Lalan--H. Lester (Class of 1924)
Displaying 1 - 31 of 31 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Merle Maupin to play here College Eye 32:7, p.3 |
Profile of the pianist; photo. | |
2 | Lalan sponsors programs by blind College Eye 32:3, p.4 |
William Patrick Morrissey will perform. | |
3 | Lalan music house has anniversary College Eye 31:40, p.3 |
Profile of Lester Lalan and his business. | |
4 | Lalan contributes Braille editions College Eye 31:12, p.5 |
Contributes Braille editions of Reader's Digest and Evangel to library. | |
5 | Hundred-dollar coin is object of hill merchant's penny hunt; makes coin collecting most profitable as hobby College Eye 27:48, p.1 |
Lester Lalan talks about collecting coins. | |
6 | Nashua girls wins scholarship award College Eye 24:30, p.3 |
Gladys Troutner wins the first Lalan award. | |
7 | Music scholarship contest scheduled for this afternoon College Eye 24:29, p.1 |
Will compete for Lalan scholarship. | |
8 | Blind alumnus operates store Alumnus 15:3, p.7 |
H. Lester Lalan operates music store in Cedar Falls. | |
9 | Blind T. C. alumnus challenges fortune selling typewriters College Eye 21:38, p.3 |
Profile of Lester Lalan. | |
10 | Lester Lalan College Eye 18:42, p.5 |
Visited campus; recently received a degree from McCormack Theological School. | |
11 | Lester Lalan College Eye 18:9, p.8 |
Visited his mother, Elizabeth Lalan; studying at the McCormick Theological Seminary at Chicago. | |
12 | Word has been received College Eye 16:9, p.8 |
Lester Lalan is attending McCormick Theological School; sends greetings. | |
13 | Lester Lalan College Eye 16:3, p.8 |
Plans to study ministry at the McCormick Theological School in Chicago. | |
14 | Philomathean Old Gold 0:0, p.266 |
Names of officers and members. | |
15 | English Club Old Gold 0:0, p.204 |
Names of officers and students; photo. | |
16 | Troubadours Old Gold 0:0, p.214 |
Names of officers and members; photo. | |
17 | Sophomore B. A. Old Gold 0:0, p.129 |
Roll for the sophomore class; photos. | |
18 | Social Science Club Old Gold 0:0, p.206 |
Club objective and members of intercollegiate oratory; photo. | |
19 | English Club Old Gold 0:0, p.207 |
Members, officers, and history; photo. | |
20 | Minnesinger Glee Club Old Gold 0:0, p.213 |
Members, officers, and program; photo. | |
21 | Philomathean Old Gold 0:0, p.235 |
Motto, colors, flower, officers, and members. | |
22 | Alpha Philo Old Gold 0:0, p.238 |
Members of the Alpha and Philomathean Literary Societies; photo. | |
23 | Final concert magnificent; Lester Lalan wins hearty ovation; audience wants glee club to sing all night College Eye 14:36, p.3 |
Review of Minnesinger performance; photo. | |
24 | Minnesinger concert tomorrow night College Eye 14:35, p.1 |
Presentation program; photo. | |
25 | Social Science Club College Eye 14:27, p.7 |
Group hears talks by students. | |
26 | Untitled College Eye 14:17, p.5 |
Defends the football team after their loss to Buena Vista. | |
27 | Philo College Eye 14:15, p.3 |
Met recently; roster of officers. | |
28 | 1200 attend mix College Eye 14:14, p.1 |
Many attend get acquainted party. | |
29 | Freshman Old Gold 0:0, p.97 |
Officers, members; photo. | |
30 | Philomathean Literary Society College Eye 13:30, p.2 |
Hear presentations on current national problems. | |
31 | Fern Lalan Normal Eyte 19:5, p.77 |
Visited brother in Vinton. |