Kramer--Charles T. (Student--1913)
Displaying 1 - 42 of 42 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Lt. Col. Charles T. Kramer Alumnus 29:1, p.19 |
Is now located "somewhere in India" where he is training Chinese officers. His wife resides in Little Rock, Arkansas. | |
2 | Service men's directory Alumnus 28:1, p.12 |
Roster of men in military service, who have graduated from or attended ISTC. | |
3 | Capt. Charles T. Kramer Alumnus 27:1, p.7 |
In the army at Memphis Q. M. C. Depot, in Memphis, Tennessee. | |
4 | Mrs. Charles T. Kramer Alumnus 23:2, p.4 |
Mrs. Kramer is president of Arkansas Home Economics Association; Mr. Kramer works for Farm Security Administration. | |
5 | Mr. Kramer Alumnus 23:1, p.18 |
A former student at the College and a former member of the football team; is in the regional office of the Farm Security Administration in Little Rock, Arkansas. The Kramers reside in Little Rock. | |
6 | Chas. T. Kramer Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.6 |
Charles T. Kramer teaches in Wattensaw, Arkansas with his wife, Esther Grace Shoemaker-Kramer. The couple donate a specimen of lunar moth to the college museum. | |
7 | Charles T. Kramer Alumni News Letter 3:2, p.2 |
Charles T. Kramer, Private First Class, admitted to Artillery Officers Training and Commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant. | |
8 | Our honor list; these men are in Uncle Sam's army. To them we dedicate this issue College Eye 9:12, p.1 |
Roster of men in military service. | |
9 | Marriages 2 Alumni News Letter 1:1, p.1 |
Esther Shoemaker married Charles Kramer June 12, 1917. | |
10 | An announcement party College Eye 8:24, p.5 |
The wedding of Esther Grace Shoemaker to Charles P. Kramer announced. | |
11 | Chas. Cramer College Eye 8:18, p.8 |
Spent last weekend on the Hill. | |
12 | Jolly weekend house party College Eye 7:13, p.2 |
Paul Farlow and Harold Frisby entertained their friends at Paul's house. | |
13 | Public Speaking and Drama Old Gold 0:0, p.157 |
Illustration of actors taking final bow; description of department; cast of plays announced; photos of dramatic productions. | |
14 | Mr. Chris Hanson College Eye 3:19, p.325 |
Along with Homer Veatch and Charles Kramer, was in the city to attend the College Carnival. | |
15 | Mr. Charles Kramer College Eye 3:5, p.100 |
Returned home for the weekend. | |
16 | Charles Kramer College Eye 3:2, p.47 |
Left for Ames to take work in the Agricultural department. | |
17 | Commencement play College Eye 3:1, p.12 |
Performed "When Knighthood was in Flower"; review of the play. | |
18 | Public Speaking Old Gold 0:0, p.171 |
Instructors, bulletins from plays; photo. | |
19 | The game; Leander Clark, 0--Teachers, 0; Mike Hyland and his boys sadly disappointed College Eye 2:10, p.1 |
A clean, scoreless game was played between Teachers College and Leander Clark on Saturday. | |
20 | Athletics; busy week on the football field; varsity wins from East Waterloo High 39-0 College Eye 2:5, p.1 |
The college football team tested its courage and strength with scrimmages against a high school team. | |
21 | Athletic; forty-seven names on the roll of honor College Eye 2:4, p.1 |
The football season is under way; potential starting line-up. | |
22 | Football; outlook promising for a strong team. Many old men back much new material; change in rules favors a heavy line College Eye 2:3, p.1 |
A few changes in football rules; Captain Tom Anderson; photo. | |
23 | Wearers of TC Old Gold 0:0, p.83 |
Roster of letter winners | |
24 | Gymnastics Old Gold 0:0, p.100 |
Roster of participants and results of meet; photos. | |
25 | When Knighthood was in Flower College Eye 2:33, p.1 |
Cast for the play. | |
26 | Commencement play excellent College Eye 1:30, p.1 |
A look back at previous Commencement plays; will present "In the Palace of the King" this year; roster of cast members. | |
27 | Mr. Getchell College Eye 1:18, p.6 |
Organized two gymnasium classes in the Presbyterian Sunday School. | |
28 | Athletic notes College Eye 1:14, p.5 |
M. A. Sheffield is working at Charles City; Athletic Board reorganized; Gymnasium open for recreation; designing new football emblems; gymnastics prospects good. | |
29 | Teachers defeat Simpson team; Methodists beaten by score of 11 to 6 College Eye 1:11, p.5 |
Frigid weather does not stop game; Teachers College defeats Simpson College; led the whole game. | |
30 | Simpson will put up hard fight College Eye 1:10, p.3 |
Game against Simpson will be close; opposing team has coaches with experience; team has been playing well. | |
31 | Big blue team does good work at Dubuque; score 0 to 0 College Eye 1:10, p.1 |
Slippery field yields scoreless game. | |
32 | The Training School College Eye 1:12, p.20 |
There was a Commencement celebration for the graduating class of the Training School; roster of graduates. | |
33 | Iowa--A pageant; given by the high school seniors of the State Teachers College in the College Auditorium Friday evening, May 26 College Eye 1:11, p.186 |
A pageant was held that depicted the early history of Iowa. | |
34 | The Training School Normal Eyte 21:0, p.16 |
Describes the closing exercises for the Class of 1910 and notes where some of the current faculty members will be located in the upcoming school year. | |
35 | Music Old Gold 0:0, p.253 |
Information about the different music clubs and organizations on campus; includes group photos and information about programs. | |
36 | Orchestra concert a success; local musicians give extraordinary entertainment; solo numbers please Normal Eyte 20:20, p.332 |
A review of the orchestra concert; performance program. | |
37 | Orchestra to give concert; organization of thirty pieces makes debut in first local concert of year Normal Eyte 20:19, p.315 |
Performance program. | |
38 | Commencement concerts Normal Eyte 20:0, p.8 |
Performance program. | |
39 | The Band and Orchestra Old Gold 0:0, p.164 |
Repertoire and roster of members; photo. |
40 | The Training School seniors Normal Eyte 18:30, p.468 |
Lose to Cedar Falls High School, 8-2. | |
41 | The Normal Orchestra Old Gold 0:0, p.150 |
Briefly discusses advancements in the orchestra, their repertoire, and members; photo. |
42 | Society Normal Eyte 16:6, p.84 |
Philos held farm program. |