Kurtz--Edward Frampton (Music Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 689 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Celebrating 50 years of excellence in music education at Russell Hall
Northern Iowa Today 95:2, p.20
2012 is the fiftieth anniversary of Russell Hall; recently underwent a major renovation program; photo.
2 UNI School of Music celebrates 50 years at Russell Hall
Public Relations News Release 2011:305, p.1
Russell Hall is still called "the music building", as it was called back in the 1960s. The first concert was held in the building in May of 1962.
3 Curriculum and related matters, 1940-1950
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.132
Detailed coverage of curriculum change, especially the movement to reformulate general education.
4 Dr. Edward Kurtz dies
Alumnus 50:3, p.11
Died June 8, 1965.
5 Twenty-nine members of the instructional and administrative staffs are listed in the 1952 edition of Who's Who in the Midwest
Public Relations News Release 1952:498, p.1
According to the compilers those included in the publication are of significant reference interest nationally and sectionally, but are identified with the central and midwestern states. Biographical material is given for some of those listed.
6 Who's Who lists eleven from here
College Eye 43:19, p.1
A number of faculty listed in Midwest Who's Who.
7 Special To: The Daily Record
Public Relations News Release 1951:282, p.1
The new year finds the college 75 years young, looking forward to the inquguration of its graduate program in the summer of 1952. A major curriculum revision for degree students began during the 1951 summer session.
8 Myron Russell appointed Music Department head
Alumnus 35:3, p.3
Professor Russell replaces Professor Kurtz; photo.
9 Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.60
Brief description of the department; photo.
10 Russell replaces Kurtz as music department head
College Eye 42:31, p.1
Profile of Myron Russell; photo.
11 Myron E. Russell, associate professor of music, will become head of the college's music department effective Sept. 1, 1951
Public Relations News Release 1950:359, p.1
Russell will replace Edward Kurtz who will gain emeritus status Sept. 1 after 27 years service with the college, 17 of them as department head. Russell is author of a book entitled, "Oboe Reed Making and the Problems of the Oboe Player."
12 Music Department's Dr. Kurtz will retire this year
Alumnus 35:2, p.25

Has been at college since 1924 and headed department since 1934; photo.

13 Compositions of four faculty members and two students will be performed Sunday night, April 22 at the annual Original Compositions concert
Public Relations News Release 1950:324, p.1

The SAI chorus will sing two songs by Edward Kurtz, retiring head of the music department. Words for both songs were written by Mrs. Kurtz. Pianist Henry Harris will play a piano sonatina by William Latham. Juanita Yearous will sing a song.

14 Musicians honor Kurtz at dinner
College Eye 42:27, p.2

Profile of Professor Kurtz, who will retire at the end of the summer.

15 Dr. Edward Kurtz was honored Tuesday night, April 17, at a dinner party given by fellow musicians and music faculty
Public Relations News Release 1950:320, p.1

The 69-year-old violinist, composer and conductor will retire at the end of the summer quarter. He has been head of the music department since 1934, and a member of that department since 1924.

