Kuan--Peter (Class of 1924)

Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Alumni in foreign lands
Alumnus 22:1, p.11
Roster of alumni who are living in other countries and the countries in which they are working.
2 President of two colleges is one of seven who received early training at your alma mater!
Alumnus 20:2, p.11
Survey and roster of alumni who direct or serve in executive position in colleges and universities.
3 Dr. Earl Allen Roadman is the only alumnus who directs two colleges
Public Relations News Release 1935:661, p.1
College presidents who received their early training at the Teachers College.
4 Peter Kuan makes appeal for the poor
College Eye 20:17, p.1
Appeals for help with school in China.
5 Wild-White P. E. book used in China
College Eye 19:25, p.1
President Seerley had sent the book to Peter Kuan, an ISTC alumnus.
6 Peter Kuan sends farewell message
College Eye 17:32, p.1
Now en route to his home in China.
7 S. Peter Kuan
College Eye 16:17, p.5
Spent his Christmas near Boston.
8 The many friends of Peter Kuan
College Eye 16:6, p.8
Enrolled at Yale University; wrote a letter to friends.
9 Class of 1924
Old Gold 0:0, p.72
Photos and names of graduating students.
10 Student Friendship Council/Gospel Team
Old Gold 0:0, p.233
Photos and names of students.
11 Kuan attends funeral of former instructor
College Eye 15:32, p.1
Attended funeral of Miss Morrison at Tabor College.
12 Kuan to address East High
College Eye 15:29, p.7
Peter Kuan asked to address local high school.
13 Foreign students conference
College Eye 15:26, p.1
International students, who are studying in Iowa, met in Cedar Rapids.
14 Peter Kuan
College Eye 15:23, p.8
Was ill last week.
15 The student volunteers
College Eye 15:17, p.8
Returned from a conference in Indiana.
16 The following people
College Eye 15:16, p.8
Will attend a convention in Indianapolis.
17 Inquisitive reporter; question--why are you so glad to be returning to I. S. T. C. this fall?
College Eye 15:2, p.7
Students respond.
18 The following students
College Eye 14:50, p.4

Roster of delegates attending the International Christian Endeavor Convention.