Koll--William H. (Physical Education Faculty--Class of 1948)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 151 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 A great day in the history of Panther wrestling
Northern Iowa Today 95:1, p.14
Highlights of the proud history of UNI wrestling; has begun multi-phase improvement program that will include workout room, locker room, coaches' offices, and strength and conditioning facility; photo.
2 Panther history in NCAA meet
Northern Iowan 93:44, p.15
UNI hopes to have five All-Americans at the NCAA Division I Championships.
3 The University of Northern Iowa welcomes back wrestling greats during NCAA opening reception
Public Relations News Release 1996:304, p.1
University of Northern Iowa host twelve UNI Alumni NCAA Division 1 Champions for the tournament opener.
4 UNI to induct 12 into hall
Northern Iowan 82:12, p.21
Former UNI athletes and coaches inducted into the Northern Iowa Hall of Fame Charter Class.
5 Athletics inducts charter class to Hall of Fame
Northern Iowa Today 13:3, p.7
First class of UNI athletics Hall of Fame to be inducted in October 1985; brief biographical sketches of charter members.
6 Sports record book available
Alumnus 52:1, p.7
The book, "SCI All Sports Record Book, 1898-1966" was completed this fall by Dick Dietl, the Sports Information Director. The book includes all scores of all Panther athletic teams, current record holders, former Little All-Americans, and champions. It also a short history of each sport and a special feature on seven men who helped put the Panthers on the map.
7 Sixteen faculty members submit resignations, retire
College Eye 58:32, p.4

Roster of changes and assignments.

8 Returning athletes promise another top sports year
College Eye 58:30, p.8
A look at next year's prospects.
9 Cyclones here for tennis meet
College Eye 58:25, p.8
SCI will face Iowa State University; Bill Koll calls Bill Dodd the team's "number one man."
10 Panther Tracks: loss of Koll may hurt SCI wrestling
College Eye 58:24, p.7
Fears Bill Koll's absence may have a lasting effect on the SCI wrestling squad.
11 Koll named wrestling coach at Penn State
College Eye 58:24, p.7
Bill Koll, after coaching at SCI for eleven seasons, will be heading to Pennsylvania State University to take the head coach position.
12 Tomorrow's St. Cloud State meet opens tennis season
College Eye 58:24, p.7
SCI will face St. Cloud; season schedule is listed.
13 Western State mat champion; SCI's Monroe second at 167
College Eye 58:22, p.7
SCI took sixth place in team standings at NCAA College Division wrestling tournament; Jim Monroe received second place at 167 pounds.
14 Tennis, golf teams meet next week
College Eye 58:22, p.7
Tennis coach Bill Koll encourages students to contact him if they are interested in played varsity tennis; J. R. Clark announced meeting for students interested in playing golf.
15 TV 'Windows' to present Phys. Ed. Dept.
College Eye 53:18, p.4

Will be featured on KWWL program.

16 SCI wrestlers take two weeks to regroup
College Eye 53:15, p.6

Panther wrestlers have time off to condition before big meet.

17 Wrestlers tangle at University of Minnesota
College Eye 53:12, p.7

Panthers wrestling squad does well at its first meet of the season; description of wrestlers and their matches.

18 Koll, Leeman, '48, named to wrestling Hall of Fame
Alumnus 46:4, p.8
Career highlights.
19 Koll heads Iowa AAU
College Eye 53:4, p.8

SCI wrestling coach elected president of AAU.

20 Koll selected for hall of fame
College Eye 53:1, p.6

Bill Koll and Gerald Leeman named to Amateur Wrestling Hall of Fame.

21 Wrestlers head for NCAA
College Eye 52:23, p.7
Six wrestlers and coach Bill Koll will head to Corvallis, Oregon for the NCAA tournament.
22 Grappler coach Koll is grad of ISTC
College Eye 52:15, p.2
Lengthy profile of Bill Koll; photo.
23 9 letterman form nucleus of large wrestling squad
College Eye 52:8, p.6
Wrestling coach Bill Koll has twenty-nine candidates with great potential.
24 Men's PE Department Trains Coaches
Old Gold 0:0, p.103

The Men's PE Department trains students to be physical educators and coaches. The department sponsors various different physical activities through out the year and intramural sports.

