Krogmann--Marian Elsie (Political Science Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 45 of 45 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Northern Iowa to graduate more than 1,300 Saturday (May 13) in UNI - Dome.
Public Relations News Release 1988:468, p.1
Student address delivered by Michelle Wubben, who will receive a bachelor's degree with highest honors. Senior Class gift will be presented by Carole Johnson and Mark Rolland. President Curris will preside and confer degrees.
2 Debate continues over artwork
Northern Iowan 85:57, p.1
Professor Robbins brings matter of removal of art work to Faculty Senate.
3 Soviet foreign policy under Gorbachev and Soviet humor topics of political science presentations at the University of Northern Iowa April 10 and 11.
Public Relations News Release 1988:389, p.1
Rolf Theen, professor of political science at Purdue University will present "Soviet Foreign Policy under Gorbachev: The Winds of Change" and " The Soviet Anecdote: Mirror or Prism of Soviet Reality," a look at the use and significance of Soviet humor.
4 Faculty Senate elects officers for next year
Northern Iowan 84:57, p.1
Professor Krogmann elected chair; Susann Doody elected vice chair; hear reports on headship study, writing, international study, and Presidential Scholars.
5 Senate approves general education policies
Northern Iowan 83:19, p.6
Approve administrative procedures including articulation with holders of the A. A. degree.
6 Senate OKs gen. ed. courses, including Religions of World
Northern Iowan 83:15, p.3
Approves 47-hour general education program; arguments for and against inclusion of Religions of the World; reject laboratory course requirement.
7 Bringing the basics into focus; substantive changes made in general education program
Northern Iowa Today 14:3, p.1
Close look at newly-revised program.
8 UNI Institute for Environmental Education to sponsor summer study tour on energy
Public Relations News Release 1986:339, p.1
The class will be called "Impacts of Energy Production" and it is being offered by the UNI Institute for Environmental Education; it will be a month-long tour; students may earn four hours of either graduate or undergraduate credit.
9 Summer tour to explore energy production in West
Northern Iowan 82:46, p.5
Students are given the opportunity to tour energy facilities in South Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming.
10 Foreign language competency proposed
Northern Iowan 82:35, p.4
Text of proposal taken to Faculty Senate; debate follows; will work on proposal and re-submit.
11 Apologizes for mistake
Northern Iowan 81:52, p.2
Apologizes for wrongly identifying Marian Krogmann as the director of the Special Olympics.
12 Political science students get acquainted
Northern Iowan 81:9, p.10
The faculty and staff of the department of Political Science held an informal meeting discussing what was going on in the department, and for students to get to know each other.
13 Athletic Policy Board changes proposed: Boots to chair Faculty Senate
Northern Iowan 80:55, p.5
Myra Boots will be chair; Marian Krogmann will be vice chair; receive ROTC report; proposes formation of Academic Calendar Committee.
14 Chinese conflicts cited
Northern Iowan 80:48, p.3
Professor Krogmann lectures on Sino-Soviet split.
15 Stavis to address rural reforms in China series
Northern Iowan 80:46, p.10
Professors Krogmann and Stavis will present lectures on China.
16 China Seminar Series to begin this week
Northern Iowan 80:44, p.3
Department of Geography will sponsor series; schedule.
17 Morgan: Soviet people want peace
Northern Iowan 80:8, p.4
Panel members offer views on Soviet relations; photo.
18 Peace Day Program
Northern Iowan 80:6, p.1
Panel will discuss shooting down of Korean airliner by Soviet Union.
19 Endangered species protection is needed
Northern Iowan 78:53, p.5
Professors Whitson and Krogmann outline views in Endangered Species Act.
20 Endangered Species Act is topic of forum
Northern Iowan 78:50, p.6
Paul Whitson and Marian Krogmann will speak at Conservation Club discussion.
21 Assistant to Senator DeConcini of Arizona to speak to UNI classes
Public Relations News Release 1981:163, p.1
Jerry Bonham will discuss the job opportunities and the rewards of working in Washington D. C. He will also speak to the classes of Marian Krogmann, Lyle Albert, Robert Ross and Allen Hays
22 Panel presents diverse solutions to energy issue
Northern Iowan 77:47, p.7
Excerpts from panelists' views.
23 Does participation add to energy crisis?
Northern Iowan 77:27, p.4
Professor Krogmann talks about the role of the public in determining energy conservation policy.
24 UNI to sponsor history lecture on 'John Locke and the energy problem'
Public Relations News Release 1980:316, p.1
Professor Marian E. Krogmann will give a lecture about John Locke and his views on public participation in government.
25 UNI history series to open September 18 with annual Becker lecture
Public Relations News Release 1980:51, p.1
Phi Alpha Theta will host guest speaker Chester G. Starr to start the Carl L. Becker Memorial Lecture Series.
26 Must get the shah back to the Iranian people; Krogmann and Vajpeyi interviewed
Northern Iowan 76:20, p.1
Professors Dhirendra Vajpeyi, Marion Krogmann and Iradge Ahrabi-Fard are interviewed on KCRS concerning the hostage situation in Iran.
27 Nature slide show
Northern Iowan 76:10, p.7
The UNI Museum will feature a slide from backpacker and camper, Marian Krogmann.
28 Department of Political Science
Old Gold 0:0, p.17
Classes in the Department of Political Science are centered around the political system. Political Science Department sponsors a trip to DC each year during Spring Break to help students learn our political system; photo.
29 The uneasy triangle: China-U.S.S.R.- U.S.
Northern Iowan 75:44, p.9
Professors Krogmann, Talbott, and Winter will form panel.
30 Solar energy
Northern Iowan 75:41, p.8
Professor Krogmann will talk about political obstacles to development of solar energy.
31 Advisory staff named
Northern Iowan 75:7, p.14
President Kamerick establishes an Athletic Advisory Council which will concern itself with athletic policies and practices; list of members.
32 Seminar schedules détente speakers; noted scholars to appear
Northern Iowan 72:33, p.1
Political Science Department offers three-hour seminar on détente.
33 Colloquium
Northern Iowan 72:9, p.1
Professor Krogmann will speak on British trade unions.
34 Untitled
Northern Iowan 70:55, p.2
Humorous awards for members of campus community.
35 Krogmann accepted for Poland seminar
Northern Iowan 69:50, p.5
Will participate in eight week seminar.
36 UNI Conservation Club
Northern Iowan 69:31, p.12
Professor Krogmann will speak on Latin America.
37 Student apathy--pass-no credit
Northern Iowan 69:31, p.3
Believes some students do take the pass/fail option courses seriously.
38 A no to pass-no credit
Northern Iowan 69:30, p.2
Professor Krogmann believes that the grade system change has not produced good results.
39 Social Science Seminar to tour Europe
Northern Iowan 69:19, p.5
Outline of tour plan.
40 Panel discussion
Northern Iowan 68:45, p.6
Department of Political Science sponsors discussion on energy and the environment.
41 Political Science dept. sponsors panel discussions
Northern Iowan 68:43, p.8
Schedule of discussions of energy as an environmental concern.
42 China & U.S.--'What will the neighbors think?'
Northern Iowan 68:14, p.4
Professors Poage, Krogmann, and Vajpeyi will speak in continuing series.
43 China Discussion to be at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1972:111, p.1
A U.S.-China debate will take place Nov. 3 in Sabin Hall.
44 Canyon trip organized
Northern Iowan 67:23, p.10
Professor Krogmann will lead trip.
Northern Iowan 65:50, p.4
Will discuss Sino-Soviet split.