Leahy--Robert D. (Registrar)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 64 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Snapshots of UNI Alumni Association events
Northern Iowa Today 95:3, p.31
2 Former Registrar honored
Campus News Network 5:21, p.4
Robert Leahy was honored for his years as a competitive golfer at a tournament and banquet in Cedar Falls July 20.
3 Golfers put drive into real estate program
Campus News Network 3:2, p.1
Tournament raises $27,000 for program.
4 Reorganization trims administrative positions
Northern Iowa Today 19:2, p.5
Eldon Miller named interim Director of Athletics; Morris Mikkelsen named director of facilities planning; Philip Patton named Registrar; photo.
5 Reorganization trims administrative positions
Campus News Network 1:21, p.1
Morris Mikkelsen, Phil Patton, and Eldon Miller take on extra duties; photo.
6 New facilities planning director and Registrar appointed at University of Northern Iowa: Campus Planning and Engineering reorganized
Public Relations News Release 1990:663, p.1
UNI names new director of facilities planning.
7 As University of Northern Iowa Registrar Robert Leahy retires, he leaves behind legacy of computerization of admissions/registration functions
Public Relations News Release 1990:646, p.1

UNI registrar retires.

8 Spring enrollment at University of Northern Iowa breaks record
Public Relations News Release 1990:317, p.1
UNI enrollment increases by six per cent of previous spring.
9 Spring enrollment record official at University of Northern Iowa.
Public Relations News Release 1989:383, p.1
With 11,153 register for spring semester classes, this is the first time spring enrollment has topped 11,000 and breaks previous sprig records.
10 UNI logs highest enrollment ever
Northern Iowan 86:32, p.1
Enrollment is 11,837; Registrar Leahy talks about trends.
11 University of Northern Iowa headed for record spring enrollment
Public Relations News Release 1989:344, p.1
Robert Leahy predicts that the previous spring enrollment record of 10,799 students in 1987 will be broken, with projected enrollment being 11,837 for the spring of 1990.
12 Commencement Committee organizes graduation ideas
Northern Iowan 86:17, p.4
Mr. Leahy talks about the planning involved in staging commencement ceremonies.
13 Increase in new students pushes Northern Iowa fall enrollment over 1988 enrollment cap of 11,500.
Public Relations News Release 1989:23, p.1
Freshmen enrollment is up 4.5 percent, transfers up 15.8 percent, and new graduate student enrollment is up 38.9 percent.
14 Iowa, the Dakotas, lead the nation in number of gold courses per capita.
Public Relations News Release 1988:463, p.1
The top four states ranked in terms of golf courses per capita, three are North Dakota, South Dakota, and Iowa. Bob Leahy explains why it's no coincidence that these three Midwestern agricultural states lead the nation this way.
15 Chairman of regents' committee: 'Not relaxing standards for minorities'
Public Relations News Release 1987:227, p.1
The Board of Regents' Robert Leahy announces that exceptions must be made to meet state minority enrollment requirements.
16 Enrollment drops by 1.3 percent following new cap, requirements
Northern Iowan 84:9, p.5
Fall 1987 is 11,431; officials speculate on causes.
17 UNI fall enrollment comes in under institution's new enrollment limitation
Public Relations News Release 1987:38, p.1
Robert Leahy and Jack Wielenga discuss the new enrollment guidelines placed on the university. Due to more strict admission standards, including raising the grade point requirement, the university saw a decrease of over one percent in transfer admissions.
18 Regents approve new education dean for UNI; other business
Public Relations News Release 1987:406, p.1
The Board of Regents names Professor Thomas Switzer the dean of the College of Education, and Dean Shoars as the director of public safety. Professor John Tarr is named head of the Department of Teaching.
19 Radio News Network Broadcast Briefs
Public Relations News Release 1987:383, p.1
Students consume seventy-five thousand gallons of milk annually. Robert Ross analyzes Robert Dole's chances of winning the Iowa Caucus. Paul Winter outlines the benefits of the Institute for Decision Making Science. Larry Routh predicts employment rates.
20 Schedule book ads save $1,100
Northern Iowan 83:54, p.4
Bob Leahy talks about the reasons for including advertising in the schedule books.
21 UNI sticks with number system for course ID's
Northern Iowan 83:53, p.4
Faculty Senate approves maintaining course numbering system; accept general education report calling for improved staffing and changes in numbering for interdisciplinary courses.
22 Bush declines UNI's invitation to speak at commencement
Northern Iowan 83:45, p.1
Apparently has other engagements; will return to regular Commencement plan.
