Lamson--Russel O. (Class of 1922)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 100 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Maucker to address credit men Public Relations News Release 1950:78, p.1 |
J. W. Maucker will address credit men on "Public Education and a Strong America." The three-day Tri-state Credit conference starts Wednesday at the Russell Lamson hotel, according to J. V. Rowe, Waterloo, general chairman of the conference. | |
2 | Alumni envision beautiful new chapel Alumnus 32:1, p.14 |
Class of 1922 trying to raise $40,000 for new building; alumni outline plans; floor plan and sketch; would include space for religious group meetings; might be built near Commons; photo. | |
3 | Class of 1922 sets pace for reunion Alumnus 31:3, p.3 |
Detailed description of reunion; photo. | |
4 | Alumni to have reunion; '97 and '22 classes will meet Sunday College Eye 38:33, p.1 |
Lengthy description of the program. | |
5 | Alumni attend their first post-war reunion Alumnus 30:3, p.3 |
Over three hundred alumni attend first reunion since 1942; description of program; photo. | |
6 | Alumni reunion Public Relations News Release 1946:170, p.1 |
Over three hundred alumni gathered for the sixty third reunion. Ten members of the class of 1896 attended. | |
7 | Alumni reunion Public Relations News Release 1946:167, p.1 |
Ten members of the class of 1896 returned for the 50th reunion. Over three hundred alumni returned for the annual reunion day. | |
8 | '22 grad is disappointed in '41 welcome College Eye 33:7, p.2 |
Believes that the Teachers College needs to be more accommodating to returning alumni during Homecoming. | |
9 | Art students will enter hobby show College Eye 27:37, p.2 |
In Waterloo. | |
10 | Student journalists at the Iowa State Teachers College Public Relations News Release 1931:175, p.1 |
Second annual Press Prom was held Friday; 175 couples attended. | |
11 | About two hundred fifty College Eye 21:35, p.6 |
Graduates, alumni, and faculty attended the Commencement party; roster of members of the reception committee and refreshments committee. | |
12 | Russell Lamson orchestra to play for college dance; price of admission will be twenty-five cents: August 16 College Eye 20:46, p.1 |
All college dance held in the women's gym. | |
13 | Russell Lamson College Eye 19:47, p.8 |
Traveling in Europe. | |
14 | Advisory Board Old Gold 0:0, p.189 |
Old Gold advisory board members and assisting staff; roster of past editors, business managers, and art editors back through 1907; photos. | |
15 | Alpha Theta Beta College Eye 19:37, p.8 |
Fraternity happenings; party and dance information. | |
16 | Alpha Theta Beta College Eye 19:14, p.8 |
Officers and activities. | |
17 | Alpha Theta Beta College Eye 19:12, p.8 |
Alumni visit. | |
18 | Alpha Theta Beta College Eye 18:39, p.7 |
News about members. | |
19 | Alpha Theta Beta College Eye 18:37, p.8 |
News about members. | |
20 | Alpha Theta Beta College Eye 18:20, p.8 |
News about members. | |
21 | Russell Lamson, John DeNeui, Mark Campbell, Harm Ludeman, and Paul Rider visit Alpha Theta Beta College Eye 17:15, p.8 |
Former members of Alpha Theta Beta visited last week. | |
22 | Russel O. Lamson College Eye 15:10, p.7 |
Is taking a law course at the University of Minnesota. | |
23 | Russell Lamson College Eye 14:40, p.8 |
Spent vacation with his family in Waterloo. | |
24 | John Bennett College Eye 14:38, p.2 |
John Bennett visited campus; Russell Lamson has grown a beard. | |
25 | Russell Lamson College Eye 14:23, p.8 |
Visited his home in Waterloo. | |
26 | Calendar of events Old Gold 0:0, p.270 |
Humorous, made-up events that 'happened' to ISTC students, April fifteenth through August thirtieth. | |
27 | Calendar of events Old Gold 0:0, p.297 |
Humorous, made-up events that 'happened' to ISTC students, February twenty-second through April third. | |
28 | Photos of graduates Old Gold 0:0, p.49 |
1922 graduates; photo. | |
29 | B.A.'s as babies- 1922 Old Gold 0:0, p.89 |
Graduates as children; photo. | |
30 | Bright B.A.'s Old Gold 0:0, p.92 |
Humorous quotes. | |
31 | T. C. ex-service men Old Gold 0:0, p.161 |
Officers, members; photo. | |
32 | The Social Science Club Old Gold 0:0, p.165 |
Officers, members; photo. |
33 | T. C. pep Old Gold 0:0, p.168 |
Officers, cheers; photo. | |
34 | The Old Gold Old Gold 0:0, p.230 |
Members of the staff; photo. | |
35 | Delta Sigma Rho Old Gold 0:0, p.244 |
Members, description of fraternity; photo. | |
36 | Alpha-Philo honor roll Old Gold 0:0, p.184 |
Members. | |
37 | T. C. Senate Old Gold 0:0, p.248 |
Members and brief biographies; photo. | |
38 | The twenty tooth class Old Gold 0:0, p.257 |
Poem about the class of 1922. | |
39 | Dr. Joseph Fort Newton delivers the Commencement address; more than 250 graduates College Eye 14:12, p.1 |
Program for the ceremonies; alumni working on Campanile project; photo. | |
40 | Class Day program College Eye 14:11, p.3 |
Roster of speakers and their topics. | |
41 | Four T. C. men elected to National Forensic Society College Eye 13:34, p.1 |
Venancio Trinidad, Dale Welsch, Glenn Moon, and Ivan Fenn honored by Delta Sigma Rho. | |
42 | Have you had your iron? College Eye 13:31, p.4 |
Looks at editorials being written about the world situation. | |
43 | Student Council are endeavoring to establish tradition that freshmen shall wear green caps during May College Eye 13:31, p.1 |
Purposes of the wearing of green. | |
44 | The Y. M. meeting College Eye 13:19, p.2 |
Subject of discussion was student honor. | |
45 | Masonic Club banquet great success College Eye 13:9, p.10 |
Faculty and students attend meeting. | |
46 | College Eye picture section College Eye 13:9, p.5 |
Photos from around the Teachers College; photo. | |
47 | Greek letter scholars here College Eye 13:8, p.1 |
Delta Sigma Rho meets; brief history and purposes of the organization. | |
48 | T. C. Vets Old Gold 0:0, p.186 |
Roster of members with military affiliations; photo. |
49 | Triangular Debating Teams Old Gold 0:0, p.191 |
Photo. | |
50 | The Forensic League Old Gold 0:0, p.190 |
Brief overview of the society; roster of officers; photo. |