Latta--Ruth Irene (Class of 1933)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 79 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Ruth Latta
Alumnus 17:3, p.29
Married Robert C. Hills on May 29, 1933.
2 Latta-Hill wedding ceremony is read at Cedar Falls Club
College Eye 25:1, p.3
Ruth Latta married Robert Hill.
3 Phi Sigma Phi
Old Gold 0:0, p.240
Officers, history, purpose, members, and pledges; established in February 1918; photos.
4 Well Known Tutors
Old Gold 0:0, p.110
Profiles and photos of popular students.
5 Women's League
Old Gold 0:0, p.48
History, description, and aims; organized in February 1932; photos.
6 Graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.56
Graduate photos.
7 Inter-Sorority Council
Old Gold 0:0, p.247
Officers, history, aims, faculty advisors, and members; group began in about 1922; photos.
8 Ruth Latta feted at kitchen shower
College Eye 24:33, p.3
9 Ruth Latta announces approaching marriage to Robert Crane Hill
College Eye 24:31, p.1
10 Senior prom, sororities, fraternities welcome warm weather with dances
College Eye 24:31, p.3
Campus social calendar.
11 Press convention date cards are due
College Eye 24:29, p.1
For those who want dates for the press convention.
12 Dates for dinner-dances
Public Relations News Release 1932:285, p.1
Ruth Latta is the head of the date bureau, which arranges partners for student delegates attending the dinner-dance in connection with the Press conclave.
13 Professor from China to speak; Vernon Nash, of Yenching University, coming for press meet
College Eye 24:27, p.1
Will address press association banquet.
14 Three faculty portray comic 'Mikado' roles; stage, painted by Stanley Wood, to represent Japanese print
College Eye 24:24, p.1
Preview of the presentation.
15 Committees plan for press meet; seventeenth convention is scheduled for April 28 and 29
College Eye 24:18, p.1
Convention highlights.
16 Fraternities give series of fall parties as autumn quarter nears its close
College Eye 24:10, p.3
Campus social calendar.
17 Press officers set date on state meet here as April 28-29
College Eye 24:6, p.1
Naming committee chairs.
18 Sorority presidents organize as council to study problems
College Eye 24:2, p.3
List of Intersorority Council officers.
19 Co-ed groups discuss campus appreciation at the first meetings
College Eye 24:2, p.6
First in series of discussions with freshmen women.
20 Press banquet is Wednesday; board arranges journalism party; approves Gilson appointment
College Eye 24:2, p.1
Board of Control of Student Publications takes care of business matters.
21 Council chooses two members for board of control
College Eye 24:2, p.1
Ruth Latta and Margaret Schrubbe selected.
22 League presents play at Wednesday session
College Eye 24:2, p.6
Will demonstrate the freshman experience.
23 Frosh girls to meet in groups; new discussion system to supplant lectures; by Dean
College Eye 24:1, p.1
Freshman women will meet with upperclassmen in small groups one night a week.
24 Ruth Latta will give song recital Monday; violinists will assist
College Eye 23:50, p.1
Performance program.
25 Ruth Latta will run official date bureau for press conference
College Eye 23:49, p.4
26 Well Known Tutors
Old Gold 0:0, p.119
Names, descriptions, and photos of five students.
27 Phi Sigma Phi
Old Gold 0:0, p.258
Names of members; photos.
28 Cecilian Glee Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.188
Names of officers and members; photo.
29 Board of Publications
Old Gold 0:0, p.230
Names of members and description of the Board of Publications; photos.
30 The journalistic oil-can
Public Relations News Release 1931:379, p.1
Last year the Oil Can Award went to Evelyn Fish, editor-in-chief of the College Eye.
31 Oil can will be given at banquet
College Eye 23:41, p.1
To be given to most valuable student journalism.
32 Women's League will elect officers Tuesday for next school year
College Eye 23:40, p.1
List of committee chair candidates.
33 Officers for the Women's League
Public Relations News Release 1931:338, p.1
Women students vote for officers on May 3.
34 Twenty-three juniors and seniors
Public Relations News Release 1931:311, p.1
Kappa Delta Pi initiates new members.
35 Ruth Latta, Cedar Falls
Public Relations News Release 1931:296, p.1
Attends Intercollegiate Association of Women Students covnevtion in Vermillion, South Dakota.
36 Ruth Latta will attend women's convention in South Dakota next week
College Eye 23:37, p.1
Will attend meeting of women's governance association.
37 Board of Control sets due date for staff applications
College Eye 23:35, p.1
Accepting applications for student publications.
38 Lorinne Crawford head of Big Sister movement
College Eye 23:35, p.2
Will succeed Ruth Latta.
39 Ruth Latta, of Cedar Falls
Public Relations News Release 1931:261, p.1
Elected president of newly formed Women's League.
40 League elects first officers; new Women's League chooses Ruth Latta president; all officers juniors
College Eye 23:34, p.1
List of new first officers of new organization.
41 Board of Control poll is March 15; four will be chosen by vote of students; board to select fifth
College Eye 23:33, p.1
Nomination and election procedures for the Board.
42 Thirty students express views concerning proposed cut system
College Eye 23:32, p.1
Students tell what they think about the new proposal.
43 Staffs will be chosen soon; publications officials are to be elected by Board of Control
College Eye 23:32, p.1
Criteria for selection.
44 Women's group now organized; new constitution is adopted; temporary officers to be elected
College Eye 23:31, p.1
Constitution calls for executive committee and eleven other committees.
45 Women's group furthers plans; Student Welfare Committee signifies approval of new constitution
College Eye 23:29, p.1
Women will meet to consider constitution.
46 Names of organizations winning places
Public Relations News Release 1931:177, p.1
Six groups will perform in Tutor Ticklers.
47 Committee action halts preparation for women's group
College Eye 23:26, p.1
Student Welfare Committee believes constitution needs work.
48 Co-eds unite in organization; Ruth Latta heads committee appointed to devise constitution
College Eye 23:25, p.1
All women students will be part of new group.
49 The complete list
Public Relations News Release 1931:58, p.1
Sororities announce their officers; list of women given.
50 Five of the six choral organizations
Public Relations News Release 1931:60, p.1
Officers elected for glee clubs.