Kolkhorst--Fred W. (HPELS Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Grad student interns at Olympics
Northern Iowan 93:2, p.15
Graduate student Cathryn Broshears will intern at the winter Olympics training site in New York this fall; photo.
2 University of Northern Iowa graduate student to intern at Winter Olympics training site in New York
Public Relations News Release 1995:482, p.1
Cathryn Broshears will be working with athletes at the Winter Olympics training site. She will conduct field, performance, and metabolic testing on the athletes.
3 Fred Kolkhorst and Forrest Dolgener
Campus News Network 6:15, p.
Co-authored and published "Perceived Exertion and Blood Lactate Concentration During Graded Treadmill Running" in a journal.
4 Recently/soon to be published: Fred W. Kolkhorst, Tom D. Toepfer and Forrest Dolgener
Campus News Network 6:9, p.3
Fred W. Kolkhorst, Tom D. Toepfer, and Forrest A. Dolgener co-authored article on expired air temperatures during running.
5 Recently/soon to be published: Fred Kolkhorst
Campus News Network 6:3, p.3
Fred Kolkhorst authored article on effects of consecutive days of exercise in journal.
6 Sixty University of Northern Iowa students putting mental, physiological skills to the test in Lincoln Marathon
Public Relations News Release 1994:438, p.1
Sixty UNI students to participate in the Lincoln Marathon. Students listed.
7 Recently/soon to be published: Forrest Dolgener, Fred Kolkhorst, and David Whitsett
Campus News Network 5:10, p.
Forrest Dolgener, Fred Kolkhorst, and David Whitsett recently published an article in "Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sports".
8 Virginia Berg, Fred Kolkhorst, and Douglas Pine
Campus News Network 4:23, p.3
Virginia Berg, Fred Kolkhorst, and Douglas Pine received funding form the National Science Foundation for new lab equipment.
9 Recently/soon to be published: Fred Kolkhorst and Forrest Dolgener
Campus News Network 4:14, p.3
Fred Kolkhorst and Forrest Dolgener published article on aerobic capacity in college students.
10 Fred W. Kolkhorst and Forrest Dolgener
Campus News Network 3:21, p.2
Receive grant to study exercise laboratory.
11 Mini-grants provide for infusion of technology
Campus News Network 3:17, p.1

Roster of winners and their topics of research.