Kratz--Lisa (Maucker Union Staff)

Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Despite allegations, election results untainted
Northern Iowan 112:42, p.3

Students Hunter Flesch and Avery Johnson were elected Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) president and vice president on Februrary 24. Results were announced after a delay while NISG deliberated allegations against both the Flesch/Johnson ticket and the Jamison Whiting/Aaron Friel ticket; photo.

2 NISG: Just what do they do, anyway?
Northern Iowan 112:37, p.1

Members of Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) seek to clarify the role of the organization, since many students don't know what they do for campus.

3 Union rooftop causes concern
Northern Iowan 111:50, p.1
The rooftop of the Maucker Union is becoming unsafe; photo.
4 UNI student government to sponsor Voterpalooza on Oct. 1
Public Relations News Release 2014:63, p.1
Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG), in partnership with Northern Iowa Democrats and UNI College Republicans, will sponsor Voterpoolza, October 1 at the Campanile on the UNI campus. Voter registration will be available and is encouraged.
5 Renovations finishing up in Maucker Union
Northern Iowan 110:20, p.1
The renovations to Maucker Union are finishing up. These renovations include remodeling the International Students and Scholars Office as well as creating offices for the Student Involvement Center; photo.
6 Plans for LGBT and military student centers at UNI continue to move forward
Northern Iowan 109:39, p.1
Plans for the LGBT center and the military and veterans student center are progressing. The centers will located in or near the Student Involvement Center in Maucker Union.
7 NISG speaker of senate election deemed invalid
Northern Iowan 108:49, p.4
Last week's election of Jared Parker as speaker of the senate went against Roberts Rules of Order. Parker consulted with the NISG advisor, other candidates, and members of the senate.
8 Maucker Union ballrooms undergoing construction
Northern Iowan 108:24, p.1
A $1 million dollar renovation of the ballrooms is due to be completed by the middle of March 2012. The sound system, ceiling, ventilation system, and the installation of new energy efficient lighting will be upgraded; photo.
9 Maucker Union turns 40
Northern Iowan 106:19, p.9
Maucker Union was rededicated during the fortieth anniversary of the building; photo.
10 UNI's Maucker Union celebrates 40 years with grand opening of renovated lower level
Public Relations News Release 2009:136, p.1
The lower level's grand opening will take plate at Chat's coffee house. Tours of the lower level and a reception will follow the ceremony.
11 UNI Alcohol Task Force assembled
Public Relations News Release 2007:685, p.1
An alcohol task force has been established to reduce high-rish drinking and the associated negative consequences. Research shows excessive alcohol use leads to crime, injury, academic failure, poor health, addiction, and damage to reputation.
12 Breaking down the mandatory student activity fee
Northern Iowan 103:52, p.3
$231 is the amount of the annual student activity fee. Benefits and where the money is distributed.
13 Union director moving on amid many memories
Northern Iowan 102:61, p.1
Guy Sims has accepted a position at Virginia Tech as Assistant Vice President for Student Life. Lisa Kratz is the new Director of Maucker Union, photo.
14 Maucker Union faces a few changes
Northern Iowan 102:58, p.3
Lisa Kratz named director of Maucker Union; interim Director Guy Sims will go to Virginia Technical University.
15 A goodbye, a hello
Northern Iowan 102:58, p.5
Departure of Guy Sims and Renee Romano announced; hiring of Lisa Kratz and the promotion of Janice Hanish noted.
16 UNI names new Maucker Union director
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Lisa Kratz will be replacing Guy Sims.