Lawton--Milo L. (Class of 1937; Alumni Services Staff)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 139 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Services extending beyond the campus: Extension Service; Continuing Education; the church; the UNI Foundation
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.359
Extension services designed to meet needs of growing enrollment; efforts in radio and television; a brief history of the last years of the CHIC; early efforts of the UNI Foundation; photo.
2 Preserving the natural heritage
UNI Century 3:4, p.5
Survey of history and current work in Biological Preserves; photo.
3 Milo Lawton Grove--a living memorial
Alumnus 60:3, p.11
Memorial funds will help establish grove south of Towers.
4 Memorial grove planned to honor Milo Lawton
UNI Century 1:4, p.6
Board will use Lawton memorial funds to establish grove near creek along Hudson Road northwest of Towers and to establish prairie preserve on south campus; Board also approves of Cubby award to outstanding member of Northern Iowan staff; photo.
5 Memorial Grove established honoring Lawton
Northern Iowan 69:57, p.4
Grove to honor Milo Lawton will be established west of Towers; approve Cubby Award for outstanding NI staff member.
6 Alumni-faculty reunion held
Alumnus 57:3, p.13
210 attend meeting; ten receive Alumni Service Awards; Milo Lawton receives Alumni Recognition Award; photo.
7 Alumni director named
Alumnus 56:3, p.2
Lavern M. (Lee) Miller appointed director of Alumni Affairs; succeeds Milo Lawton; photo.
8 In memoriam: Milo Lawton, 1915-1971
Alumnus 56:3, p.33
Tribute to Mr. Lawton and his contributions to UNI; photo.
9 Regents Approve New Alumni Affairs Director for UNI
Public Relations News Release 1971:763, p.1
Lavern M. "Lee' Miller has been approved to become UNI's new director of Lumni Affairs effective Sept. 1.
10 Lawton dies of heart attack
Northern Iowan 67:51, p.1
Brief obituary of Milo Lawton, Director of Alumni Affairs.
11 UNI Alumni Director Dies
Public Relations News Release 1971:610, p.1
Milo L. Lawton, 55, and director of Alumni Affairs at UNI since 1953 died from a heart attack on May 6.
12 Alumni director dies
Alumnus 56:2, p.2
Milo L. Lawton died May 6, 1971; photo.
13 UNI Class of '71 Chooses Project
Public Relations News Release 1971:466, p.1
The class project will be the establishment of a fund for an auditoria complex at UNI.
14 Record Number of Candidates Scheduled to Receive Degrees at UNI Summer Commencement
Public Relations News Release 1969:713, p.1
Over 500 students are expected to receive degrees at the 23rd annual UNI summer commencement, scheduled to be held at O. R. Latham Stadium, Friday, July 31 at 7:15 p.m.
15 UNI to hold 93rd Spring Commencement
Public Relations News Release 1969:589, p.1
Plans for Commencement announced.
16 UNI Holds Seventh Annual Mid-Year Commencement
Public Relations News Release 1969:287, p.1
McCollum to address "A Winter of Discontent" in the Men's Gym for the seventh annual Mid-Year Commencement; list of graduates and degrees
17 UNI to Hold Seventh Annual Mid-Year Commencement Jan. 21
Public Relations News Release 1969:285, p.1
McCollum to address "A Winter of Discontent" in the Men's Gym for the seventh annual Mid-Year Commencement; biography
18 Present plans for auditoria
Northern Iowan 66:10, p.1
Committee on Auditoria reveals plans for three units: a coliseum, a fine arts auditorium, and a theater.
19 Dr. Wagner Elected President of UNI Foundation
Public Relations News Release 1969:43, p.1
Background information.
20 Consider your University
Alumnus 54:2, p.9
Urges alumni to support university with bequests and contributions.
21 Long range capital financing needed at UNI
Alumnus 54:1, p.11
Milo Lawton outlines need for systematic, long range construction finance; photo.
22 New Campanile bells installed
Alumnus 53:3, p.3
Dedication scheduled for October 19, 1968; Campanile now contains forty-seven bells; new keyboard and practice consoles, steel frame mounting, linkage connectors, and counterbalanced clappers added; photo.
23 New bells purchased for Campanile
Alumnus 53:1, p.3
Contract awarded to I. T. Verdin; list of those who assisted with campaign; photo.
24 Board of Control plans policy statement addition
Northern Iowan 64:12, p.1
Considers clarification of policy in wake of Hoffmans article on draft resistance.
25 Contrary to best interests of students, staff, school
Northern Iowan 64:10, p.3
Believe that Hoffmans letter on draft advised young men to break law; urges Northern Iowan not to publish similar material.
26 SCI Foundation reports on 'telefund' campaign
Alumnus 52:1, p.5
Eighteen percent of $32,000 Campanile campaign raised.
27 ISU president speaks at mid-year commencement
Alumnus 52:1, p.2
President Parks speaks to 275 graduates; photo.
28 SCI Foundation reports on 'telefund' campaign
Alumnus 52:1, p.5