25 Grapplers finish with 6-3-2 mark
College Eye 51:26, p.4
TC's wrestling team finished the 1959-1960 season with a record of 6-3-2.
26 Grapplers meet Nebraska, Omaha Univ. this weekend
College Eye 51:15, p.6
TC will face the University of Nebraska, and Omaha University.
27 Grapplers travel to South Dakota State
College Eye 51:14, p.7
TC will face South Dakota State at Brookings.
28 Grapplers draw with Northern Illinois 12-12
College Eye 51:13, p.4
TC tied Northern Illinois, 12-12; results are posted; photo.
29 Wrestling prospects appear good; 2 major and 2 minor lettermen back
College Eye 51:11, p.7
Reviews TC's wrestling squad.
30 Wrestlers aim for 1st meet
College Eye 51:9, p.6
Bill Koll prepares his wrestlers for the upcoming invitational meet at TC.
31 Wrestling starts Mon.
College Eye 51:6, p.9
The 1959-1960 wrestling schedule will include 15 meets.
32 Wrestlers ready for new season
College Eye 51:4, p.7
Discusses the 1959-1960 wrestling squad.
33 Wrestling
Old Gold 0:0, p.233

The Teachers under the coaching of Bill Koll, ended their season with an eight win, four loss record. Those representing Teachers were: Larry Guldberg, Chuck Patten, Jerry Ray, Jerry Lane, and Arland "Mud" Waters; photo

34 Wrestling Season's Record
Old Gold 0:0, p.235
Coach Bill Koll and team were downed by stiff competition coming from Michigan State, Wisconsin, Mankato State, and Minnesota. Panthers romped over Omaha 34-0. Patten ended this season with a 10 win, no loss: photos
35 Men's Physical Education Department Sponsors Holiday Tournament
Old Gold 0:0, p.109

The main purpose of the Men's Physical Education Department was the training of coaches and physical education instructors; two new members of staff were: Willard (Bill) Hammer and Stan Sheriff; photo.

36 ISTC alums gather at NCAA tournament
Alumnus 44:2, p.13
Fifty attend luncheon in Iowa City; photo.
37 Patten, Lane, Guldberg, Ray, Waters to NCAA
College Eye 50:24, p.7
Discusses the upcoming wrestling meet.
38 Freshmen-varsity to show 'better matches of season'
College Eye 50:15, p.5
The match will feature running commentary by the coach.
39 Koll lists 17 frosh matmen
College Eye 50:12, p.6
List of freshman team members; photo.
40 Coach Koll is 'Big Name' in mat history
College Eye 50:12, p.6
Gives a career history of the college coach.
41 Netmen Finish First In Conference
Old Gold 0:0, p.184
Description of the 1957 men's tennis team's season; photos.
42 Tutor Mat String Falls
Old Gold 0:0, p.166
The Panther matmen won six of their nine dual meets and took three individual championships in the Iowa Teachers invitational wrestling meet; the team had a loss near the middle of the season; a blood condition kept Dick Formanek from continuing; photo.
43 Netman Finish Second in Conference
Old Gold 0:0, p.180
Coach Bill Koll's netmen had two wins and four losses, and they finished second in the NCC tennis meet, one point behind North Dakota State; sophomore Bill Kibbie won the NCC singles crown for Iowa Teachers College; photo.
44 Department of Physical Education for Men
Old Gold 0:0, p.51

Men students can participate in physical activities such as intramural and intercollegiate athletics; varsity teams, the "I" club, TC Relays, and a wrestling tournament were sponsored; a coaching clinic for high school/college coaches was held; photo.

45 Coaching changes
Alumnus 41:2, p.8
Bill Koll on leave to continue graduate work; Ed Lyons will coach wrestlers and tennis team; Louis Breitbach will replace Homer Bienfang and assist with football.
46 Two changes in athletic staff
College Eye 48:21, p.4
Ed Lyons will replace Bill Koll, who will be pursuing graduate study; Louis Breitbach will replace Homer Bienfang.
47 Sticks and Stones . . .
College Eye 48:15, p.2
Discusses smoking in public places, Bill Koll's frustration with the wrestling squad, and 'This is the Life?' on KYTC.
48 K. State mat foe
College Eye 48:14, p.4
TC will face Kansas State at Manhattan.
49 Mat streak threatened by Cornell
College Eye 48:13, p.4
TC will face Cornell.
50 Matmen meet Wisconsin U.
College Eye 48:12, p.4
TC wrestlers defeated SDS, 34-0.