Leaders on Leadership Series

Displaying 1 - 50 of 56 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI Mediation vs. Arbitration workshop April 24
Public Relations News Release 2007:612, p.1
The "Leaders on Leadership" spring series offers a workshop on "Mediation or Arbitration: Which Should You Use?"
2 UNI's Leaders on Leadership Series continues with media leadership, March 27
Public Relations News Release 2007:513, p.1
Four speakers will lead the seventh "Leaders on Leadership" series lecture March 27.
3 UNI's Leaders on Leadership Series continues educational leadership, February 28
Public Relations News Release 2007:453, p.1
Benjamin Allen and Linda Allen will be speaking February 28.
4 UNI's Leaders on Leadership Series continues with government trio, February 21
Public Relations News Release 2007:425, p.1
The "Leaders on Leadership" series will host its third lecture February 21.
5 UNI's Leaders on Leadership Series to kick off February 7
Public Relations News Release 2007:402, p.1
Gerri Perreault will lead the first discussion.
6 UNI Leadership Series to focus on sexual harassment
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
The Leaders on Leadership series will offer a workshop and lectures on sexual harassment.
7 This Week at UNI
Northern Iowan 102:52, p.6
Schedule of upcoming events.
8 Thursday, April 20
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.2
Leaders on Leadership will offer a workshop and lectures on sexual harassment.
9 Thursday, April 13
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.3
Panel on media leadership will speak at the Schindler Education Center.
10 UNI Leadership Series to focus on media leaders
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
As part of the Leaders on Leadership series, UNI Leadership Studies Program will offer a workshop on Media Leadership.
11 Thursday, March 2
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.2
"Jesus, Mary Magdalene and the Da Vinci Code" part of a four week course offered by UNI's Lifelong University; "Mr. School of Music" competition will be held; Leaders on Leadership series will continue with a presentation by President Koob.
12 Leadership and governance next topics for Leaders on Leadership Series at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
"Reflections on Leadership and Governance" will be the topic of discussion for Robert Koob during the Leaders on Leadership Series.
13 Sexual harassment topic of workshop
Northern Iowan 101:52, p.2
Gwenne Culpepper will present the workshop.
14 Thursday, April 7
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Leaders on Leadership Series continues; UNI Greek Community will sponsor Jump-Around.
15 Thursday, March 31
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
"Media Leadership" is next Leaders on Leadership topic; lecture on 'Christianity, Homosexuality, and the Bible' will be given; Jeff Danielson will give address.
16 Thursday, March 24
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
This week's 'Leaders on Leadership' panel will discuss human rights issues.
17 'Human Rights Leadership' topic for next 'Leaders on Leadership' speaker series
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Panel members will discuss their paths to leadership, influences on their development as a leader and advice for aspiring leaders.
18 Spiritual, religious leadership discussed
Northern Iowan 101:41, p.2
"Spiritual and Religious Leadership" will be the next topic for the Leaders on Leadership series.
19 'Spiritual and Religious Leadership' topic for next 'Leaders on Leadership' speaker series
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Participants include Mohammed Fahmy, Susan Manshadi, Ellen Miller, and Rabbi Jeff Portman.
20 Speakers to discuss environment Thursday
Northern Iowan 101:39, p.2
Environmental Leadership will be the topic of the February 24 Leaders on Leadership series.
21 'Environmental Leadership' topic for next 'Leaders on Leadership' speaker series
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Speakers include Chris Peterson, Bill Stigliani, and Bill Witt.
22 'Government Leadership' topic for next 'Leaders on Leadership; speaker series
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Jon Crews, Rudy Jones, Leon Mosley, and Brendon Moe will discuss their path to leadership and their influences.
23 Workshop on disputes to be held Feb. 10
Northern Iowan 101:35, p.2
A workshop on mediation and arbitration will be given in the Schindler Education Center.
24 'Meditation and Arbitration' topic for next 'Leaders on Leadership' workshop
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Workshop will focus on the importance of arbitrating a dispute.
25 "Leaders on Leadership" series
Northern Iowan 101:31, p.2
Robert Koob and Jane Hasek will speak on educational leadership.
26 UNI's 'Leaders on Leadership' series to begin Tursday, Jan. 27
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
President Koob and Jane Hasek will be the first presenters in the series.
27 What's up
Northern Iowan 99:48, p.3
Meetings and activities planned.
28 Next session of UNI's 'Leaders on Leadership' series features panel of business leaders
Public Relations News Release 2002:434, p.1
Elaine Bruns, David Neil, Helen Seenster and Danielle Stokes will form panel to discuss business leadership.
29 Next session of UNI's 'Leaders on Leadership' series features panel of media leaders
Public Relations News Release 2002:405, p.1
Ann Kerian, Julie Kraft, John Hess and Nancy Raffensperger will form panel on media leadership on April 3.