Cedar Falls: 221 gifts totaling $1,391 in response to calls by:

29 Anthony assumes new post
Alumnus 51:4, p.4
William V. Anthony will assist Milo Lawton; will be responsible for fund-raising and Foundation projects; photo.
30 Project to increase bells began during school year
College Eye 60:57, p.5
Review of work on Campanile bell project.
31 Student charge dissent at 'bells' meeting
College Eye 60:55, p.2
Argues with the 'lack of dissent' on Campanile project reported in a previous article.
32 Seniors and alumni donate $4000 for Campanile bells
College Eye 60:54, p.1
Attempting to raise money for additional bells; photo.
33 Student gives awards to Beard, Lawton, Rod, EYE
College Eye 60:30, p.2
Gives "a golden I. D." to Dr. Marshall Beard for reducing the fee for lost student IDs.
34 70 seniors will solicit $1,000 for carillon bells
College Eye 60:29, p.4
Description of the project.
35 Campanile to acquire thirty-two new bells
College Eye 60:27, p.6
Will seek donations from alumni for $25,000 project.
36 More bells would add versatility to Campanile
Alumnus 50:4, p.3
Professor Russell and Milo Lawton outline desirability of adding additional bells.
37 Faculty Senate proposes unrestricted soliciting
College Eye 60:18, p.5
Money would be used for promoting SCI; considering joint meeting of Faculty Senate and Student Senate.
38 Alumni honor president at annual reunion event
Alumnus 50:3, p.4
Pay special tribute with Service Award; commission portrait of President Maucker; photo.
39 8 faculty men's diversion: playing poker for pennies
College Eye 59:29, p.1
A group of faculty enjoy playing cards; photo.
40 Pledge soaking, use of war paint becoming obsolete in Greek Hazing
College Eye 58:25, p.7
Administrators and students talk about hazing; photo.
41 Alumni provide scholarships
Alumnus 48:4, p.11
About one hundred students are beneficiaries of alumni awards; list of current winners; photo.
42 SLB members assist in fight for increased aid to state colleges
College Eye 57:14, p.3
Students present their views to their Congressmen.
43 Dr. Matala biology memorial fund reaches $300 mark
College Eye 57:14, p.4
Funds may be used to purchase wildlife preserve.
44 Scenes from the 1962 ISEA coffee hour
Alumnus 47:4, p.8
Alumni meet; photo.
45 Contributions for class fund encompass 87% of seniors
College Eye 56:32, p.1
Class will decide later how to use the money.
46 Consider the College
Alumnus 47:1, p.1
Outlines needs and uses of gifts to College.
47 Loyalty song committee selects two possibilities
College Eye 53:1, p.4

Committee still working on revisions to reflect institutional name change.

48 SCI summer commencement August 10
Public Relations News Release 1960:545, p.1
Professor David Bluhm gives the invocation at the summer commencement ceremony, held in the men's gymnasium. President J. W. Maucker and William C. Lang confer degrees and present candidates. Music is provided by Professors Donald Wendt and David Hahn.
49 ISTC needs costumes, jewelry for drama shop losses
Public Relations News Release 1960:366, p.1
The drama shop is in need of jewelry and clothing from the late nineteenth century after many costumes set to be used for the production of "James Brown's Body" were destroyed in a fire. All costumes were created under direction of Milo Lawton.
50 Assistance grant to needy student made by faculty
College Eye 52:11, p.1
Faculty Men's Club sponsors scholarship.