Lawther Hall

Displaying 1 - 50 of 687 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Dining hall disaster
Northern Iowan 119:24, p.1
On Wednesday November 16th, a fan in Rialto Dining Hall malfunctioned which emitted smoke and caused the sprinklers to turn on throughout the dining hall. Students were turned away during the lunch rush but the dining hall was able to reopen at 5pm the same day; photo.
2 Ghastly creatures haunting UNI
Northern Iowan 118:32, p.5
Reprinted from the October 31, 2003 edition of the paper, the article discusses the ghosts of UNI.
3 Campbell, Lawther to see changes in fall
Northern Iowan 117:30, p.1
With residence re-contracting approaching, the Department of Residence announced that in Fall 2021 Campbell Hall will only be used for isolation and quarantine, and Lawther Hall will be shifting into double suites and single rooms; photos.
4 Lawther RLC serves students
Northern Iowan 116:19, p.5
Michelle Moyna has been the Resident Life Coordinator (RLC) for Lawther Dorm since July 2019. Her duties include working with college students, supervising the dorm's resident assistants, advising the Lawther Activities Board, serving on the Residence Hall Association (RHA), and chairing the Training Committee; photo.
5 Yemen, praxis and global responsibility
Northern Iowan 116:5, p.3
In the author's opinion, the war and genocide in Yemen is being exacerbated by the United States government, which should end its involvement with Saudi Arabia and in Yemen. Rawwas supports the efforts of representative Ro Khanna and Bernie Sanders and calls out President Trump and the recent 9/11 memorial event on campus that included a helicopter landing, saying they draw attention away from ongoing civilian causalities; photo.
6 Hillside demolition brings changes, sparks memories
Northern Iowan 115:34, p.1
Hillside Courts Apartments, a student housing complex of 278 units which had been un use since the 1972-1973 academic year, is in the final stages of demolition; photo.
7 Rider RLC replaced by actual panther
Northern Iowan 114:47, p.5
In this satirical article written for April Fools, a panther has replaced Rider Hall's Residence Life Coordinator.
8 Panther Portrait: Rededication ceremony Lawther Hall
Northern Iowan 114:5, p.4
Photos of the rededication ceremony of Lawther Hall. There is a brief history of Lawther Hall and explains what changes have been made; photo.
9 Lawther opens, while some halls remain empty
Northern Iowan 114:3, p.2
Lawther Hall has reopened after being closed for construction. The opening of this building has led to a surplus of empty rooms on campus. UNI has taken steps to help offset this surplus to encourage students to come back on campus: photo.
10 2016 Student Guide
Northern Iowan 112:54, p.

The summer 2016 student guide, including letters of welcome, information about higher education, and features of Cedar Falls; photos.

11 Elves supply food
Northern Iowan 112:46, p.6

In this satirical article written for April Fools, Harry Potter house elves are the reason the dining center food was rated number one in Iowa.

12 Haunted campus?
Northern Iowan 112:18, p.1

Stories of ghosts Zelda, Travis, and Augie have appeared throughout the school's history; students share their experiences; photo.

