Kuehl--Raymond W. (Education Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 30th annual recognition breakfast May 7 to honor 23 long term Northern Iowa employees.
Public Relations News Release 1988:397, p.1

The University of Northern Iowa will honor its long-term employees who have retired or resigned within the 1987-88 fiscal year, at 30th annual Recognition Breakfast.

2 UNI Business, personnel items approved by Regents
Public Relations News Release 1987:347, p.1
Professor Jan Robbins is replaced by Robert Ward as head of the Department of English. John Stalberger is named director of public safety after the retirement of Rollin G. Evers. The Education Center, Gilchrist Hall, and Dome see renovations and repairs.
3 Raymond Kuehl and Randall R. Bebb
Northern Iowa Today 14:3, p.7
Receive awards from Association of Teacher Educators.
4 National honors to UNI prof, Emeritus prof
Public Relations News Release 1986:302, p.1
The Association of Teacher Educators honored Kuehl and Bebb at their annual meeting in Atlanta; there are more than four thousand members of the group.
5 College of Education to hold advising sessions
Northern Iowan 80:10, p.4
Will offer help to freshmen and sophomores in planning for their work.
6 New director plans changes
Northern Iowan 80:2, p.4
Marc Mahlios outlines his plans for the Student Field Experience Office; photo.
7 Kuehl to break in successor
Northern Iowan 79:56, p.5
Professor Kuehl talks about his career and the field of education; photo.
8 Student teachers glimpse the 'real world'
Northern Iowan 77:24, p.6
Mike Everage talks about his student teaching experiences.
9 Duties viewed differently
Northern Iowan 76:24, p.4
Administrators' views on what duties are important for student teachers differ from the supervising teacher and student teacher.
10 Paper presented
Northern Iowan 73:37, p.8
Professor Kuehl speaks on student teachers.
11 Kappa Delta Pi
Northern Iowan 72:43, p.8
Open discussion on education phases and student teaching.
12 Student teaching option
Northern Iowan 72:28, p.6
Professor Kuehl talks about the full semester student teaching option.
13 Option offers new experiences; new student teaching program
Northern Iowan 71:38, p.5
Option would extend student teaching experience; Professor Kuehl outlines program.
14 New program aids Iowa schools
UNI Century 1:4, p.4
First of UNI Teacher Education Centers opens in Spencer.
15 The making or breaking of most potential teachers
UNI Century 1:4, p.5
Feature on experience of UNI student teacher Sally Sullivan; photo.
16 Educator conference
Northern Iowan 70:5, p.1
Description of conference program.
17 Conference for Supervisors of Student Teaching to be Held at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1972:54, p.1
"The Supervisory Conference" is the theme of the conference, which is being held at Price Lab School on Oct. 9. 300 Iowa educators are expected to attend the eight annual event.
18 Regents Approve UNI Student Teaching Contracts
Public Relations News Release 1971:623, p.1
Student teaching contracts were renewed between UNI and 24 public school districts and three area community colleges in Iowa; list of schools included
19 Regents Approve Promotions of 32 Faculty Members at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1971:529, p.1
List of faculty members with approved promotions.
20 Regents approve 15 leaves for professional development
Northern Iowan 67:31, p.1
Roster of those granted leaves and their topics of research.
21 Regents Approve Leave of Absence for UNI Faculty Members
Public Relations News Release 1971:385, p.1
15 UNI faculty members have been approved for leave of absence; list
22 Regents Approve Leaves of Absence for UNI Faculty Members
Public Relations News Release 1971:377, p.1
15 UNI profs will be granted leaves of absence; list
23 Regents Approve UNI Student Teaching Contracts
Public Relations News Release 1970:194, p.1
Approved between Uni and Clinton Community Schools and the mental Health Institute at Independence.
24 UNI prof explains Iowa General Assembly bill on student teaching
Public Relations News Release 1969:572, p.1
Raymond Kuehl explains the changes and what they means for student teaching; list of other Iowa educators who worked with Kuehl on the committee.
25 Regents Approve Leaves of Absence for UNI Faculty Members
Public Relations News Release 1969:329, p.1
12 UNI faculty members were approved for leaves of absence; projects
26 UNI to Host Colloquium on Teacher Education
Public Relations News Release 1969:166, p.1
16th Annual Colloquium on Teacher Education.
27 UNI to Hold Conference on Student Teaching This Weekend
Public Relations News Release 1969:60, p.1
Conference at Price Lab School.
28 100 must change spring student teaching to fall
Northern Iowan 64:47, p.1
Too many have registered to teach in spring.
29 Kuehl estimates 1200 student teachers in '68-'69
Northern Iowan 64:28, p.1
Numbers continue to climb.