16 Among the selections
Alumnus 35:1, p.1
Orchestra plays new Kurtz piece.
17 Symphony to play Tschaikowsky "failure"
Public Relations News Release 1950:191, p.1
Tschaikowsky, a native Russian, couldn't please the Russians. His ballet, "Swan Lake," was withdrawn after its premiere in 1877 because it "failed to please the audience." It was revived after his death.
18 Famed Violinist at ISTC Saturday
Public Relations News Release 1950:172, p.1
Violinist Henri Temianka will be featured at a music conference for string teachers and students.Temianka will fly here from Houston, Texas, where he is on tour with the renowned Paganini violin quartet. He is the quartet's first violinist.
19 String conference to hear Temianka in lecture-recital
College Eye 42:13, p.1
Henri Temianka will perform and teach.
20 Temianka to Appear at ISTC Conference
Public Relations News Release 1950:156, p.1
Henri Temianka, noted violinist and teacher, will appear for a conference of string teachers and students. Edward Kurtz, head of the music department, announced today that Temianka will play, lecture, criticize, and discuss techniques and literature.
21 College Orchestra to give concert
College Eye 42:10, p.1
Performance program.
22 ISTC Symphony Conductor Has Many Music Honors
Public Relations News Release 1950:127, p.1
The premiere of his fifth symphony will be but another feather in the laurel-studded cap of Edward Kurtz, conductor of the College symphony orchestra and head of the College's music department.
23 Kurtz Symphony to be Premiered Sunday, Nov. 19
Public Relations News Release 1950:128, p.1
The symphony, "Symphony No. 5 in G Major," final number on Sunday's program, is the latest work of the versatile, widely known composer. Kurtz' compositions, besides five symphonies, include whort works for orchestra, for string quartets, and more.
24 A symphony, performed for the first time only last Sunday (Nov. 19), will be the feature of a concert by the Symphony Orchestra Nov. 27
Public Relations News Release 1950:129, p.1
The new work is "Symphony No. 5 in G Major," composed by Conductor Edward Kurtz, head of the music department. It was first played at the annual fall concert lsat Sunday night.
25 TC Symphony Names Members
Public Relations News Release 1950:61, p.1
Student members of the 80-piece symphony orchestra and the College were announced this week by Edward Kurtz, firector of the symphony and head of the music department. Students listed.
26 Three new faculty members were added to the music department recently, according to an announcement made this week by Dr. Edward Kurtz
Public Relations News Release 1950:10, p.1
Arthur Christmann has taught for the past 16 years at the Julliard School of Music in New York, will teach woodwind instruments. Miss LaVerne Hodges, will teach music theory and harp. Lester Rumbaugh, will teach music education.
27 Music Department's aim--best
College Eye 41:37, p.2
Informs students that Music Department has been criticized for using not yet matured voices of students for operas and uses faculty members for orchestra positions only when needed.
28 Strings are difficult; graduate student answers
College Eye 41:37, p.2
Faculty are used for string positions in the orchestra because not enough students are being trained in those area in the elementary and high schools.
29 Faculty
Old Gold 0:0, p.206
List of faculty; photo.
30 Band will tour eleven Iowa cities
College Eye 41:19, p.1
Will be performing at eleven high schools within three days.
31 Kurtz opus given Sunday by orchestra
College Eye 41:8, p.1
Performance program.
32 Kurtz symphony will be feature of Nov. 6 concert
College Eye 41:7, p.1
This will be the first time that Dr. Edward Kurtz will be performing his symphony on campus.
33 Five of faculty will attend Drake music convention
College Eye 41:6, p.1
Dr. Price will speak at the annual banquet.
34 Orchestra to give concert on Tuesday
College Eye 40:35, p.1
Emmett Steele will be soloist.
35 Music Department
Old Gold 0:0, p.34
Brief description of the department; photo.
36 Symphony Orchestra
Old Gold 0:0, p.197
List of members; photo.
37 Musical Notes
College Eye 40:30, p.6
Points out the important people in his college career.
38 Music faculty serve as contest judges
College Eye 40:26, p.6
In several high school music contests.
39 Musical Questions
College Eye 40:14, p.2
Felt that students should have leading roles in the Messiah performance.
40 Kurtz to direct fall Symphony Orchestra concert
College Eye 40:7, p.1
Returns to podium for first time since spring 1947.
41 Concert series entertainment is tops, committee reports
College Eye 40:5, p.6
A look at the effort involved in selecting the performers.
42 Kurtz directs symphony in concert
College Eye 39:38, p.1
Performance review.
43 Musical Notes
College Eye 39:38, p.4
Campus music news.
44 Musical Notes
College Eye 39:37, p.2
Campus music news.
45 Kurtz to present College Symphony
College Eye 39:37, p.4
Performance program; marks Professor Kurtz's return to podium; photo.
46 Daughter visits Kurtz's home
College Eye 39:34, p.4
Helen Kurtz is at home.
47 Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
Old Gold 0:0, p.223
Brief description of the group; photo.
48 Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.37
Music can be heard all over campus, thanks to the rooms offered in most buildings for practice. With Dr. Edward Kurtz as the head, the department aims to give a general background in musicianship and student recitals are given each Friday; photo.
49 Instructional Staff
Old Gold 0:0, p.53
This page features the lists and photos of the Instructional Staff; photo.
50 Works of Kurtz, Latham played
College Eye 39:32, p.7
At University of Minnesota.