Leahy--John (Class of 1985)

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Northern Iowa Alumni Association elects new officcers, board members.
Public Relations News Release 1988:131, p.1
Mimi Kingsbury, president, Kate Murphy, president-elect; Lee Rainey, vice president, Gary Shontz, treasurer; and Noreen Hermansen, secretary. New board members: Joy Corning, Paul Weaver, Dale Gootee.
2 Northern Iowa Alumni Association elects new officers, board members
Public Relations News Release 1987:67, p.1

The Alumni Association board of directors elects new officers and members. The terms of Robert Dieter, Paul Barnes, Robert Justis, Karen Mukai, Kathy Braun, Jim Thielen, and John Leahy expire.

3 UNI Alumni Association Expands its Board, Adds New Members
Public Relations News Release 1985:103, p.1

New members were elected to the UNI Alumni Association board and have conducted major items of business.

4 Distinguished Greek at UNI
Northern Iowan 82:10, p.11
John Leahy named to list of distinguished Greeks of America.
5 Small men play big role
Northern Iowan 81:41, p.23
John Leahy and Dan Dunn are the basketball managers; photo.