LaRue--James P. (Industrial Technology Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 44 of 44 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Northern Iowa's Department of Industrial Technology offers James P. Larue Scholarship
Public Relations News Release 1987:316, p.1
A five-hundred dollar scholarship is offered to sophomore and junior industrial technology majors to honor the memory of Professor James P. Larue. Applicants must hold a 3.2 grade point average and have one faculty recommendation.
2 29th Annual Recognition Breakfast May 9 to honor 33 long-term UNI employees
Public Relations News Release 1987:361, p.1

President Constantine Curris speaks at the Recognition Breakfast, honor thirty-three recently retired university employees. Entertainment was provided by the Northern Brass Quintet. Honorees are listed by department.

3 James LaRue
Northern Iowa Today 15:2, p.3

Retires in December after thirty years of teaching.

4 After 30 years, UNI industrial tech prof will trade his welding torch for a unicycle
Public Relations News Release 1987:128, p.1
Professor James LaRue, of the Department of Industrial Technology, retires after thirty years of service. In his retirement, LaRue planned to practice artistic blacksmithing, as well as remaining active in various organizations.
5 Scholarship winners announced at 25th Industrial Education Expo
Public Relations News Release 1986:409, p.1
Five Iowa high school students received four-year full-ride tuition scholarships; five alternates were also chosen; twenty-three applicants were interviewed for the rewards.
6 Schedule of Events
Public Relations News Release 1986:394, p.1
A schedule of the events planned at the Industrial Technology Expo
7 Hundreds of unique Iowa student projects to highlight 25th annual UNI Industrial Education Expo, May 2 (Friday)
Public Relations News Release 1986:393, p.1
Close to seven hundred Iowa industrial education students and their teachers will participate in the all-day Expo, with students vying for awards in group and individual projects; entries are in three categories.
8 New machine loaned to ITC
Northern Iowan 81:32, p.5
Thermal analysis machine on loan from Electro-Nite Company; photo.
9 Foundry club 'chairman' casts aside stereotypes
Northern Iowan 79:58, p.3
Liz McIntire talks about the group's purposes and activities; founded in 1981.
10 UNI-Dome to host industrial education exposition
Northern Iowan 79:54, p.9
Detailed description of upcoming exposition.
11 Iowa takes on high tech: can UNI play a part?
Alumnus 67:1, p.
UNI's role in meeting need for training in high technology.
12 Die-cast sensor test today
Northern Iowan 79:30, p.8
Professor LaRue explains process.
13 Department works to recruit students
Old Gold 0:0, p.37
Efforts are being made to recruit more industrial art students; photo.
14 Iowa industrial education conference set for Thursday, Friday (October 29-30)
Public Relations News Release 1981:125, p.1
Department of Industrial Technology and the Division of Extension and Continuing Education are among the sponors for a industrial education conference at Conway Civic Center.
15 Iowa Industrial Education Expo set for Friday May 8 at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1980:559, p.1
The Iowa Industrial Education Exposition will be held in the UNI-Dome and will host exhibits form solar energy to underground housing.
16 UNI faculty to speak at industrial arts conference
Public Relations News Release 1980:440, p.1
Several UNI faculty members will give talks at the American Industrial Arts Association Conference.
17 SMSU cities UNI prof
Northern Iowan 76:23, p.5
James LaRue received a citation for excellence from his alma mater, Southeast Missouri State University.
18 Older students to meet faculty
Northern Iowan 75:4, p.3
Schedule of speakers for informal lunches.
19 Faculty Men's Club rejects women's bid for unification
Northern Iowan 73:36, p.1
Membership for women defeated, 19-16; committee had been working on a constitution for a unified group.
20 ITC dedication set
Northern Iowan 72:51, p.1
Detailed schedule of events.
21 ITC dedication set
Northern Iowan 72:48, p.4
Schedule of events.
22 Learning to drive opens up a new world
UNI Century 3:3, p.4
Safety education staff offers driver training to handicapped students; photo.
23 UNI faculty at convention
Northern Iowan 71:14, p.5
List of faculty and staff who will be involved in the meeting.
24 Regents Approve Promotions of 32 Faculty Members at UNI
Public Relations News Release 1971:529, p.1
