Koch--Susan J. (HPELS Faculty; Academic Affairs Administrator)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 168 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI to honor eight with induction into School of HPELS' "Hall of Excellence"
Public Relations News Release 2007:272, p.1
Biographical profiles of inductees.
2 Susan Koch
Northern Iowa Today 91:2, p.17
3 UNI retirees recognized at special breakfast
Public Relations News Release 2007:16, p.1

Thirty-one retiring employees were recognized at the special breakfast.

4 UNI names Graduate College interim dean
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Biographical profile of Sue Joseph.
5 University of Northern Iowa to host commencements in the UNI-Dome May 5
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
The annual spring commencement services will be held Saturday, May 5.
6 News Brief/Calendar of Events
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
"Readings That Changed Our Lives: WGS Faculty Discuss Influential Texts" will be held Wednesday, March 7.
7 Graduate dean will be missed
Northern Iowan 103:38, p.1
Susan Koch named provost and vice president for academic affairs at Northern Michigan University. She will begin her duties July 1, 2007; photo.
8 University of Northern Iowa to host
Commencement in the UNI-Dome December 16

Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
About six hundred candidates for degrees will participate in the Commencement ceremony Saturday, December 16.
9 UNI's EXPORT Center receives award for contributions to civil rights
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
The Iowa EXPORT Center of Excellence on Health Disparaties has received the Friends of Iowa Civil Rights, Inc. Non-Profit/Community Organization Award for contributions for civil rights.
10 New book celebrates Midwestern woman; text dedicated to UNI professor
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
Barbara Lounsberry is being honored for nearly three decades as a professor and scholar at UNI.
11 President Allen promotes growth in fall address
Northern Iowan 103:3, p.4
President Allen addresses the fall faculty meeting, challenging the University to "focus and grow".
12 UNI graduation in China is first UNI graduation ceremony held outside United States; June 18 event marks Robert D. Koob's last official duty
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Forty-five students will be taking part in the ceremony.
13 UNI honors May graduate-program graduates, prepares for the future
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Students completing the graduate program will be honored May 5.
14 University of Northern Iowa to host commencements in the UNI-Dome May 6
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Commencement groups and times listed; number of people to speak and be recognized.
15 University of Northern Iowa to host Commencement in the UNI-Dome Dec. 17
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Graduation ceremonies for the University of Northern Iowa will take place in the UNI-Dome.
16 Students fighting AIDS asked to use voice
Northern Iowan 102:8, p.1
On Wednesday, speakers talked to students about AIDS and how it is affecting the world, especially poor and underdeveloped countries; photo.
17 News Brief/ Calendar of Events
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Schedule of events taking place at UNI from September 6-12.
18 UNI receives Carver grant to enhance graduate education
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Funds in the amount of 295,500 dollars will be distributed to the graduate program over the next three years.
19 University of Northern Iowa to host Commencements in the UNI-Dome May 7
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Student addresses will be give by Andrew Krumm and Jenny Rokes.
20 A half century down, the future to go; celebrating 50 years of graduate education
Northern Iowa Today 89:1, p.7
A look at the recent past and the future of graduate education at UNI; photo.
21 Sue Bulfer Koch
Northern Iowa Today 89:1, p.27
Sue is the associate provost at UNI and was named interim dean of the Graduate College.
22 University of Northern Iowa commencement to take place Saturday, Dec. 18, in the UNI-Dome
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
650 students will participate in commencement ceremonies.
23 Research on quilting topic for opening CROW Forum lecture series at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Will talk about contemporary U. S. quilting techniques on Oct. 4.
24 Koch attends UN conference, puts UNI on the map
Northern Iowan 101:6, p.1
Susan Koch attends United Nations conference on how universities can promote democracy worldwide; photo.
