Lambert--Emma F. (Class of 1897; Mathematics Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 363 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Library receives copy of Playfair's 'Euclid'
College Eye 40:28, p.7
Formerly belonged to Emma Lambert.
2 Former mathematics, music instructors die
Alumnus 33:2, p.10
Professors Emma Lambert and Robert Fullerton die.
3 Former professor dies on Monday
College Eye 40:20, p.1
Emma F. Lambert died February 14, 1949.
4 Class of 1922 sets pace for reunion
Alumnus 31:3, p.3
Detailed description of reunion; photo.
5 Miss Lambert resigns
Alumnus 27:3, p.6
Emma Lambert ends thirty-six years of service to ISTC; photo.
6 Kappa Mu Epsilon
Old Gold 0:0, p.73
Brief description of the group; photo.
7 New faces on teaching staff
Alumnus 25:1, p.20
Roster of new faculty and the people whom they are replacing.
8 Miss Riggs and the College Club
Alumnus 25:1, p.9
Professor helped found College Club, for faculty women, in 1922; name changed to Faculty Women's Club in 1936; served as leader.
9 Three vacancies filled by Harmon, Brandt, and Trimble
College Eye 32:12, p.1
To replace Professors Fagan, Lambert, and Osborne.
10 Emma Lambert will leave T. C.
College Eye 32:7, p.5

Retires due to illness.

11 Kappa Mu Epsilon
Old Gold 0:0, p.196
Brief description of the group; photo.
12 Mathematics
Old Gold 0:0, p.195
Brief description of the department; photo.
13 Miss Emma Lambert rests; Extension borrows Dr. Bender
Alumnus 24:1, p.3
Professor Lambert suffers stroke, but plans to return to teaching; Paul Bender works in Extension this quarter.
14 Miss Lambert, home from hospital, may teach in winter term
College Eye 31:8, p.3
15 Van Engen, Watson take over miss Lambert's classes
College Eye 31:3, p.1
Miss Lambert is likely to remain home for the rest of the quarter.
16 Mathematics professor critically ill
College Eye 31:2, p.2
Emma Lambert is seriously ill, after a sudden attack.
17 Refugee will come to college
College Eye 30:43, p.1
Students wishing to contribute to helping a German refugee come to college here should contact Blue Key fraternity or committee members.
18 Purple Arrow
Old Gold 0:0, p.85
Brief description of the group and list of members; photos.
19 Kappa Mu Epsilon
Old Gold 0:0, p.80
Brief description of the group and list of members; photos.
20 Fifth arithmetic conference meets
College Eye 30:24, p.1
Several faculty will participate.
21 Van Engen writes for math journal
College Eye 30:3, p.4
Professor Watson also publishes an article; Professors Van Engen and Lambert are working on mathematics curriculum.
22 Faculty members go east, west, and abroad
College Eye 29:34, p.1
Quick look at faculty travel plans.
23 Kappa Mu Epsilon
Old Gold 0:0, p.204
Brief description of the group and list of members; photos.
24 Purple Arrow
Old Gold 0:0, p.95
Brief description of club and members; photos.
25 Around the Campus
College Eye 29:31, p.1
Verse Speaking Choir will perform; College Chorus will perform; Faculty Senate members elected.
26 Streamlining the faculty
Alumnus 22:1, p.5
Faculty Senate implemented to handle matters more expeditiously; consists of fourteen department heads and fourteen elected members; roster of current senators.
27 Faculty will vote
College Eye 29:10, p.1
For Faculty Senate; roster of nominees.
28 Alumni! Prepare for Homecoming!
College Eye 29:6, p.1
Schedule of activities.
29 Will cut system pass faculty meet Monday?
College Eye 29:5, p.1
Students express opinions; faculty will consider policy at next meeting.
30 Untitled
Alumnus 21:4, p.15
Four Lambert siblings attend reunion; photo.
31 Lambert Scholarship
Alumnus 21:3, p.9
Lambert family gives $1000, the income from which will be given to one male and one female student each year; winners of Martin Scholarship announced.
32 Faculty women honored
Alumnus 21:3, p.16
Past presidents of College Club, women faculty group, honored; roster of those honored.
33 Emma F. Lambert
Alumnus 21:3, p.12
Attends math convention.
34 Lamberts give scholarship to honor parents
College Eye 28:35, p.2
Five members of the family donate a total of $1000 to be used for scholarships.
35 Kappa Mu Epsilon
Old Gold 0:0, p.98
Activities, officers, and members of mathematics honorary society; photos.
36 Purple Arrow
Old Gold 0:0, p.94
Purpose, activities, officers, and members; group honors academic achievement among freshman and sophomore women; photos.
37 Mathematics and Commercial Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.49
Description of curriculum changes and activities; photos.
38 Class of 1912 and other old "grads" gather for reunion Sunday
College Eye 28:34, p.2
List of alumni who will attend.
39 Faculty members to lecture and attend Iowa conventions
College Eye 28:28, p.5
Roster of speaking engagements and meetings.
40 Lambert and Cross picked as delegates
College Eye 28:26, p.1
To attend national Kappa Mu Epsilon meeting.
41 Class of 1912 to celebrate silver anniversary
Alumnus 21:2, p.1
Outline of program for Alumni Day; photo.
42 Miss Sara Riggs looks back over fifty years of service here
College Eye 28:25, p.2
Faculty women will honor Professor Riggs; summary of her career at ISTC; photo.
43 Faculty make comments on cut system; favor change, but vary in the plans for reform
College Eye 28:17, p.1
Faculty seems split on class attendance policy.
44 Professors' vacation lands spread from New York City to Old Mexico
College Eye 28:15, p.3
Report on how faculty spent their vacations; campus social calendar.
45 Miss Lambert made alumni president at Homecoming business meeting
Alumnus 21:1, p.14
Elect officers of Alumni Association and Seerley Foundation.
46 Lambert elected Alumni president at meeting
College Eye 28:11, p.2
Emma Lambert is president of the Alumni Association.
47 Poets get hot
College Eye 27:8, p.2
Poems about heat, written by students in Emma Lambert's class.
48 Changes made in faculty for summer term; nine departments are affected; exchanges, travel and study in summer program for faculty
College Eye 27:2, p.1
Several faculty on leaves of absence.
49 Kappa Mu Epsilon
Old Gold 0:0, p.176
Aims, initiation, officers, and members; photos.
50 Purple Arrow
Old Gold 0:0, p.113
Purpose, description of initiation, officers, and members; photos.