Lecture Committee

Displaying 1 - 50 of 92 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI's CME to host discussions in tribute to Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Public Relations News Release 2009:226, p.1
Rufus Burrow, Jr., Indiana professor of Christian thought and professor of theological social ethics at Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, will discuss his book, "Martin Lucher King, Jr. for Armchair Theologians" at the Book Club meeting.
2 Gulfstream aerospace CEO Allen Paulson to talk on 'the successful entrepreneur' for Northern Iowa's distinguished lectureship series, Oct. 15
Public Relations News Release 1987:71, p.1
The Distinguished Lectureship series begins with the inaugural speech by Georgian aerospace engineer, Allen Paulson. The series was held in the Maucker ballroom, directed by William Calhoun of the Distinguished Lecture Committee.
3 Thornton talk at ISTC delayed four days
Public Relations News Release 1950:203, p.1
Lecture-concert committee Chairman Leland L. Sage announced that due to other commitments, History Professor Harrison John Thornton of the State University of Iowa will not speak Feb. 12, as originally planned. Thornton will speak on Friday, Feb. 16.
4 The Lecture Committee
Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.2
Professor J. B. Paul retires from his service as the Chairman of the Lecture Committee. Professors John Barnes and Winfield Scott continue to serve, along with the newly inducted W. H. Kadesch.
5 Dramatic programs
Alumni News Letter 6:2, p.1
The Lecture Committee presents performances of Henrik Ibsen's "Ghosts" and "Master Builder", featuring Madame Borgny Hammer and Rolf Fjell.
6 Lecture Committee
Alumni News Letter 5:1, p.1
Committee members, responsibilities listed, as well as upcoming events.
7 Lecture Committee
Alumni News Letter 4:2, p.1
A. E. Winship, Earnest Thompson Seton, Lecturer Naturalist, Flonzaley Quartette, Phidelah Rice, dramatic reader; Smith-Spring-Holmes Concert Company, Ellis Parker Butler, reader, and Josef Lhevinne, pianist, presented for Lecture Committee.
8 It is possible to secure this unusual series of pictures?
College Eye 10:1, p.3
Instructive illustrated lecture on social conditions around the world to be given Friday, May 9.
9 Sundry items
College Eye 8:8, p.3
Assorted news items.
10 Shakespeare in movies
College Eye 7:27, p.1
A movie will be shown about the life of Shakespeare; the lecture committee will show a film next week called "The Creation".
11 College calendar
College Eye 7:18, p.8
Meeting and events planned.
12 College calendar
College Eye 7:17, p.8
Meetings and events planned.
13 Booker T. Washington; will appear at I. S. T. C.
Normal Eyte 21:22, p.377
Booker T. Washington will speak as part of the lecture course.
14 Official
Normal Eyte 20:26, p.428

Brief Commencement week schedule; contractor putting roof on new Library; Lecture Committee has done fine work; committee assignments for Parish funeral; literary society work must be protected..

15 Financial report of I. S. N. S. lecture committee for 1906-7
Normal Eyte 17:28, p.435
Budget of expenses and revenues.
16 Statement of receipts
Normal Eyte 12:34, p.531
Financial records for Lecture Committee ofr 1901-1902.
17 The good things are coming
Normal Eyte 12:18, p.273
Lecture Committee has been working hard to secure speakers.
18 The lecture course
Normal Eyte 12:7, p.98
Applauds 1901-1902 season schedule; urges students to attend the performances; A. E. Winship will speak.
19 The Lecture Committee
Normal Eyte 8:35, p.495
Financial statement for 1898-1899, with speakers and fees.
20 The Passion Play
Normal Eyte 8:15, p.205
The Reverend J. J. Lewis presents a lecture.
21 The lecture course
Normal Eyte 8:2, p.26
Cost for subscription is $2.
22 The Lecture Committee
Normal Eyte 8:2, p.26
Professors Ridley and Colegrove make up the committee.
23 The summer term
Normal Eyte 7:33, p.8
Faculty will offer special lectures and entertainment programs during the summer.
24 Robert McIntyre has been here
Normal Eyte 7:33, p.6
Account of recent appearance.
25 Geo. R. Wendling
Normal Eyte 7:28, p.8
Excerpts from address.
26 Major S. H. M. Byers
Normal Eyte 7:25, p.5
Speaks on campus.
27 The Lecture Committee
Normal Eyte 7:24, p.5
Secures two speakers.
28 Since it has been impossible
Normal Eyte 7:23, p.13
No more features in Lecture Series this term.
29 Benjamin C. Chapin
Normal Eyte 7:18, p.6
Description of performance.
30 E. Benjamin Andrews
Normal Eyte 7:15, p.174
Excerpts from address.
31 Remember the Andrews lecture
Normal Eyte 7:14, p.165
32 Since the lecture by Russell H. Conwell
Normal Eyte 7:14, p.158
Questions the connection between character and wealth.
33 We announce a change
Normal Eyte 7:13, p.145
President Andrews will speak on General Lee.
34 The Slayton Grand Concert Company
Normal Eyte 7:12, p.134
Review of the performance.
35 The concert Friday evening
Normal Eyte 7:10, p.110
Musical group will perform.
36 The Ingalls lecture
Normal Eyte 7:9, p.97
Lengthy excerpts from address by John J. Ingalls.
37 Mr. Seerley made the announcement
Normal Eyte 7:8, p.92
President Andrews will likely speak on campus.
38 Robert Martin
Normal Eyte 7:7, p.81
Speaks with Lecture Committee about future engagements.
39 On Friday, October 29
Normal Eyte 7:7, p.73
John J. Ingalls will lecture.
40 At a meeting of the Lecture Committee
Normal Eyte 7:6, p.61
Will send copy of poor review of Mr. Baldwin's lecture performance.
41 On Friday evening, September 24, occurred the first lecture
Normal Eyte 7:4, p.37
Mr. Baldwin speaks on the Arctic.
42 Official News and Notes
Normal Eyte 7:2, p.14
Fall 1897 enrollment highest ever; 114 candidates for graduation in 1898; library improvements successful; museum improving; English faculty working hard to test literary society candidates; E. B. Baldwin will speak.
43 The new Lecture Committee
Normal Eyte 4:28, p.438
Should organize for next year's presentations.
44 The entertainment last Saturday
Normal Eyte 4:28, p.444
Praise for the work of the Lecture Committee.
45 The Smith Sisters
Normal Eyte 4:28, p.442
And in chapel during Sunday services.
46 The concert given by the Smith Sisters
Normal Eyte 4:28, p.439
Description of the program.
47 The Lecture Committee
Normal Eyte 4:26, p.411
Ladies' Ariel Sextette will perform.
48 The lecture course of the school
Normal Eyte 4:22, p.348
Urges students to attend the lectures.
49 The Lecture Committee
Normal Eyte 4:22, p.347
Tickets available for upcoming speakers.
50 Friday evening
Normal Eyte 4:14, p.215
Excerpts from speech by Joseph Cook on "Ultimate America".