Lambert--Lillian Vitalique (English Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 269 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Lillian Lambert dies Alumnus 31:2, p.28 |
Professor Lambert died January 17, 1947; was member of faculty for thirty-six years. | |
2 | Retired English professor dies College Eye 38:17, p.1 |
Lillian Lambert died January 17, 1947; photo. | |
3 | Faculty has long-time record of service Alumnus 29:3, p.13 |
Average term of service of faculty member is eighteen years; roster of those with long service records. | |
4 | Miss Lambert resigns after years of service College Eye 34:32, p.1 |
Profile of Lillian Lambert. | |
5 | Miss Lillian Lambert Resigns Public Relations News Release 1943:87, p.1 |
After thirty-six years, Miss Lillian Lambert has resigned. A biography is included. | |
6 | Nu Omicron Nu Sigma Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.121 |
Originally two sororities, they united in 1918. They were the first two social sororities on campus and the groups holds several gatherings during the year, including a Christmas party in the commons; photo. | |
7 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.42 |
Roster of faculty; photo. | |
8 | V. O. V. Sigma Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.163 |
Brief description of the sorority; photo. | |
9 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.54 |
List of faculty; photo. | |
10 | Miss Thomes dies suddenly College Eye 33:10, p.1 |
Obituary of Isabel Thomes, who died November 11, 1941; photo. | |
11 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.59 |
List of faculty; photo. | |
12 | Miss Riggs and the College Club Alumnus 25:1, p.9 |
Professor helped found College Club, for faculty women, in 1922; name changed to Faculty Women's Club in 1936; served as leader. | |
13 | English Old Gold 0:0, p.171 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
14 | Mathematics Club Old Gold 0:0, p.226 |
Brief description of the group and list of members; photo. |
15 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.56 |
List of faculty and brief description of what they do; photos. |
16 | Louise L. Johnson Alumnus 23:1, p.30 |
Died in Austin, Minnesota, July 22, 1938. She is survived by her mother, Mrs. S. A. Smith, and a sister, Mrs. Charles Ward Parsons of Carroll, Iowa. Lillian Lambert, professor of English at the College, was a cousin. | |
17 | Homerians, Irvings reunite Alumnus 22:3, p.11 |
Description of reunion of former literary societies. | |
18 | Miss Anna Wild Alumnus 22:1, p.14 |
Died November 7. 1937; obituary; photo. | |
19 | English Old Gold 0:0, p.46 |
Description of department changes and activities; photos. | |
20 | Miss Sara Riggs looks back over fifty years of service here College Eye 28:25, p.2 |
Faculty women will honor Professor Riggs; summary of her career at ISTC; photo. | |
21 | College Club will honor past heads College Eye 28:16, p.3 |
Organized October 26, 1922; roster of past presidents. | |
22 | College Club has annual fall dinner College Eye 28:8, p.3 |
President Latham talked about the Sixtieth Anniversary survey. | |
23 | Faculty Club holds luncheon, elects Mayfield president College Eye 28:4, p.4 |
Roster of College Club officers. | |
24 | English Old Gold 0:0, p.40 |
Description of activities; photos. | |
25 | V. O. V. Sigma Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.75 |
Description of activities, officers, and members; photos. | |
26 | Alumni break bread with faculty at N. E. A. in Denver Alumnus 19:4, p.11 |
Group enjoys dinner. | |
27 | Faculty members plan to attend N. E. A. meeting College Eye 27:47, p.1 |
Six faculty will attend. | |
28 | Fifteen faculty members obtain summer's leave; Cradite and Slattery join teaching for term College Eye 27:45, p.1 |
Faculty summer plans. | |
29 | English Old Gold 0:0, p.20 |
Description of department curriculum; photos. | |
30 | College Club auction College Eye 26:44, p.135 |
Items auctioned included dishes, pots, and some furniture. | |
31 | Activities of small groups strive to round out weekends College Eye 26:27, p.3 |
Brief summary of group activities. | |
32 | Lambert will leave Friday for lengthy tour through East College Eye 26:2, p.3 |
Will visit New York and Chesapeake Bay. | |
33 | English Club Old Gold 0:0, p.147 |
The English Club was organized in 1910; officers and members; photo. | |
34 | English Old Gold 0:0, p.36 |
Department description and staff; photos. | |
35 | Christopher Morley too busy to write? Not to Erwin Sias!; student asks noted author to write introduction for his theme College Eye 25:31, p.1 |
Erwin Sias wrote to well-known author and receives a reply. | |
36 | English Alumnus 17:4, p.2 |
Profile of Department of English and its head, S. A. Lynch; photo. | |
37 | English students rise with 'Old Sol' College Eye 25:4, p.1 |
Professor Lambert's class meets early so that it will not conflict with the uniform county examinations. | |
38 | English Old Gold 0:0, p.23 |
History and aims of the department; organized in 1909; curriculum; photos. | |
39 | Speaking of shipwrecks, deserted islands, books; What's your idea?; Bible, Shakespeare favored by members of faculty College Eye 24:27, p.1 |
Faculty select the books that they would take to a deserted island. | |
40 | College organizations honor former students at Homecoming festivities College Eye 24:7, p.3 |
Campus social calendar. | |
41 | V. O. V. Sigma Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.261 |
Names of members; photos. | |
42 | Debaters of Maxwell High School Public Relations News Release 1931:300, p.1 |
Beats Waterloo West in debate tournament. | |
43 | Untitled College Eye 23:15, p.4 |
Professor Riebe has purchased Lillian Lambert's house. | |
44 | V. O. V. Sigma Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.262 |
Honorary members and sorores in college; photos. | |
45 | Department of English Old Gold 0:0, p.21 |
Three purposes of the department; photos. | |
46 | Professor of English traces genealogy to uncle of Shakespeare College Eye 22:24, p.8 |
Professor Lambert claims relationship. | |
47 | New faculty members named Alumnus 14:4, p.14 |
Roster of new faculty. | |
48 | Homerian Literary Society Old Gold 0:0, p.244 |
Officers, honorary members, and members; photos. | |
49 | Ossoli Literary Society Old Gold 0:0, p.250 |
Officers, honorary members, and members; photos. | |
50 | V. O. V. Sigma Phi Old Gold 0:0, p.277 |
Honorary members and sorores in college; photos. |