13 "Move in move through, and move on"
Northern Iowan 111:32, p.1
Many changes to the residence halls will occur including the closing of Lawther hall for the 2015-2016 school year due to renovations; photo.
14 You live, you learn; new for fall 2013: living learning communities provide unique experiences
Northern Iowa Today 95:3, p.20
Department of Residence will provide academic learning communities for first year students in business, elementary education, and music; other learning communities will be offered as well; photo.
15 Some spirits haunt houses, others haunt students
Northern Iowan 109:19, p.8
Two ghosts are said to haunt UNI. Augie, a soldier from World War II, resides in Lawther Hall and Zelda, whose present residence is Strayer-Wood Theatre. Rumors of the two ghosts date back as far as the 1970s.
16 Hagemann transitioning to coed hall next year
Northern Iowan 109:17, p.1
Women's hall will go co-ed; Lawther Hall will remain a women's hall; response to demand for more co-ed housing; most Hageman Hall residents seem to favor the change; photo.
17 Panther Portraits
Northern Iowan 108:30, p.9
Scenes from around campus following a January snow storm; photo.
18 Chalk one up to the residence halls
Northern Iowan 108:12, p.6
Five residence hall houses completed their chalk murals for Homecoming. Lily House, Jasmine House, and Galliano House received trophies. The event helped students meet others on their floor; photo.
19 Stop living in a suitcase
Northern Iowan 108:3, p.4
Students urged to stay on campus during the weekends. It is much easier to make friends and gain from the total university experience.
20 Wi-Fi access planned for all residence halls
Northern Iowan 108:1, p.1
Wireless Internet access is expected to be completed by October 2011. Network switches were refreshed over the summer. Hagemann Hall was the testing pilot and will be the first to receive service.
21 MAP helps students transition to college
Northern Iowan 107:6, p.4
The Measures of Academic Progress survey is a tool to aid students starting their college career. Ten $50 gift certificates to University Book and Supply will awarded to those participating on the first day.
22 UNI Unplugged competition reduces energy by 24 percent
Public Relations News Release 2009:450, p.1
The winning residence building, Shull Hall, reduced 24-percent of its energy use, while second place Hageman Hall saw its energy use decrease by 22 percent. "Their hard work paid off with a successful educational campaign and competition."
23 "Let's Talk" diversity program hopes to shed light on diversity
Northern Iowan 106:18, p.7
Department of Residence to sponsor diversity program in Lang Hall. A safe conversational forum will be provided to ask potentially awkward questions.
24 Ghosts and spirits in the Cedar Valley
Northern Iowan 106:17, p.22
Halloween brings the revival of haunted tales. Zelda supposedly lives in Strayer-Wood Theatre. Augie resides in Lawther Hall. Many tales are shared about the escapades of these two ghosts; photo.
25 Warmth flows from residence halls much earlier than years past
Northern Iowan 106:14, p.8
Due to the unusual cold temperatures, the physical plant has turned on the heat to campus buildings. Weather forecasts and student comments are taken into account in making the decision.
26 Trick of treat in dorms
Northern Iowan 105:19, p.5
Costumes were everywhere for Halloween in the dorms. Some dorms greeted trick or treaters in the lobbies, but others had door to door trick or treating; photo.
27 Warm weather activities
Northern Iowan 104:50, p.16
Activities for relaxation during the warmer weather ahead; photo.
28 High schooler cause for Tuesday's campus threat
Northern Iowan 104:43, p.
Text messages sent by Todd Younk to a UNI freshman student contained threats, which resulted in the dormitories being locked down; photo.
29 Crying out with Panther pride
Northern Iowan 104:14, p.4
Panther Cry pep rally well attended; photo.
30 Construction projects reconsidered
Northern Iowan 104:3, p.5
Questions the timing and selection of campus construction projects; requests more student oriented improvements; photo.
31 Constituencies open
Northern Iowan 104:3, p.4
Speaker of the Northern Iowa Student Government explains his responsibilities; photo.
32 Why not have doggies in dorm windows?
Northern Iowan 103:13, p.12
Pets are against University policy in most cases, even though they are cute. Noise and cleanliness are the main reasons given for the no pet rule. There has been a recent increase in fish in dorm rooms; photo.
33 Ghost stories of UNI are legends of campus
Northern Iowan 102:18, p.11
Stories of campus ghosts Augie and Zelda; photo.
34 Urban legends; multiple stories lead to creation of Augie
Northern Iowan 101:16, p.9
Description of Lawther Hall's Augie legend; photo.
35 Urban legends; is Bartlett Hall haunted?
Northern Iowan 101:14, p.9
Description of "eerie" events taking place in Bartlett Hall; photo.
36 Ghastly creatures haunting UNI?
Northern Iowan 100:18, p.11
History of ghosts at UNI; photo.
37 Speakers in horseshoe are public nuisance
Northern Iowan 99:50, p.10
Complains about students who turn their radios up so loud that others are forced to listen at all hours of the day and night.
38 Move over, Casper: UNI ghosts no fairytale for many students
Northern Iowan 98:17, p.13
Students tell stories about their experiences with UNI's ghosts, Zelda and Augie; photo.
39 Department of Residence announces summer plans
Northern Iowan 97:10, p.4
Projects are being considered for improvements in the residence halls for the summer of 2001.
40 Home sweet home?
Northern Iowan 97:7, p.1
Although many improvements were made to the residence halls over the summer, some of the buildings still need repairs.
41 UNI's oldest dorms age gracefully
Northern Iowan 96:55, p.14
Bartlett and Lawther Halls have provided special housing environments over the years.
42 RAs resign
Northern Iowan 96:39, p.1
Four of eight Lawther Hall resident assistants resign; no explanation offered.
43 UNI ghosts gain moment of 'ghoulry'
Northern Iowan 96:18, p.8
Strayer-Wood Theatre's ghost Zelda and Lawther Hall's Augie still haunt campus; photo.
44 Cowpaths crisscrossing campus cause eyesores
Northern Iowan 96:9, p.1
Many students comment on the unattractive appearance of paths worn in the grass, but most use them anyway; photo.
45 Renovations, changes improve campus life
Northern Iowan 96:2, p.14
Bartlett, Lawther, Bender, Dancer and Rider have been undergoing repair or renovation; dining dollars program expands and more food options are available; photo.
46 Untitled
Northern Iowan 95:57, p.6
Construction projects this summer include Lawther and Bartlett Halls; photo.
47 DOR: housing increase needed to fund renovations, repairs
Northern Iowan 95:49, p.1
Room and board will increase 8% this fall to fund work on dorms and dining centers; Cordey House in Lawther Hall will return to 24-hour visitation.
48 UNI construction update
Campus News Network 9:16, p.1
Spring and summer construction projects include work on Performing Arts Center, Lang Hall, Lawther and Bartlett Halls, Bender and Dancer Halls, Commons, and West Gym, along with several road projects; pedestrian traffic should not be interrupted.
49 Lawther Hall provides parents with private time
Northern Iowan 95:26, p.10
Lawther Hall residents will entertain Cedar Falls children at Parent's Day Out.
50 Augie takes a break
Northern Iowan 95:18, p.9
"Augie's Attic" haunted tour will not take place this year because the Lawther attic is deteriorating.