25 Dean of UNI Graduate College to return to teaching, interim appointments made
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
John Somervill returns to Department of Psychology; Susan Koch to serve as interim dean; Kichoon Yang to direct other miscellaneous offices and duties.
26 Four-year grad rate peaks at 33.5 percent
Northern Iowan 100:24, p.1
Several factors, including increased tuition and lowering of credit hour requirements, have lead to the increase in percentage over the last ten years.
27 Board of Regents to meet at the University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Board to discuss several items pertaining to UNI.
28 New UNI computer program gives students tool to help them graduate on time
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
New Plan of Study online tool to help students plot their educational experience.
29 UNI celebrates third annual Day of Peace
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Description of events provided; Frank Cordero and Fabian Ramallo to speak.
30 Students seek policy change
Northern Iowan 100:5, p.1
The academic grievance process is long and unfair to students; is in the process of being revised; photo.
31 Next session of UNI's 'Leaders on Leadership' series features panel of human rights leaders
Public Relations News Release 2002:396, p.1
Abraham Funchess will join UNI students and faculty on a panel to discuss human rights leadership.
32 Wilcher, others assume an 'affirmative' stand on panel
Northern Iowan 99:40, p.1
Shirley J. Wilcher spoke on campus about affirmative action policies.
33 UNI Center for Multicultural Education hosts affirmative action speaker
Public Relations News Release 2002:334, p.1
Shirley J. Wilcher, attorney, will lead panel discussion concerning affirmative action.
34 UNI Women's Studies to offer special edition of 'Women on Fridays' series
Public Relations News Release 2002:234, p.1
"Phantoms at the Gate: Revisiting and Revising Virginia Woolf's 'Professions for Women.'" will be presented as a part of the "Women on Fridays" discussion series.
35 UNI associate provost attends national forum
Public Relations News Release 2002:40, p.1
Susan Koch recently traveled to Washington D.C. to attend the 60th National Leadership Forum for Women Leaders.
36 UNI Leadership series to focus on 'Human Rights Leadership' Thursday, March 28
Public Relations News Release 2001:380, p.1
The Leaders on Leadership series allows an opportunity to see how leadership plays a part in all sectors of society.
37 Setting the standards
Northern Iowan 98:40, p.9
Susan Koch, HPELS professor, Associate Provost and associate vice president for Academic Affairs, finds her job challenging and satisfying; photo.
38 Self-study looks at athletics department
Northern Iowan 98:34, p.1
The NCAA certification team will visit UNI to examine the athletics department to identify its strengths and weaknesses; photo.
39 Associate Provost receives recognition
Northern Iowan 98:26, p.2
Susan Koch was honored for her work in higher education.
40 UNI associate provost receives WAYUP XIX recognition award
Public Relations News Release 2001:229, p.1
Susan Koch received recognition from WAYUP XIX for outstanding achievement in leadership and mentoring.
41 Global panelists voice concerns
Northern Iowan 98:16, p.13
International students compare life in the United States to life in their home countries; photo.
42 2001 United Way campaign to kick off
Campus News Network 12:4, p.3
Goal of program, themed "Providing Community Solutions," is to raise $67,000. Karen Agee and Susan Koch are this year's co-chairs.
43 Class sizes swell after lack of money, profs
Northern Iowan 98:4, p.7
Increased enrollment and budget cuts lead to larger class sizes.
44 Three UNI students hit the books at Harvard
Northern Iowan 98:3, p.12
Christine Carney, Israel Msengi, and Holly Kuhn attend a week long class at Harvard University.
45 University of Northern Iowa inducts hundreds into Department of Teaching
Public Relations News Release 2000:324, p.1
More than three hundred students will attend the annual Fall Teacher Education Convocation.
46 'C' isn't average anymore
Northern Iowan 97:34, p.10
Comments on recent changes in the student GPA at UNI.
47 Susan Koch
Campus News Network 11:9, p.
Susan Koch received the Dakota State University Alumni Association's Professional Excellence Award.
48 "Legacy of Community Caring" is UNIted Way 2001 theme
Campus News Network 11:6, p.2
The UNIted Way 2001 campaign has begun its fundraising for this year.
49 Susan Koch
Campus News Network 10:21, p.
Susan Koch presented at the International Conference on Violence.
50 Susan J. Koch
Campus News Network 10:21, p.
Susan J. Koch has been appointed a member of the Society of Fellows of the University of Iowa Center for Human Rights.