23 Vice President Bush will be invited as graduation speaker
Northern Iowan 83:40, p.1
Commencement Committee considers possible controversy.
24 Bush's graduation invitation to be decided today
Northern Iowan 83:39, p.1
Commencement Committee will make decision.
25 Most college dropouts do not leave school because of grades
Northern Iowan 83:28, p.4
Registrar Leahy talks about persistence and reasons for leaving college.
26 Minority enrollment drops despite overall increases
Northern Iowan 83:21, p.3
A look at minority enrollment at UNI over the last few years.
27 UNI admissions may tighten
Northern Iowan 83:3, p.4
Bob Leahy comments on possible changing standards; nearly automatic admission may be shifted from upper half of high school class to upper third.
28 Certification requirements stiffened
Northern Iowan 82:41, p.9
UNI Faculty Senate to vote on a proposal that would stiffen teacher certification requirements; would require students to have a 2.4 GPA in their major and minor and not just overall.
29 Record enrollment at UNI
Northern Iowan 82:35, p.5
Spring 1986 enrollment is 10,728.
30 UNI projects record spring enrollment
Public Relations News Release 1986:230, p.1
The official count is expected to be around 10,700 which is a 1.5% increase from last spring; this fall also had record enrollment numbers.
31 Mathematics may be a required course: Gen. Ed. Changes
Northern Iowan 82:20, p.12
Darrel Davis and Robert Leahy talk about a potential new class and its purposes.
32 Enrollment threatens School of Business
Northern Iowan 82:10, p.5
School of Business are meeting to try to determine how to handle surging enrollment.
33 Record enrollment
Northern Iowan 82:7, p.1
Fall 1985 enrollment is 11,514.
34 New calendar changes breaks, semester length
Northern Iowan 81:62, p.1
Semesters will contain 75 instructional days; no fall break; instruction will begin on Mondays; finals week will follow instructional week; Thanksgiving will begin Tuesday evening.
35 Large enrollment seen
Northern Iowan 81:57, p.1
Believes summer enrollment record may be set.
36 Slight enrollment drop
Northern Iowan 81:7, p.4
Fall 1984 enrollment is 11,161; down 43 from Fall 1983.
37 Blue skies, sunshine and books
Northern Iowan 80:57, p.1
Bob Leahy talks about summer school enrollment; may be higher than last year.
38 Review procedures set
Northern Iowan 80:5, p.1
Division of Educational and Student Services will review their own operations.
39 Fall enrollment is second highest in history
Northern Iowan 79:8, p.1
Fall 1982 enrollment is 10,988; Registrar Leahy comments on trends.
40 Summer enrollment high--decline for fall
Northern Iowan 78:59, p.1
Enrollment for summer 1982 is 3771, a 4.1% increase over summer 1981; fall enrollment may decline slightly.
41 Courses save student benefits
Northern Iowan 78:39, p.4
Will hold meeting relating to Social Security benefits.
42 Graduation planned
Northern Iowan 78:23, p.3
Winter commencement will be held for first time in 11 years; Registrar Leahy talks about the ceremony.
43 Spring registration begins Wednesday
Northern Iowan 78:16, p.5
Registration for the spring semester will begin Wednesday.
44 Student grade point averages on the rise
Northern Iowan 78:14, p.1
Grade point averages of men and women undergraduates have risen in the last few years; chart shows averages over last ten years..
45 Service delayed by cuts
Northern Iowan 78:11, p.1
Budget cuts resulted in the elimination of staff positions at UNI. These cuts are mostly non-instructional positions and affect the service areas of the university such as Health Services, the Library, and the Registrar's Office.
46 Official enrollment figures at UNI much brighter, almost tops record
Public Relations News Release 1981:53, p.1
Despite low enrollment projections, the official enrollment for fall semester is the second highest in UNI's history; 10,954 students enrolled.
47 Students say rights violated
Northern Iowan 78:1, p.1
Two students file complaint because their grade point averages were apparently released to ROTC officials in connection with a scholarship offer.
48 Board of Regents makes new appointments
Northern Iowan 78:1, p.7
John Downey appointed dean of Graduate College; Robert Krajewski will head Department of School Administration and Personnel.
49 UNI fall enrollment may be down slightly from last year's record
Public Relations News Release 1981:25, p.1
Registrar Robert Leahy indicates that enrollment may be less than last fall, but more than fall of 1979; estimated enrollment for fall 1981 is 10,700; official count will be tabulated in September.
50 UNI experiences another record enrollment
Northern Iowan 77:35, p.1
Spring 1981 enrollment is 10,365; up 633 from previous spring.