |
Several Normalites are teaching in Tipton. | |
22 | Katherine Knoepfler Normal Eyte 16:14, p.220 |
Teaching in Tipton. | |
23 | Katharine Knoepfler Normal Eyte 16:8, p.124 |
Will teach at Tipton. | |
24 | In honor of Miss Reed Normal Eyte 14:11, p.175 |
Esther Seerley hosted a party for Miss Reed. | |
25 | Katherine Knoepfler Normal Eyte 13:31, p.484 |
Will teach in Cedar Falls. | |
26 | Katherine Knoepfler Normal Eyte 13:29, p.461 |
Substitute teaching in Cedar Falls. | |
27 | Katherine Knoepfler Normal Eyte 13:28, p.444 |
Teaching her father's classes while he is absent. | |
28 | Class of graduates, March term at the I. S. N. S. Normal Eyte 13:23, p.358 |
Roster of those who received degrees and diplomas. | |
29 | Wednesday at 5:30 Miss Katherine Knoepfler Normal Eyte 13:21, p.331 |
Entertained friends. | |
30 | Society Normal Eyte 13:19, p.298 |
Philos install officers; Orios enjoy basketball game; Alphas hear papers. | |
31 | Mrs. M. Israel Normal Eyte 13:4, p.60 |
Entertained friends. | |
32 | Alpha Society Normal Eyte 11:24, p.587 |
Presented Victorian program. | |
33 | Alpha Society Normal Eyte 10:20, p.490 |
Presented programs on nations of the world, capital punishment, and education of women. | |
34 | Katherine Knoepfler Normal Eyte 10:5, p.106 |
Entered school. |