Lambda Delta Lambda

Displaying 1 - 50 of 135 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Can SCI honoraries be more than prestige clubs'?
College Eye 57:26, p.1
A quick look at several campus honorary societies and their activities.
2 Reactivated frat initiates sixteen
College Eye 49:29, p.8
List of new members of Lambda Delta Lambda, physical science honorary society.
3 Lambda delta lambda
Old Gold 0:0, p.155
Wayne Schomberg, Pat Mullaney, Ray Peterson, and Jim Buckele serve as officers in the Lambda Delta Lambda national honorary society in physical science; photo.
4 Lambda Delta Lambda
Old Gold 0:0, p.176

Description of the national honorary fraternity in physical sciences; photo.

5 Schomberg will head science honor group
College Eye 43:30, p.5
Wayne Schomberg will lead Lambda Delta Lambda; list of other officers.
6 James L. Hollis to speak Tuesday
College Eye 43:28, p.5
Will speak on color television.
7 Special To: Madisonian
Public Relations News Release 1951:721, p.1
Wayne Stark has been given the winter quarter science award of Lambda Delta Lambda, national honorary physical science fraternity at ISTC.
8 Special To: Dysart Reporter
Public Relations News Release 1951:720, p.1
Leonard Yilek has been initiated into Lambda Delta Lambda, national honorary physical science fraternity at ISTC.
9 Special To: Waterloo Daily Courier
Public Relations News Release 1951:722, p.1
Pat Mullaney, has been initiated into Lambda Delta Lambda, national honorary physical science fraternity at ISTC.
10 Britt News-Tribune
Public Relations News Release 1951:723, p.1
Ray Peterson has been initiated into Lambda Delta Lambda, national honorary physical science fraternity at ISTC.
11 Special To: Fort Dodge Messenger
Public Relations News Release 1951:725, p.1
Robert Sterns has been initiated into Lambda Delta Lambda, national honorary physical science fraternity at ISTC.
12 Special To: Cedar Falls Daily Record
Public Relations News Release 1951:724, p.1
Wayne Schomburg has been initiated into Lambda Delta Lambda, national physical science fraternity at ISTC.
13 Stark receives science award
College Eye 43:27, p.5
Wayne Stark wins Lambda Delta Lambda award.
14 Science honor group hears Dr. Poppy talk
College Eye 43:23, p.3
Speaks on Geiger counter.
15 Special To: Waterloo Daily Courier
Public Relations News Release 1951:188, p.1
Marian Rigdon, Dunkerton, has been initiated into Kappa Mu Epsilon, national mathematics honors society, and Lambda Delta Lambda, national physical science honorary society, at the college. Rigdon is a senior student majoring in mathematics and science.
16 Special To: Waterloo Daily Courier
Public Relations News Release 1951:182, p.1
Stan Birley and Francis Thornton, both from Waterloo, have been initiated into Lambda Delta Lambda, national physical science honorary society at the college. Thornton is a sophomore pre-medical student and Birley is a senior math student.
17 Special To: Buffalo Center Tribune
Public Relations News Release 1951:187, p.1
Dorothy Johnson, Buffalo Center, has been initiated into Kappa Mu Spsilon, national mathematics honorary society, and Lambda Delta Lambda, national physical science honorary society at the college. Johnson is a senior student majoring in mathematics.
18 Special To: Cedar Falls Daily Record
Public Relations News Release 1951:181, p.1
Edward Ceilley, Cedar Falls, has been intiated into Lambda Delta Lambda, national physical science honorary society at the college. Ceilley is a junior pre-medical student.
19 Special to: Clarksville Star
Public Relations News Release 1951:180, p.1
Marvin Buchholz, Clarksville, has been initiated into Lambda Delta Lambda, national physical science honorary society at the college. Buchholz is a junior student majoring in math.
20 Lambda Delta Lambda initiates new pledges
College Eye 43:9, p.5
List of new pledges.
21 Lambda Delta Lambda
Old Gold 0:0, p.166
Brief description of the group; photo.
22 Samelson presented with science award
College Eye 42:32, p.5
Richard Samelson honored.
23 Twelve Iowa State Teachers college students have been initiated this quarter into Lambda Delta Lambda, physical science honorary fraternity
Public Relations News Release 1950:208, p.1

The students are: Robert Broer, Jerry Carroll, James Jones, Dan Merrill, Darrell McKibben, Marie Olinger, Wanda Ponder, Robert Robinson, Edward Vickroy, Carl Wehner, Hubert White, and John Bolte.

24 Science honorary initiates twelve
College Eye 42:18, p.8
List of new Lambda Delta Lambda pledges.
25 Lambda delta lambda
Old Gold 0:0, p.141
Brief description of the group; photo.
26 Science fraternity holds initiation
College Eye 41:9, p.7
L. W. Steege was the guest speaker at the dinner held after the initiation.
27 Lambda Delta Lambda will initiate eight
College Eye 40:28, p.4
List of new members.
28 Lambda Delta Lambda
Old Gold 0:0, p.222
Brief description of the group; photo.
29 Lowell Baxter honored by science fraternity
College Eye 39:27, p.3
Honored as most promising student in the physical sciences.
30 Science fraternity holds social gathering
College Eye 39:23, p.8
31 Indvik awarded trophy by honorary fraternity
College Eye 39:13, p.5
Robert Indvik receives award from Lambda Delta Lambda.
32 Elect Rogers to honor science fraternity here
College Eye 39:9, p.2
Professor Rogers is honorary member.
33 Fraternity initiates
College Eye 38:43, p.6
Margaret Mitchell joins Lambda Delta Lambda.
34 Rendezvous
College Eye 38:28, p.5
Activities of Greek organizations.
35 Fraternity News
College Eye 38:23, p.6
News from Greek organizations.
36 Alembic
Old Gold 0:0, p.75
Sponsored by Lambda Delta Lambda, this club is open to all those interested in chemistry and provides opportunities for social contacts and training in groups speaking; photo.
37 Lambda Delta Lambda
Old Gold 0:0, p.75
The national physical science fraternity on campus encouraging scholarship in science awards a trophy to the student that shows most promise of success; photo
38 Penelope Scott honored by science fraternity
College Eye 34:42, p.1
Earned trophy for showing the most promise in the future of physical science.
39 Lambda Delta Lambda
Old Gold 0:0, p.89
Brief description of the organization; photo.
40 Mueller speaker at science club
College Eye 33:18, p.3
Alumnus Mel Mueller spoke.
41 Science group picks four new candidates
College Eye 33:6, p.6
List of new members.
42 Science group honors Skar
College Eye 33:3, p.1
Robert Skar wins Lambda Delta Lambda trophy.
43 Lambda Delta Lambda
Old Gold 0:0, p.74
Brief description of the group; photo.
44 Lambda Delta Lambda announces pledges
College Eye 32:28, p.3
45 Science fraternity picks Jean Paine
College Eye 32:24, p.1
As most promising science student.
46 Fraternity pledges
College Eye 32:22, p.3
Lambda Delta Lambda announces two pledges.
47 Chemistry Clubs plan activities
College Eye 32:2, p.3
A look at the activities of Alembic and Lambda Delta Lambda.
48 Lambda Delta Lambda
Old Gold 0:0, p.237
Brief description of the group; photo.
49 Lambda Delta Lambda initiates new members
College Eye 31:33, p.1
List of new members.
50 August Ebel is given science trophy for winter quarter honor
College Eye 31:26, p.1
Awarded by Lambda Delta Lambda each term to outstanding science student.