List of faculty members with approved promotions.
25 UNI to Host Conference on Welding Saturday
Public Relations News Release 1971:491, p.1
100 industrial arts teachers from secondary schools as well as local industries reps will be on hand at the third annual metal conference March 27 at UNI.
26 Two UNI Juniors Receive Scholarships
Public Relations News Release 1971:451, p.1
Gary D. Tiegland and Betty Joan Pitsch were both awarded a $100 Faculty Men's Club Scholarship for 1971.
27 Judges named for UNI Industrials Arts Fair
Public Relations News Release 1969:535, p.1
Thirty-three Iowans have been named judges of the ninth annual Iowa Industrial Arts Fair, which is held to help students understand the direction of industrial arts in modern education and the potential of the industrial arts teacher; judges list.
28 UNI to host metal spinning conference Saturday
Public Relations News Release 1969:427, p.1
475 students and teachers from Iowa schools have been invited to the second annual Invitational Metal Conference to be held in the UNI Arts and Industries Building.
29 Regents approves leaves for 12 SCI faculty
College Eye 60:50, p.1
List of faculty who will be receiving PDLs and their proposed topics of research.
30 Twenty staff members elected to Faculty Senate
College Eye 59:31, p.3
List of those elected to Faculty Senate, Graduate Council, Committee on the Administration of Faculty Personnel, Educational Policies Commission, Committee on Committees, and the Student Loan Fund.
31 On glaciers, mountains, riverbanks eight staff members pursue rocks
College Eye 59:15, p.3
Professors talk about the hobby of collecting and polishing rocks and minerals.
32 Industrial arts at SCI
Alumnus 48:3, p.2
Survey of curriculum and opportunities in industrial arts; photo.
33 Industrial Arts student exhibit opens Sunday afternoon in A & I building
College Eye 57:15, p.1
Description of program.
34 Dreier named aerospace ed council head
College Eye 56:18, p.8
Professor LaRue also on state council.
35 ISTC industrial arts faculty to conference
Public Relations News Release 1960:301, p.1
Willis Wagner, James LaRue, and Professor L. S. Wright attend the American Industrial Arts Association national convention in St. Louis. Students in attendance are Gary Bailey and Donald Darrow.
36 Industrial Arts Department Uses Practical Approach
Old Gold 0:0, p.98
The industrial Arts Department is provide education through practical experience in metal work, radio construction, woods working, architectural drawing, machine shop practice, and auto construction. The students had showcases multiple times through out the year and are promoted by the Industrial Arts Club and the Majors' Wives Club.
37 The Industrial Arts Department Educates Through Practical Experience
Old Gold 0:0, p.104
The students were taught education through practical experiences like: woodworking, metal work, electrical work, radio construction, architectural drawing, auto construction, and archimachine shop practice; photo.
38 Industrial Arts Club Visits John Deere Plant
Old Gold 0:0, p.172
The Industrial Arts Club is organized for any student interested in the Industrial Arts field; it provides an opportunity for professional growth and offers fellowship through its social functions; photo.
39 Industrial Arts Department Educates Through Practical Experience
Old Gold 0:0, p.104
Providing education through practical experience in woodworking, metal work, electrical work, radio construction, architectural drawing, auto construction, archimachine shop practice. Dr. Reed continued to utilize graduate student assistants; photo
40 Practical Experience in Industrial Arts
Old Gold 0:0, p.104
Description of the Department and photo of the faculty; photos.
41 Department of Industrial Arts
Old Gold 0:0, p.46
The Department of Industrial Arts regularly uses field trips to keep in contact with the industrial world; in the summer session of 1956, the department began offering a graduate program and fifteen graduate students attended the first session; photo.
42 Industrial Arts Club Promotes Growth
Old Gold 0:0, p.231
The Industrial Arts Club provides an informal atmosphere, so members can pursue their interest; this club sponsored the annual Industrial Arts Conference for teachers all over the state in October of 1956; photo.
43 Chicago educator to address conference
College Eye 48:24, p.1
Hobart Somers will speak at Secondary Education Conference.
44 Twenty eight new appointments to faculty
College Eye 48:1, p.3
Very brief profiles of new faculty.