30 Next session of UNI's 'Leaders on Leadership' series features panel of human rights leaders
Public Relations News Release 2002:396, p.1
Abraham Funchess will join UNI students and faculty on a panel to discuss human rights leadership.
31 Next session of UNI's 'Leaders on Leadership' series features panel of religious leaders
Public Relations News Release 2002:360, p.1
Panel discussion will be held focusing on religious and spiritual leadership.
32 Next session of UNI's 'Leaders on Leadership' series to focus on the environment
Public Relations News Release 2002:337, p.1
Panel discussion will include David Larson, Chris Petersen, Leah Wilson, and Bill Witt.
33 Next session of UNI's 'Leaders on Leadership' series to focus on government
Public Relations News Release 2002:331, p.1
Jon Crews, Emiliano Lerda, Leon Mosley, and George Stigler will form panel to discuss government leadership.
34 Next session of UNI's 'Leaders on Leadership' series to focus on peace
Public Relations News Release 2002:311, p.1
Greg Buntz will present "Peace-Making For Leaders" on February 13.
35 UNI Leaders on Leadership series to present 'Change Leadership' workshop Thursday, April 25
Public Relations News Release 2001:456, p.1
Doug Whittle will lead the workshop, "Strategies and Skills to Transform You from Change Victim to a Change Leader"; this workshop will close the Leaders on Leadership 2002 Series.
36 UNI Leadership series to focus on 'Business Leadership' Thursday, April 18
Public Relations News Release 2001:438, p.1
A panel, made up of DyAnn Longseth, David Neil, and Danielle Stoakes, will speak on leadership in business.
37 UNI leadership series to focus on 'Media Leadership' Thursday, April 4
Public Relations News Release 2001:392, p.1
A panel will discuss the leadership role of the media as a part of the Leaders on Leadership Series. Included in the panel is Julie Kraft, Nancy Raffensperger Newhoff, Jim Porter, Lou Porter, and John Hess.
38 UNI Leadership series to focus on 'Human Rights Leadership' Thursday, March 28
Public Relations News Release 2001:380, p.1
The Leaders on Leadership series allows an opportunity to see how leadership plays a part in all sectors of society.
39 UNI Leaders on Leadership series to focus on environmental leadership
Public Relations News Release 2001:322, p.1
Scott Cooley, Chia-Chi Kuo, Chris Petersen, and David Larson will form the panel for the Leaders on Leadership series.
40 'Government Leadership' topic for Thursday, Feb. 21, Leaders on Leadership series at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2001:306, p.1
A panel of all government-affiliated experts will speak on "Government Leadership" as a part of the Leaders on Leadership Series.
41 'Peace-Making for Leaders' topic for Thursday, Feb. 14, leadership series workshop at UNI
Public Relations News Release 2001:300, p.1
Greg Buntz will lead a leadership workshop, "Peace-Making for Leaders."
42 UNI Leaders on Leadership series on 'Change Leadership' Thursday, April 19 CANCELLED
Public Relations News Release 2000:368, p.1
'Change Leadership,' sponsored by the UNI Leadership Studies Program, is cancelled due to illness of speaker Doug Whittle.
43 What's up
Northern Iowan 97:52, p.3
Activities and meetings; test anxiety workshop; "Picturing Faith: American Religious Life Yesterday and Today".
44 Leadership series presents workshop
Northern Iowan 97:52, p.2
Doug Whittle, manager for Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., will speak.
45 UNI Leaders on Leadership series presents special workshop
Public Relations News Release 2000:364, p.1
Doug Whittle, from Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., will present "Change Leadership" as a part of the Leaders on Leadership lecture series.
46 Human rights addressed in series
Northern Iowan 97:48, p.2
UNI student Andy Moomaw will be one of several speakers speaking on the topic of "Human Rights Leadership."
47 UNI Leaders on Leadership series to present 'Human Rights Leadership"
Public Relations News Release 2000:334, p.1
"Human Rights Leadership" will include a program by Elaine Pfalzgraf, Leo Prieto, Walter Reed, and Andy Moomaw.
48 UNI Leadership series to focus on 'Spiritual/Religious Leadership' Thursday, March 22
Public Relations News Release 2000:310, p.1
Ben Coltvet, Sousan Manshadi, and Father John Haugen will speak.
49 UNI Leaders on Leadership series presents special workshop, 'Peace-Making Leadership'
Public Relations News Release 2000:287, p.1
Workshop on "Peace-Making Leadership" will be held on March 8 as a part of the Leaders on Leadership series.
50 UNI Leadership series continues
Northern Iowan 97:41, p.2
Leaders on Leadership series brings Waterloo and Cedar Falls businessmen and women to speak on business leadership.