Koehring--Dorothy May (Campus School Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 99 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Services extending beyond the campus: Extension Service; Continuing Education; the church; the UNI Foundation A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.359 |
Extension services designed to meet needs of growing enrollment; efforts in radio and television; a brief history of the last years of the CHIC; early efforts of the UNI Foundation; photo. | |
2 | Iowa Elementary Leaders Scheduled to Meet at UNI Public Relations News Release 1970:183, p.1 |
Over 300 educators are scheduled to attend the 20th annual UNI Elementary Leaders Conference Nov. 20 in the Commons. | |
3 | UNI to Host Early Childhood Education Conference Public Relations News Release 1970:132, p.1 |
The conference is sponsored by the UNI department of curriculum and instruction and is targeted to nursey school and day care operations and kindergarten teachers in Iowa. | |
4 | Miss Nemetz accepts post as new Head Start Officer Northern Iowan 67:2, p.1 |
Professor Koehring will continue on half-time basis; sketch of Miss Nemetz. |
5 | Reunion draws alumni Alumnus 51:3, p. |
Scenes from reunion; photo. | |
6 | Koehring named regional director of 'Head Start' College Eye 60:32, p.4 |
Professor Koehring will continue teaching on a part-time basis. | |
7 | Alumni June reunions Alumnus 48:3, p.16 |
250 attend meeting; Alumni Service Awards announced. photo. | |
8 | Teaching Department has Eight Student Teacher Centers Northern Iowan 0:0, p.107 |
The Teaching Department has five training schools that arrange for student teachers to learn on site. A new one added to the list was the Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School in Vinton. | |
9 | Teaching Department Conducts Electronics Seminar Old Gold 0:0, p.113 |
The Electronics Seminar for physical science, which was an experiment, was conducted; the Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School at Vinton was an added student teaching center; photo. | |
10 | Teaching Begins Education Experiments Old Gold 0:0, p.113 |
New experiments conducted by the Teaching Department, such as Spanish for elementary students and a new math program for the junior and senior high schools; photos. |
11 | Teaching Old Gold 0:0, p.105 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
12 | Teaching Supervises Student Teachers Old Gold 0:0, p.93 |
Description of the role that the teaching department takes during the training of new teachers. Also, there are photos of the faculty and locations of the schools where the students are trained; photos. |
13 | Faculty promotes Britt Career Day College Eye 45:25, p.8 |
Five faculty act as career counselors at Britt. | |
14 | Instructors work in extension field College Eye 45:15, p.7 |
Many ISTC faculty hold conferences in the field. | |
15 | Campbell holds second faculty guest evening College Eye 45:10, p.6 |
A look at the dorm social calendars. | |
16 | Education president elected College Eye 43:33, p.1 |
Irvin Brune elected ISTC ISEA president. | |
17 | Koehring finishes new reading readiness plan College Eye 42:39, p.3 |
May be used at Campus School. | |
18 | Dorothy Koehring and Lou A. Shepherd, college faculty members, left Friday for Seattle, Washington Public Relations News Release 1950:275, p.1 |
They will be on the program of the Association for Childhood Education International. Shepherd is chairman of one of the six study sections. Koehring will lead one of the conference's 50 study groups. | |
19 | Faculty members to attend meet College Eye 42:17, p.3 |
Will attend regional meeting on teacher education. | |
20 | Four to participate in teachers institute College Eye 42:11, p.5 |
To be held in Audubon County. | |
21 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.206 |
List of faculty; photo. | |
22 | Koehring heads group preparing study course College Eye 41:27, p.6 |
Assisting in preparing a course of study for kindergarten and pre-first grade. | |
23 | Dr. Koehring granted year leave of absence College Eye 40:31, p.3 |
To do extension work in Iowa. | |
24 | Teaching Old Gold 0:0, p.42 |
Brief description of the department; photo. |
25 | Three instructors in Salt Lake City College Eye 40:27, p.6 |
For Association for Childhood Education meeting. | |
26 | Faculty members take active part in ISEA meeting College Eye 40:8, p.1 |
Twenty-three participate in meeting program. | |
27 | Instructional Staff Old Gold 0:0, p.53 |
This page features the lists and photos of the Instructional Staff; photo. | |
28 | Campus School staff will visit Iowa U College Eye 39:31, p.10 |
To observe classes. | |
29 | Gives reasons for "begging children" College Eye 39:30, p.2 |
Comments on an editorial that was previously published about begging children; student now offers ways of solving this apparent problem. | |
30 | Steg, Koehring have articles published College Eye 39:24, p.7 |
On music education. | |
31 | Dr. Koehring in Ohio at religious conference College Eye 39:11, p.6 |
32 | Five of faculty elected to state education offices College Eye 39:11, p.1 |
33 | Summer Schools open June 4 Old Gold 38:34, p.6 |
Branch summer schools in Estherville, Denison, and Corning will assist those who wish to improve their teaching credentials. | |
34 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.108 |
List of faculty; photo. | |
35 | Koehring attends Oklahoma meeting College Eye 38:27, p.4 |
On early childhood education. | |
36 | Summer branch school news College Eye 37:41, p.3 |
37 | George Holmes caught in shower from 'branches' College Eye 37:40, p.6 |
News from the branch summer schools; photo. | |
38 | Branch summer schools College Eye 37:36, p.3 |
News from the branch schools. | |
39 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.58 |
Photos of the faculty; photo. | |
40 | Branch summer school staffs named Public Relations News Release 1946:171, p.1 |
Sessions will be held in Spencer, Carroll, and Creston. Faculty members from other colleges and schools may serve. | |
41 | Koehring elected to A. C. E. office at Ohio's international meeting College Eye 37:30, p.3 |
Elected secretary-treasurer of group. | |
42 | Letter to the editor College Eye 37:12, p.2 |
Professor Koehring regrets that no one expressed thanks for the first postwar campus Thanksgiving dinner. | |
43 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.50 |
Faculty; photo. | |
44 | Red Oak Branch Summer School of the Teachers College named Public Relations News Release 1945:106, p.1 |
Miss Lou A. Shepherd will head the Red Oak, Ia branch. Faculty named. | |
45 | When is a kindergarten not a kindergarten Alumnus 29:1, p.10 |
Professor Koehring outlines objectives of a successful kindergarten program; photo. | |
46 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.55 |
Faculty; photo. | |
47 | Educational Policies Commission organized for college development College Eye 35:26, p.1 |
Will assist in utilizing new plans and ideas for ISTC; will consist of eleven members. | |
48 | Dial Dope College Eye 35:10, p.5 |
Announces upcoming broadcasts on KXEL. | |
49 | Rigid discipline cheats child, say Campus School experts College Eye 34:38, p.1 |
Faculty offer advice to teachers in morning assembly. | |
50 | Assembly on Wednesday to be panel discussion College Eye 34:37, p.4 |
Miss Koehring will lead discussion on understanding children. |